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This just in....




I thought MCcain said we would be there for 100 years. So he plans on getting in and taking till the end of his term to get everyone out! Or maybe he will pass on the war to the next unfortunate person in office after him just like W! Geez! :thumbdown


I wonder how many more lives and billions of dollars will be spent during a war lasting that long!?

PS...I also get annoyed when politicians say it is dangerous to withdraw from Iraq! Isn't it dangerous to stay in Iraq also!? Sorry for the rant! ;)

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Come on Bjorn! I know you havent been the most vocal of Anti-Hillary folks around here, but she has been lambasted for doing everything she can to bring Obama down, and now she actually gives an interview to CNN where she says that it would be a "grave error" not to vote for Obama, and instead of being happy, folks don't believe her.


It's crazy how much people really hate her!! I am glad I switched to the Obama team. :)

I love Hillary. I think she would make a better president than Obama, actually. But I think that she thinks that she is uniquely qualified to be president, that this country needs her to be the president, and she will not stop until she IS the president.

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"Dillusional." Somebody needs a copy editor.

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"Dillusional." Somebody needs a copy editor.


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Wow, this thread has been dead for 4 days?? Just read this: Obama tells Tenn.'s GOP: "Lay off my wife".


The attack ad is probably unfair. I'm sure her remarks were off the cuff and not meant the way they came out; but, when you have your wife campaign for you, responses to her words are fair game. If Obama wants to have his wife and kids stay out the campaign, then he shouldn't have them in it.

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Wow, this thread has been dead for 4 days?? Just read this: Obama tells Tenn.'s GOP: "Lay off my wife".


The attack ad is probably unfair. I'm sure her remarks were off the cuff and not meant the way they came out; but, when you have your wife campaign for you, responses to her words are fair game. If Obama wants to have his wife and kids stay out the campaign, then he shouldn't have them in it.

True. But then again - I guess Cindy McCain is fair game too.

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True. But then again - I guess Cindy McCain is fair game too.

Absolutely! I'm sure there will be some investigation into her beer distribution firm and any conflict of interest that's caused Sen. McCain. Spouses are probably one of the biggest pitfalls for modern politicians since when? JFK? Every candidate wants their wife to be like Jackie, but few are. On this topic, has Bill been more of an asset to Clinton's campaign or detriment. I think I'd say detriment, but without his presidency, would she even have the name recognition to become a viable candidate.

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On this topic, has Bill been more of an asset to Clinton's campaign or detriment. I think I'd say detriment, but without his presidency, would she even have the name recognition to become a viable candidate.


Without Bill as president, Hillary wouldn't have exercised her Ladyship with the health care reform. Without that I doubt she would have run for Senator and thus President.

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True. But then again - I guess Cindy McCain is fair game too.


Does Cindy McCain actually speak? Or does she just have her company provide its private jets for her husband's use so that he can simultaneously hold himself up as a champion of campaign finance reform while taking advantage of the very loopholes he adds to campaiogn finance reform bills?



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Absolutely! I'm sure there will be some investigation into her beer distribution firm and any conflict of interest that's caused Sen. McCain. Spouses are probably one of the biggest pitfalls for modern politicians since when? JFK? Every candidate wants their wife to be like Jackie, but few are. On this topic, has Bill been more of an asset to Clinton's campaign or detriment. I think I'd say detriment, but without his presidency, would she even have the name recognition to become a viable candidate.



Does Cindy McCain actually speak? Or does she just have her company provide its private jets for her husband's use so that he can simultaneously hold himself up as a champion of campaign finance reform while taking advantage of the very loopholes he adds to campaiogn finance reform bills?




See what I mean?

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Dear Pastor:


Kentucky and Oregon now hold the keys to our Christian nation's future. Next Tuesday a decision will be made as to which of two candidates is most suited to become the next president of the United States.


One of these candidates, in spite of alleged faults, is a believer in Jesus. The other, in spite of assertions to the contrary is not.


Faith in Christ, and in His atoning blood, is the only hope for salvation.


Sure, hope may be preached, and change may be promised, but without Christ it is a false hope, and a deadly change.


Yes, Christianity may be worn as a politically-correct uniform. Yes, the media may defend, and glorify their chosen one, and attempt to bully his opponent into capitulating. But, as they did in West Virginia, let Christians in the Appalachians, and the Cascades, stand up and say: Enough!


Let Kentucky be the levee that holds the floodwaters of the anticrist.


Let Oregon be the firewall that breaks the brushfire of apostasy, ere it devours our nation.


Onward Christian soldiers!

With Sincerity,

From Concerned Christians

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Wow Aman. That is really something. I really don't know what to say.

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I still don't get how we're supposed to know who's who, as far as references go in that letter.


I'm glad you asked this question, I was confused too.


Of course I suppose I should be overly sensitive and slightly paranoid and just assume they are after my guy.

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See what I mean?


No, actually, I dont see what you mean. On the one hand, a real issue that may contradict one of McCain's central talking points was reported and then promptly forgotten about. And on the other hand, a "scandal" was invented involving Michelle Obama and is now being run on loop in TV ads for maximum affect.


I would fault the Dems for not running an ad about McCain's campaign finance loopholes, but I fear this country is more interested in the shock and awe of Reverand Wright and an "unpatriotic" and "Mulsim" president than they are about actual issues. The Dems would probably be wasting their money on an ad like that.

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I still don't get how we're supposed to know who's who, as far as references go in that letter.


That's because you aren't the intended audience. The people targeted by things like that know exactly who it's referencing.

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That's because you aren't the intended audience. The people targeted by things like that know exactly who it's referencing.

And the fact that it says, "Do as they did in West Virginia" or whatever. You know, where Clinton scraped by.

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