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Dinosaur Jr Headlining Pitchfork Night 3!

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Well this fest just went from being 'good' to 'great' for me!


Too bad they have Public Enemy headlining over Mission of Burma (playing all of Vs) on Friday night. I can't support that. YEEEEEEAAAAA BOYIIIIEEEEE

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  Degenerex said:
Well, I respect the album and enjoy it, but can you imagine Flava Flav on stage now? He's become a parody of himself, if that's possible for someone who wears a full sized clock around his neck.

I don't listen to any of their new stuff, but It Take a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back and Fear of a Black Planet are pretty special, particularly the former. Flav has always played the role of the jester. Nothing new there.

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  sureshot said:
i think they would have been awesome to see 15 years ago, but i dont have real high expectations for this set (although I will be present)

I assume you're talking about Public Enemy?



...'cause Dinosaur Jr. are fucking awesome these days. :yes

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Dinosaur Jr. is the loudest band I have ever seen, with no others coming close. At all. And I've seen Tool live. Dinosaur Jr. is a lot louder. And Awesome. I'll be in Ireland when this happens, and I'm kind of jealous of you all.

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i consider mother nature to be a bitch, as teh ice storm she sent prevented me from seeing teh Dino last december.

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  InGlenntion said:
Dinosaur Jr. is the loudest band I have ever seen, with no others coming close. At all. And I've seen Tool live. Dinosaur Jr. is a lot louder.

I would put Dino Jr. and a Bob Mould show (maybe his second tour, post-Huskers, pre-Sugar) as the loudest I have ever seen/heard.

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