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Speaking of Significant others....

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My wife is at least as much of a music freak as I am. She is always listening to something and, I have no difficulty turning her on to new music -- completely open-minded.


Also -- and it's been a rarity with other gals I've been with -- she's turned me on to several bands that have become favorites.


I love her to death and it's cool that we can share a passion like this.



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i wouldn't say my fiance is as obsessed with music as me but i can easily get her into new bands/artists. she does like to go to live shows (as long as we don't have to stand the whole time. same for me, i'm getting too old!)


the one thing i hate is her obsession w/ american idol & now i'm watching that damn show!

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My girlfriend isn't a HUGE music fan but, living with me, it's kinda rubbing off on her. She's (musically) very open-minded and enjoys me putting on random bands she's not heard of before. More often than not, she likes them to.


She likes coming to gigs too - she's been wowed by both Ryan Adams and The Decemberists in recent years and she still talks about those gigs...


Some of the others she's not been so keen on!! :)

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my wife is a fan of listening to music, but she doesn't proactively seek it out. every once in a while she'll grab a few new albums from iTunes if she catches wind of something new she likes...a lot of soundtracks, as she watches a lot of movies. big fan of 80's new wave/alternative/some pop (go-gos, cure, psychadelic furs, etc.) and electronica/dance music (moby, chemical brothers, groove armada, etc.) as well.


she's definitely no music snob, she has no issue w/ listening to something that would be considered 'popular'. she likes wilco just fine, but if she actually listens to something w/out me turning it on it's always summerteeth.


bottom line, she's very well-rounded.

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The first time I went to my girlfriends place--many years ago now--I spotted some Raymond Carver books and Paul Westerberg CDs on a shelf. I knew right then that things would work out just fine. Though she doesn't like a lot of the "noisier' music I sometimes put on, we both like a lot of the same artists. She even likes Wilco, though not as passionately as me. I see her current CD pile includes Gary Louris, Goldfrapp, Bon Iver, Luc Doucet, Nada Surf, Jason Collett... I like a few of these too :).

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Everyone in the house here are music nuts. My wife likes a great deal of my music, with one glaring exception: she HATES King Crimson. I have no idea why.


She's not a fan of the avant-garde jazz either, come to think of it. :ohwell

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My wife is at least as much of a music freak as I am. She is always listening to something and, I have no difficulty turning her on to new music -- completely open-minded.


Also -- and it's been a rarity with other gals I've been with -- she's turned me on to several bands that have become favorites.


I love her to death and it's cool that we can share a passion like this.





My wife is one step above tone deaf.


She listens to Barry Manilow, Styx and Newsradio.

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If you had to choose one, would you rather be with someone who a general apathy for music but enjoyed it somewhat or one who absolutely loves music but music you can't stand and you're forced to endure it?

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If you had to choose one, would you rather be with someone who a general apathy for music but enjoyed it somewhat or one who absolutely loves music but music you can't stand and you're forced to endure it?

Fortunately my wife seems to be OK with the latter.

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Not like I am and not the same stuff I like. For the most part she listens to it if it sounds nice to her ears and that is the extent of it. She coudl care less about places like this or about seeing the bands live. Pretty much a casual listener.

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Everyone in the house here are music nuts. My wife likes a great deal of my music, with one glaring exception: she HATES King Crimson. I have no idea why.


She's not a fan of the avant-garde jazz either, come to think of it. :ohwell



my wife is the same way. and for some reason i don't get, she doesnt like freak folk. go figure.



really, my wife is always helping me see that i really don't like stuff i think i am supposed to like. for example, tom waits. she likes who she likes and listens to it all the time. that would be christine kane, indigo girls, john prine, low voiced neil young, and of course gillan welch.

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My wife is the same, except she doesn't listen to news radio, she listens to lite-rock (what I call the elton john station).


lite-rock=ick. my orthodontist used to always play that crap in his office so now when i heard stuff like michael bolton, i flash back to those awful appointments.

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my wife and I have about 50% common interest. She love Wilco, Son Volt, UT, Whiskeytown, the Dead, PJ and some others that I truley like if not love. She's not as expirimental as I am, usually she doesn't get to excited about going to shows unless it's an established band that she likes. And i listen to a lot of stuff she down right loathes, as I'm sure a lot of other people do to. Like Phish, she hates Phish with every fiber of her being, I'm assure her she is not the minority on that. But there are many others I listen to that she will walk in and be "What the hell is that?"

She likes alot of typical girl alt John Mayer, DMB, Sarah McClaulin and then the kicker is the JT fixation she has (although I don't hate him, don't like his music much, but don't hate him). But I love her all the same and likewise her with me. She puts up with me spedning money on travelling to concerts, my son was 8 weeks old and she let me go to Deer Creek to see my last Phish shows in '04, so she is ok in my book.

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I met my girlfriend because she was playing Beulah in the dorm. I introduced myself and said that I saw them over the summer, and then she responded that she saw them too, at their final show ever, upon which I responded, "damn you!" Nothing like damning your girlfriend upon first meeting her. Our first date ended up being a Ted Leo concert.


In general we like the same music, however, I don't think she quite gets my love of Wilco or John Vanderslice.

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We both love music. He's introduced me to countless things, and I have done the same for him. We go to shows of all kinds together. As we were walking in to the KRS One show together the other night he mentioned that he tried to get one of his friends to come (HUGE hip hop fan, among a ton of other genres) but ever since he got married 4 years ago he hasn't been to a single show. We both feel very sad for him and very lucky that we have each other. :thumbup

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my wife and I have about 50% common interest. She love Wilco, Son Volt, UT, Whiskeytown, the Dead, PJ and some others that I truley like if not love. She's not as expirimental as I am, usually she doesn't get to excited about going to shows unless it's an established band that she likes. And i listen to a lot of stuff she down right loathes, as I'm sure a lot of other people do to. Like Phish, she hates Phish with every fiber of her being, I'm assure her she is not the minority on that. But there are many others I listen to that she will walk in and be "What the hell is that?"

She likes alot of typical girl alt John Mayer, DMB, Sarah McClaulin and then the kicker is the JT fixation she has (although I don't hate him, don't like his music much, but don't hate him). But I love her all the same and likewise her with me. She puts up with me spedning money on travelling to concerts, my son was 8 weeks old and she let me go to Deer Creek to see my last Phish shows in '04, so she is ok in my book.

My wife doesn't mind Phish - in fact she used to go see them with me in the '90s. But after Garcia died and the whole scene exploded with some of the worst aspects of Dead Tour, she began to actively hate 'em - the fans, anyway.


Still, when that last tour came around she went to those Deer Creek '04 shows with me (along with my kids, who were old enough by then to expose to the 'scene'). I thought it appropriate that the last notes I ever heard the band play was Page's somber ending to the "Coil".


Damn, I miss those guys. :ohwell

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My wife doesn't mind Phish - in fact she used to go see them with me in the '90s. But after Garcia died and the whole scene exploded with some of the worst aspects of Dead Tour, she began to actively hate 'em - the fans, anyway.


Still, when that last tour came around she went to those Deer Creek '04 shows with me (along with my kids, who were old enough by then to expose to the 'scene'). I thought it appropriate that the last notes I ever heard the band play was Page's somber ending to the "Coil".


Damn, I miss those guys. :ohwell

although Trey did almost ruin the ned. He was a little off on that song.


Amen on missing them though. Summers are hard with out them to look forward to at least catching a couple shows on a tour.

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