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What I gleaned from the documentary is the term "global warming" is distinct from the host of ills we have imposed on our environment. I strongly believe we are ruining our soil, water, and air w/ fossil fuel emissions (not Co2), chemical runoff from sewage and industrial farms, blowing up mountain tops, etc.


Global warming now seems like a buzz, one liner, talking point if you will akin to al kie eda , the talleyban, evildoers, etc. I haven't checked the credentials of the scientists in the documentary but it was an awakening to a 'we've been had' moment. I do not believe that the Dems have used it. They don't have to, yet. McSame has flubbed enough recently and Barry has capitalized. Perhaps it is their hole card.


I do wonder how bad Al Gore will look if this sentiment ever becomes widespread. "huh, huh, first Al invented the internet, then global warming, what's next?"


You've had one of those moments, unfortunately, the had-ing taking place is brought to you by the folks responsible for the creation of the documentary - which is to say, you've been had.

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Guest Cousin Tupelo
They need to write an article about how global warming will lead to an increase in bad journalism.

People reap what they sow WRT bad journalism. Bill O'Reilly and Lou Dobbs wouldn't exist without people stupid enough to prop up their soapboxes, buy their books.


Stupidity breeds lack of free thought and illiteracy, which breeds lazy, incompetent "journalists," who's current training is coming from reality TV.

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Guest Cousin Tupelo
What I gleaned from the documentary is the term "global warming" is distinct from the host of ills we have imposed on our environment. I strongly believe we are ruining our soil, water, and air w/ fossil fuel emissions (not Co2), chemical runoff from sewage and industrial farms, blowing up mountain tops, etc.


Global warming now seems like a buzz, one liner, talking point if you will akin to al kie eda , the talleyban, evildoers, etc. I haven't checked the credentials of the scientists in the documentary but it was an awakening to a 'we've been had' moment. I do not believe that the Dems have used it. They don't have to, yet. McSame has flubbed enough recently and Barry has capitalized. Perhaps it is their hole card.


I do wonder how bad Al Gore will look if this sentiment ever becomes widespread. "huh, huh, first Al invented the internet, then global warming, what's next?"

If "global warming" is a sham -- in proportion to the War on Terror and Communist Menace -- then it's a worthwhile sham. If there's no real environmental harm in burning fossil fuels (and, c'mon no one needs to be a conspiracy theorist to deny there are plausible concerns -- that are readily apparent over the past 40 years) this is still other incentives --political and economic the most obvious examples -- of taking measures against those activities which are characterized as causing global warming.


Regardless of the validity and capability of the messenger, the message is valid regardless.


"Global warming's bad, mmm Kay"

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I'm just glad we were able to stop the man made global cooling that was such a concern in the 1970's.

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Sigh, could you please at least number your right wing talking points?


Sorry my supporters at Right Wing Conservative Think Tank Central request that I keep it on the down-low.

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Guest Cousin Tupelo
Sorry my supporters at Right Wing Conservative Think Tank Central request that I keep it on the down-low.

Does RWCTT Central test their bottled water to ensure it's not fluoridated? To maintain their purity of essence?

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Does RWCTT Central test their bottled water to ensure it's not fluoridated? To maintain their purity of essence?


They buy it from the French because we know that Europe is far more progressive in their environmental policies.

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Guest Cousin Tupelo
They buy it from the French because we know that Europe is far more progressive in their environmental policies.

I heard Perrier uses green bottles to disguise the fact that they piss in them. Recycling is an environmental policy.

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Guest Cousin Tupelo
So, just so I have it right.


Using terrorism for political points: Bad.

Using global warming for political points: A-Ok.



They're political points only if you buy into them. My point is an approach to "global warming" has undeniable benefits.


As someone who has edited a publication that looks closely at regulatory agencies, the byproducts of the War on Terror have been expensive, inefficient and bungled policies of TSA, DHS and CBP -- regardless of how well intended the approach has been.


If there was not value and true benefit of being "green" corporations would not be buying into it to the extent they have. It's not only for PR purposes, nor is it necessarily preemptive work anticipating further regulation.

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A recent study of the environmental skepticism movement found that the overwhelming majority of environmentally skeptical books published since the 1970's were either written or published by authors or institutions affiliated with conservative think thanks. The authors identified four defining themes in the movement:

And because they come from conservative think tanks they are immediately invalidated? From my point of view, universities have basically become liberal think tanks.

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They're political points only if you buy into them. My point is an approach to "global warming" has undeniable benefits.


As someone who has edited a publication that looks closely at regulatory agencies, the byproducts of the War on Terror have been expensive, inefficient and bungled policies of TSA, DHS and CBP -- regardless of how well intended the approach has been.


You could look back 20 years from now and say the same hting about global warming policies.

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Guest Cousin Tupelo
You could look back 20 years from now and say the same hting about global warming policies.

Make it 30+ years and you'd get closer to it. U.S. environmental policy has been a dance of one step forward two steps back. Under Dubya, it's been three steps backwards, before he tripped over his own shoelaces and fell over backwards.

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And because they come from conservative think tanks they are immediately invalidated?


That is not my point at all - my point, was that the right, to a larger extent, has turned this into a right vs. left issue. Global Warming and Climate Change (or evolution for that matter) are both politically neutral - the tragedy for the right, I think, is that they continually and increasingly, come down on the wrong side of reasoned, scientifically valid issues such as Global Warming, evolution, etc.


From my point of view, universities have basically become liberal think tanks.


Well, that is because reality has a liberal bias - :lol


The republican party would have been wise to heed the warning of Barry Goldwater -


"But Goldwater was also deeply worried about the Religious Right's long-term impact on his beloved GOP. "If they succeed in establishing religion as a basic Republican Party tenet," he told U.S. News & World Report in 1994, "they could do us in." In an interview with The Post that same year, Goldwater observed, "When you say 'radical right' today, I think of these moneymaking ventures by fellows like Pat Robertson and others who are trying to take the Republican Party and make a religious organization out of it. If that ever happens, kiss politics goodbye."


And this, I think, to a large extent, is where the repulican party finds itself today.

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I'd just like to point out that most reputable scientists will talk about this issue not as "global warming," but as "climate change." The warming is only one aspect of the overall issue. However, it does sound scarier so journalists and politicians will exploit it. The fact that people don't understand the issue (and the term is misleading to the overall issue) leads people to roll their eyes when we achieve record cold temperatures. In fact, these cold temps are predicted by climate change models and reinforce the research. As with the oil issue where price at the pump is the most simplistic and visible symptom it, at the very least, doesn't tell he whole story. So you shouldn't use a really hot day as proof of "global warming" any more than you should use a really cold day as reason to dismiss it.


Look, there is massive consensus on the issue. BUT any good scientist will still tell you they could be wrong. Therein lies the rub. Politicians can exploit that natural, REQUIRED skepticism of the scientific community to delay action until we have "proof." Proof that., for scientists, will never truly come. We should be acting with the best information we have available to come up with the most responsible plan. I can't help but think that had W stood up after 9/11 -- when the country was desperate to do SOMETHING -- and done a Kennedy like "we can be off fossil fuels by the end of this decade" we'd be a lot further down a road that, regardless whether climate change is human-caused, is inevitable.


ETA: I think it bears mention that "global warming" has become a big issue for the Christian Right as well.

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