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I am not full on with this, just considering it. I am watching this documentary with scientists (not Al Gore) and I feel this great burden of fear being lifted that me and you aren't causing global warming and the apocalypse that will ensue. I can't help but feel that Al saw the use of fear as a useful tool to push against the GOP. Yeah, I'm smoking again.


This is not to say we still are not ruining our environment with chemicals and shit like that. Asthma, crap water, crap food, crap aesthetics.


The documentary is called "The Great Global Warning Swindle". I downloaded from 'vuze'


p.s. I haven't thought about how much the Dems are using this for politicking cuz Barry doesn't even need to tap it. With the Middle East and the economy the environment discussion is backseat. Just couldn't help but think about Al Gore.

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The documentary is called "The Great Global Warning Swindle". I downloaded from 'vuze'

Yeah not the most responsible piece of journalism, that one.


But I agree that, while global warming is very real and an issue -- just as terrorism is -- politicians and media will sensationalize the issue for personal gain. An ex-girlfriend of mine is a PhD studying climate change and she will not speak to the media. Most of her colleagues that I have spoken with also feel politics/media and science don't mix all that well. Science, by definition, doesn't operate in absolutes and politics and the media seem to ONLY operate in black and white.

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I am not full on with this, just considering it. I am watching this documentary with scientists (not Al Gore) and I feel this great burden of fear being lifted that me and you aren't causing global warming and the apocalypse that will ensue. I can't help but feel that Al saw the use of fear as a useful tool to push against the GOP. Yeah, I'm smoking again.


This is not to say we still are not ruining our environment with chemicals and shit like that. Asthma, crap water, crap food, crap aesthetics.


The documentary is called "The Great Global Warning Swindle". I downloaded from 'vuze'


p.s. I haven't thought about how much the Dems are using this for politicking cuz Barry doesn't even need to tap it. With the Middle East and the economy the environment discussion is backseat. Just couldn't help but think about Al Gore.

Heya. Just between you and me, I would try to get past the "believing the most recent person or thing I talk to or see" thing. And don't bogart that shit.

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Yeah not the most responsible piece of journalism, that one.


But I agree that, while global warming is very real and an issue -- just as terrorism is -- politicians and media will sensationalize the issue for personal gain. An ex-girlfriend of mine is a PhD studying climate change and she will not speak to the media. Most of her colleagues that I have spoken with also feel politics/media and science don't mix all that well. Science, by definition, doesn't operate in absolutes and politics and the media seem to ONLY operate in black and white.


Wow, alongside American Idol, Boobie shows, and Elephant Face...it seemed pretty, like, scientific and stuff, you know what I'm sayin?


Yeah, I need to seek out more scientists. My life has become engulfed w/ political jibberish. It will only become worse in the coming months, though.

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Heya. Just between you and me, I would try to get past the "believing the most recent person or thing I talk to or see" thing. And don't bogart that shit.

Hey hombre, what is everyone else doing w/ the counterpoint? Green this, carbon tonnage that, we gonna all be gone in a hundred. What is that?


Besides, I didn't say I 'believed' it, just that it was thought provoking.

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I just like how every other day there's a news story linking some current or future problem to global warming. There was recently one saying that climate change will lead to an increase in kidney stones. They need to write an article about how global warming will lead to an increase in bad journalism.

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It didn't become the party's pet issue until it became a big thing amongst voters.


to me, that is a sign of good government/responsible representation. the government should work for the people. the governments job is all about representing the people and talking about issues/policy that concern citizens. a responsive government is a sign that citizens interests and concerns are being listened to and being taken seriously. much of the time, the government is unresponsive to the concerns of citizens, and I see that as a much larger problem.

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politicians, from whatever corner, have to get serious about the fact of global warming. they'll be out of their jobs in short order if they don't, and now they know it.


i wouldn't have thought that six months ago. but gasoline goes up over $4/gallon and within 2 or 3 months' time we have ford backing away in a hurry from producing trucks and suv's, and instead planning smaller cars, and more of them. very soon. and that's just the latest example. amazing.

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to me, that is a sign of good government/responsible representation. the government should work for the people. the governments job is all about representing the people and talking about issues/policy that concern citizens. a responsive government is a sign that citizens interests and concerns are being listened to and being taken seriously. much of the time, the government is unresponsive to the concerns of citizens, and I see that as a much larger problem.


I hope you don't criticize the right for 'exploiting' people's terrorism fears.



And I don't agree that the right made it a political issue. Both sides actively took sides on the issue.

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to me, that is a sign of good government/responsible representation. the government should work for the people. the governments job is all about representing the people and talking about issues/policy that concern citizens. a responsive government is a sign that citizens interests and concerns are being listened to and being taken seriously. much of the time, the government is unresponsive to the concerns of citizens, and I see that as a much larger problem.

I concur with the young lady here. :thumbup

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I hope you don't criticize the right for 'exploiting' people's terrorism fears.



And I don't agree that the right made it a political issue. Both sides actively took sides on the issue.


my main point was just that i disagreed with your initial statement about how politicians change their tune only because the voters do. to me, that is EXACTLY a politicians job. to represent people and their views, which are not static things. when issues like global warming start to be major concerns for citizens, then it is a politicians job to represent their constituents views and concerns within the government apparatus.


but i do agree with you about the left manipulating the fears about global warming and turning it into a left/right divide. just as the right have exploited peoples fear of terrorism.

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Well, yeah, but your reasoning for it makes it sound altruistic. Democrats are politicians too, and they'll do as much to take advantage of a situation as republicans (and you are fooling yourself if you think otherwise).

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Democrats are politicians too, and they'll do as much to take advantage of a situation as republicans (and you are fooling yourself if you think otherwise).

Not to stick my ugly head in where it doesn't belong, but this sums up just about any political "debate" in the last 20+ years. It's a revolving door of the same crap spewed from different angles (not you personally, b2). Crowd-pleasing talk from those in politics on policy/issues and the same bottom line in the end, no matter who's running the joint. I personally think that apathy is close to being justified.

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Well, yeah, but your reasoning for it makes it sound altruistic. Democrats are politicians too, and they'll do as much to take advantage of a situation as republicans (and you are fooling yourself if you think otherwise).


again, i agree with you here.


i don't care about your democrats and republicans. MOST politicians will latch onto an issue and make speeches/pronouncements about it just to get more votes or further their career . yeah i know that.


but IN THEORY, it should not be seen as a negative thing when a politician or party is responsive to the concerns of their constituents and therefore start speaking out on an issue or putting policy initiatives forward that would reflect those concerns. do i think that this occurs perfectly in most systems of government, no i don't. but i wish it did.

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but i do agree with you about the left manipulating the fears about global warming and turning it into a left/right divide. just as the right have exploited peoples fear of terrorism.


I wouldn't be so quick to cede that point- from wikipedia.


A recent study of the environmental skepticism movement found that the overwhelming majority of environmentally skeptical books published since the 1970's were either written or published by authors or institutions affiliated with conservative think thanks. The authors identified four defining themes in the movement:


The "denial of the seriousness of environmental problems and dismissal of scientific evidence documenting these problems"


The "question[ing of] the importance of environmentally protective policies"


The "endorse[ment] an anti-regulatory/anti-corporate liability position"


And the promotion of the idea that "environmentalism [is] a growing threat to social and economic progress and the

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i don't care about your democrats and republicans.

Oh yeah?!?! Well, then, I don't care about your, umm, Maple Leaf and Bacon parties! :shifty

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I wouldn't be so quick to cede that point- from wikipedia.


A recent study of the environmental skepticism movement found that the overwhelming majority of environmentally skeptical books published since the 1970's were either written or published by authors or institutions affiliated with conservative think thanks. The authors identified four defining themes in the movement:


The "denial of the seriousness of environmental problems and dismissal of scientific evidence documenting these problems"


The "question[ing of] the importance of environmentally protective policies"


The "endorse[ment] an anti-regulatory/anti-corporate liability position"


And the promotion of the idea that "environmentalism [is] a growing threat to social and economic progress and the

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What I gleaned from the documentary is the term "global warming" is distinct from the host of ills we have imposed on our environment. I strongly believe we are ruining our soil, water, and air w/ fossil fuel emissions (not Co2), chemical runoff from sewage and industrial farms, blowing up mountain tops, etc.


Global warming now seems like a buzz, one liner, talking point if you will akin to al kie eda , the talleyban, evildoers, etc. I haven't checked the credentials of the scientists in the documentary but it was an awakening to a 'we've been had' moment. I do not believe that the Dems have used it. They don't have to, yet. McSame has flubbed enough recently and Barry has capitalized. Perhaps it is their hole card.


I do wonder how bad Al Gore will look if this sentiment ever becomes widespread. "huh, huh, first Al invented the internet, then global warming, what's next?"

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