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Good one, you apparently have missed the last six months of republican assaults on his: Patriotism, ambition, race, wife, church affiliation, character, heritage etc...

of course the opposition is trying to tear him down. we were talking about the media.

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It's noble of Obama to say that "people's familiaes are off limits. And people's children are especially off limits."


I was trying to think back of presidential candidates who had children -- or at least those younger than 18 -- who couldn't defend themselves in the public spotlight. Beyond JFK, I could only think of Amy Carter and Chelsea Clinton. The former was attacked and ridiculed to no end, and *was* a child. So the right had better be careful about pot kettle black.

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I post on a political board mostly full of conservatives and they are all applauding Bristol's decision not to get an abortion. Noone seems to care she's 17 and unmarried, just that 'well at least she didn't kill her baby which is what Obama would want his daughter to do'.


They will love and cherish Bristol

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when are they going to start tearing down obama? november 5th?

I dunno, the worst thing I've heard them say about McCain is that up until very recently he hasn't run a very interesting campaign. The whole "preachergate" thing Obama put up with over the summer is more scrutiny than McCain's last 8 years of boot-licking has received.

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of course the opposition is trying to tear him down. we were talking about the media.


Are you even willing to admit that Obama did not come prepackaged with nearly as much baggage as Palin? Go back and compare the number of negative McCain stories and the negative Obama stories, and I think you

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of course the opposition is trying to tear him down. we were talking about the media.

The same media that has given St. John the Maverick a free ride for his last decade of presidential campaigns? The worst thing I've heard said about him in the media is that up until very recently he has run a fairly dull campaign.

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The same media that has given St. John the Maverick a free ride for his last decade of presidential campaigns? The worst thing I've heard said about him in the media is that up until very recently he has run a fairly dull campaign.

I'll admit, I don't know much of McCain's history at all, but didn't he and his current wife meet (ie have an affair) when he was married to another woman? Sorry if this is old news, but like I said, keeping up with his life isn't something I've done much of.

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Are you even willing to admit that Obama did not come prepackaged with nearly as much baggage as Palin?

i don't consider a pregnant daughter and when her water broke to be "baggage".


. . . the mainstream media has been fairly consistent in their reportage and criticism.



I'll admit, I don't know much of McCain's history at all, but didn't he and his current wife meet (ie have an affair) when he was married to another woman? Sorry if this is old news, but like I said, keeping up with his life isn't something I've done much of.

did that come to you in a dream, or did you get it from the media?

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yes, because that's what republicans do. they abandon their loved ones in times of need.


No, they undercut or attempt to erase, all together, federal assistance programs aimed at assisting the poor

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"family values"

if you have standards for behavior, then you are required to be perfect. otherwise you're a hypocrit.


apparently, the better way to live is to have no moral standards at all and then you can have as many affairs and illegitimate children as you like.

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I'll admit, I don't know much of McCain's history at all, but didn't he and his current wife meet (ie have an affair) when he was married to another woman? Sorry if this is old news, but like I said, keeping up with his life isn't something I've done much of.

I'm still surprised that the Keating Five is barely even mentioned about McCain's past, and then only a footnote -- something he was liberated from like his POW confinement.


One can say it was nearly 20 years ago, but that is still far more recent than his POW experience.

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I'm still surprised that the Keating Five is barely even mentioned about McCain's past, and then only a footnote -- something he was liberated from like his POW confinement.


One can say it was nearly 20 years ago, but that is still far more recent than his POW experience.

i'm sure we'll be hearing all about it in the next couple months.

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if you have standards for behavior, then you are required to be perfect. otherwise you're a hypocrit.


apparently, the better way to live is to have no moral standards at all and then you can have as many affairs and illegitimate children as you like.


Not saying anyone lives a perfect life, but when one of your party's mainstays is a platform of family values, it's pretty funny that the presidential candidate has had an affair and his VP nominee has a 17 year old daughter who's pregnant and unmarried. And yes I do see that as being hypocritical.

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of course the opposition is trying to tear him down. we were talking about the media.


Umm turn on fox news for that. Exactly what stories are you referring to where the media is trying to tear down McCain & Palin? Stories where they ask a direct question and don't get an annswer so they ask it again and again? Or stories where they are trying to figure out who Palin is or what excatly? How about some concrete examples



Don't forget "baby mama." That has an interesting ring to it all of a sudden ...


And terrorist fist bump - thanks fox news.



i don't consider a pregnant daughter and when her water broke to be "baggage".


did that come to you in a dream, or did you get it from the media?


On the first note many mothers do consider how that was handled to be very poor judgement on her part. As to the second perhaps they got the information about his affairs from John McCain himself and one of his five books? Or mabe from one of his recent interviews where he blamed his affairs on being a POW? This is common knowledge and has been out in the ether for years and years, don't blame the fact that McCain can't keep his dick in his pants on the media.

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