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It's time for a New Election Thread

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Misty morning

Clouds in the sky

Without warning

A wizard walks by

Casting his shadow

Weaving his spell

Flowing clothes

Tinkling bell


Never talking

Just keeps walking

Spreading his magic


Evil power disappears

Demons worry when the wizard is near

He turns tears into joy

Everyone's happy when the wizard walks by


Never talking

Just keeps walking

Spreading his magic


Sun is shining

Clouds have gone by

All the people

Give a happy sigh

He has passed by

Giving his sign

Left all the people

Feeling so fine


Never talking

Just keeps walking

Spreading his magic




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on cnn.com just now:


Sen. John McCain said today he's "very happy" with the way his campaign is going, despite his status in the polls. "I love being the underdog," the Republican candidate said. "You know, every time that I've gotten ahead, somehow I've messed it up."



i guess that was meant to be cute? at this point my advice to mccain would be to try serious therapy, and i'm not kidding.

Out of all the things McCain has said, you take issue with this? What is he supposed to say? Why would saying "I like being the underdog" make you think that he needs therapy?

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Out of all the things McCain has said, you take issue with this? What is he supposed to say? Why would saying "I like being the underdog" make you think that he needs therapy?


say, don't read too much into it. i've taken issue with many, many things mccain has said and done, for a long time. this was just another strange little twist of outlook that doesn't appeal to me given the seriousness of today's national and world issues. and yes, i do think mccain is not particularly healthy in outlook. if you think he is, so be it. fine with me.

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That would be pretty cool to see.
Yes it would.......and it may well happen.....:dancing


At least think of all the folks here (at least the ones here that actually support Barack) that will break out the Wilco records that night and election night too. All the rest of you folks out there...the ones who DON'T support Barack or are voting for some goofy third party candidate....feel free to play Radiohead those nights instead.... :pirate



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say, don't read too much into it. i've taken issue with many, many things mccain has said and done, for a long time. this was just another strange little twist of outlook that doesn't appeal to me given the seriousness of today's national and world issues. and yes, i do think mccain is not particularly healthy in outlook. if you think he is, so be it. fine with me.

I just thought it was standard campaign speak, is all. A line from the script for the underdog.

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Get out your dancin shoes....Wilco is playing an inauguration....



I'm thinkin' a Wilco/Dead double bill, Lou. How awesome would THAT be? :dancing

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I just thought it was standard campaign speak, is all. A line from the script for the underdog.

It's all he has got since Barack is going to hand him his ass on a plate in a couple weeks....




I'm thinkin' a Wilco/Dead double bill, Lou. How awesome would THAT be? :dancing
Yea..that would be fine..throw a bit of Bobby D in there too for good luck....



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Get out your dancin shoes....Wilco is playing an inauguration....




This would be wonderful. Would they play Christ for President do you suppose :lol


Setlist suggestions -- we should start a new thread for that.

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This would be wonderful. Would they play Christ for President do you suppose :lol


Setlist suggestions -- we should start a new thread for that.

I'm workin' on it!

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I saw it this morning. It was all of the above and then some. His answer on the Muslim question was downright inspiring -- and shows the approach of conciliation is always right.


My brother-in law and three nephews are "Arabs" (Cathoilcs though) and have been harassed at airports etc. They are the sweetest, most "AMERICAN", kind , hard working, Baseball playing, lovely guys you would ever want to meet. My brother -in-law worked for the navy for many years (as an engineer). My sister is quite "white" and Unitarian. She was an engineer, then an RN for many years. In retirement, she donates more time and efforts helping people than anyone I know. They are not wealthy by any means. Just average hard working people and they all have decent jobs, homes, families. I was so grateful someone finally pointed out how important it is that we don't say "O'Bama is a good guy, because he is not ARAB or not Muslim." Clearly, he is a Christian, but so what? My "Arab" loved ones are by no means inferior to Palin's pals. I palled around with these ARABs all my life. I hope the petty stuff, the cruel things, the racism doesn't win the day. That's what will give me hope. I am inspired by O'Bama and the promise of some conciliation in the world. My work has always been with disabled people, and you know, it doesn't much matter what color size or shape they come in. I just keep hoping I live long enough to see Americans get beyond that. Vote for Republicans because you think trickle down economics, and less regulation, and overturning Roe v Wade , and whatever else is what you like. Vote for Democrats because they'll push more for middle and lower class tax cuts, and they will raise taxes on people who have more. They'll look for a bottom up economic recovery and the Republicans will continue to tell you that it has to come from the top down. No offense folks but that doesn't seem to be working yet ven with many years of testing the hypothesis. Dems think, like Colin P does, that we need to improve our status in the world, not by being more hawkish, but by being smarter and more flexible while being strong. My life, and that of my family was one heck of a lot better the last time we had 8 years of a Dem,certainly better than the last 8 with Reps. Go ahead and tell me I am just not wise enough to have figured this all out, or please tell me more about how I should trust the "maverick" who sold his soul to Carl Rove and company. I actually used to think McCain might have been a reasonable guy. Not any more. Don't much like ANY pol truthfully - but unless you are wealthy or really do believe in less governement when wealthy folks are doing well and more when they are not, or more when it comes to my personal relationships as these same people always wnat to tell me how to live a good "christian" life, then I just don't comprehend a vote for another Republican, even one who isn't as amazingly ill informed and inarticulate as our last one. Just can't wrap my head around it.


OK that's it. I usually won't talk polictics but I am looking at my daughter, I have faced cancer twice, and worry so much about her future and all the little souls I try to help every day I am actually speaking out. My nephew who is an Iraq war vet can barely make ends meet now that he is back, and his wife is very ill. I really want to be hopeful.



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I just thought it was standard campaign speak, is all. A line from the script for the underdog.


maybe it was. i don't think so. i think it goes along with mccain's beloved self-image as a "maverick" (no matter how delusional that may be). he sees himself as a fighter -- he likes to fight, that's how he feels he operates best, he frequently and proudly talks in fighting terms. in his view underdog = fighter, or reason to fight. that's what i hear from him. it's his most standout quality, that pride in fighting. i think it has huge inherent limits, represents tunnel vision, is dangerous and unhealthy and unproductive, and is the last thing we need.

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Shh, don't say that yet. Too soon. No jinx allowed. I'll give you a interweb high five when it's for real.

At our local campaign office, we were told that Obama himself would smack us down for even thinking this thing was over.

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I've learned my lesson .... from election nights for Reagan, Bush I and Shrub. And with McCain stacking up his own serious endorsements, at best I could claim to be cautiously optimistic.

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I've learned my lesson .... from election nights for Reagan, Bush I and Shrub. And with McCain stacking up his own serious endorsements, at best I could claim to be cautiously optimistic.



my husband just told me to be optimistic and not act like a "Cubs fan." he's been a Cubs fan way longer than me :rolleyes

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I've learned my lesson .... from election nights for Reagan, Bush I and Shrub. And with McCain stacking up his own serious endorsements, at best I could claim to be cautiously optimistic.


:) thanks for that, i needed it!

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