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Blurb About the New Album

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also, I hate the misconceptions about Sky Blue Sky, like the band went flaccid or something: JT and the boys haven't lost some kind of magical powers they had previously. You hear them talk about Sky Blue Sky and it was a conscious effort to just write songs. It wasn't some kind of "oh I've stopped smoking cigarettes and popping pills so now I'm weepy and writing cutesie soft rock because my powers are gone." It was just about the guys getting together and making simple, beautiful songs. No reinventing the wheel. JT has also pointed out the lack of credit he's been given at every turn ("oh that record was Bennett, and that record was JOR, and that record was the pills.."). These are damn brilliant guys and they aren't ignorant. I'm not saying the next album is going to be a crowning achievement, but I don't think these guys are all of the sudden out of touch with their craft and going to repeat themselves and try and reach for something they used to be.


also, maybe I'm painting with a broad brush (I could see how people could find SBS boring, but..) but is it so hard for the SBS dislikers to find beauty in something that isn't "innovative"? Is it that easy for people nowadays to dismiss top notch craftsmanship bottled in 13 songs?

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also, maybe I'm painting with a broad brush (I could see how people could find SBS boring, but..) but is it so hard for the SBS dislikers to find beauty in something that isn't "innovative"? Is it that easy for people nowadays to dismiss top notch craftsmanship bottled in 13 songs?


For sure. I have a regressively juvenile record collecting habit. I have never heard an album that sounds and feels quite like SBS. It is not hugely original yet its completely one of a kind.

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'an embarassment of riches' would make a boss album title. or they could just call it 'fuck like a beast II'. either way, i'm looking forward to something new and, hopefully, a little more interesting. i don't think i can say that 'SBS' was bad, i just didn't really care for it. only album in their catalog i can say that about.

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also, maybe I'm painting with a broad brush (I could see how people could find SBS boring, but..) but is it so hard for the SBS dislikers to find beauty in something that isn't "innovative"?

I can find beauty in simple songs.


SBS's songs just weren't as good as Wilco's other post-BT songs.


It's still a pretty good album. But I'd like it if their next album wasn't in the same vein (I don't think it will be).

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Probably doubtful again. Last I heard Jim was still busy w/ film stuff in Japan and oh so slowly finishing off some new solo ideas. I suppose that doesn't take it completely out of the realm of possibility.


I would gladly wait at least another year for the next album if it meant that Jim O'Rourke was involved.

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also, I hate the misconceptions about Sky Blue Sky, like the band went flaccid or something: JT and the boys haven't lost some kind of magical powers they had previously. You hear them talk about Sky Blue Sky and it was a conscious effort to just write songs. It wasn't some kind of "oh I've stopped smoking cigarettes and popping pills so now I'm weepy and writing cutesie soft rock because my powers are gone." It was just about the guys getting together and making simple, beautiful songs. No reinventing the wheel. JT has also pointed out the lack of credit he's been given at every turn ("oh that record was Bennett, and that record was JOR, and that record was the pills.."). These are damn brilliant guys and they aren't ignorant. I'm not saying the next album is going to be a crowning achievement, but I don't think these guys are all of the sudden out of touch with their craft and going to repeat themselves and try and reach for something they used to be.


also, maybe I'm painting with a broad brush (I could see how people could find SBS boring, but..) but is it so hard for the SBS dislikers to find beauty in something that isn't "innovative"? Is it that easy for people nowadays to dismiss top notch craftsmanship bottled in 13 songs?


Exactly, that record wasn't a mistake , I personaly love what it is and will never be concerned with what it isn't and last time i checked I dont like bad records.

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>only album in their catalog i can say that about.


you forgot about A.M.




I think there are some of us who like AM a lot, and this kind of post always rubs me the wrong way. AM was interesting if nothing else, and felt like it at least related to something real: underclass midwest experience / being a young man whose best options are the kind of non-options that involve the riverboat casinos and hopeless relationships. AM has always felt like a p.s. to Anodyne, and how can that be so bad? And how can you not like "It's just that simple"?? Ach, I do not get AM haters.


In other words, here's to uncharted waters, and the best still lying ahead... But I'd be hella happy if the next album has some AM vibes to it. Which isn't like totally impossible, I love the way the band has been playing the remaining AM songs w/ the current lineup. especially the aforementioned stiratt tune

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I think there are some of us who like AM a lot, and this kind of post always rubs me the wrong way. AM was interesting if nothing else, and felt like it at least related to something real: underclass midwest experience / being a young man whose best options are the kind of non-options that involve the riverboat casinos and hopeless relationships. AM has always felt like a p.s. to Anodyne, and how can that be so bad? And how can you not like "It's just that simple"?? Ach, I do not get AM haters.


In other words, here's to uncharted waters, and the best still lying ahead... But I'd be hella happy if the next album has some AM vibes to it. Which isn't like totally impossible, I love the way the band has been playing the remaining AM songs w/ the current lineup. especially the aforementioned stiratt tune


I like am. and Im 20 yrs old, I think A.M is a great mid 90s record if I were Cristagu i'd say B+

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Guest Hollinger.
I think there are some of us who like AM a lot, and this kind of post always rubs me the wrong way. AM was interesting if nothing else, and felt like it at least related to something real: underclass midwest experience / being a young man whose best options are the kind of non-options that involve the riverboat casinos and hopeless relationships. AM has always felt like a p.s. to Anodyne, and how can that be so bad? And how can you not like "It's just that simple"?? Ach, I do not get AM haters.


In other words, here's to uncharted waters, and the best still lying ahead... But I'd be hella happy if the next album has some AM vibes to it. Which isn't like totally impossible, I love the way the band has been playing the remaining AM songs w/ the current lineup. especially the aforementioned stiratt tune



It's almost always the same guy that pops up to diss AM too. I don't think he understands that a lot of us love that album. It's not like it's universally panned.

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also, I hate the misconceptions about Sky Blue Sky, like the band went flaccid or something: JT and the boys haven't lost some kind of magical powers they had previously. You hear them talk about Sky Blue Sky and it was a conscious effort to just write songs. It wasn't some kind of "oh I've stopped smoking cigarettes and popping pills so now I'm weepy and writing cutesie soft rock because my powers are gone." It was just about the guys getting together and making simple, beautiful songs. No reinventing the wheel. JT has also pointed out the lack of credit he's been given at every turn ("oh that record was Bennett, and that record was JOR, and that record was the pills.."). These are damn brilliant guys and they aren't ignorant. I'm not saying the next album is going to be a crowning achievement, but I don't think these guys are all of the sudden out of touch with their craft and going to repeat themselves and try and reach for something they used to be.


also, maybe I'm painting with a broad brush (I could see how people could find SBS boring, but..) but is it so hard for the SBS dislikers to find beauty in something that isn't "innovative"? Is it that easy for people nowadays to dismiss top notch craftsmanship bottled in 13 songs?


I like and appreciate your passion, but I completely disagree with just about everything in your post. I think there's a way to defend the way you feel about SBS without dismissing the opinions of those of us who feel differently about it. With a few exceptions-- and most of them are trolls-- there aren't too many of us on here who are underwhelmed with the album who have insulted people that like it. I've tried kept my focus on my issues with the album itself-- the songs just aren't there for me, it doesn't flow as well as whole, it hasn't really gotten much better as I've re-listened to it, etc.


I actually liked the idea of the band getting together and just writing songs in the studio and playing it live. Van Morrison did Astral Weeks that way, the Band recorded most of their best stuff in a similar fashion as well. My issue with Sky Blue Sky isn't the production, it's the songs themselves. If you strip all the bell and whistles of YHF, you'd still have a set of eleven damn good songs. Take the keyboards off of Summerteeth, still have an excellent set of music. Take the sonic weight off of AGIB, the songs are there. Being There, same thing. But there's a pretty big quality difference between Walken and Shake it Off and Jesus, etc and Ashes in my humble opinion. I think that's the overarching issue the majority of the SBS detractors-- and only a few VCers have called it a bad record (it isn't Wild Life or anything), but there are people that find it pretty underwhelming.


Now, I don't happen to think anything any things you mentioned-- pills, Bennett, O'Rourke, etc-- had anything to do with this. Do I prefer Jay and Jim's work with the band to SBS? Yes. Do I think throwing them into the mix would have made SBS a better record? Probably not. Mellotrons and white noise would make me like Shake it Off anymore.


I think Jeff's overall approach to songwriting on SBS just wasn't as interesting to me as it's been in the past. Overall the lyrics aren't quite as interesting, some of the melodies veer dangerously close to old Wilco songs, and I lost interest in the album pretty quickly. I don't think he's lost it at all, he wrote great songs for the Loose Fur record two years ago, and there are songs on Sky Blue Sky that I do really like.


It's way too early for me to even begin to speculate on the new album. The new songs are still works in progress as far as I am concerned, we'll see what happens. As long as it's good, I'll be happy, and even if it's underwhelming they are still one of the most exciting live acts going.



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It's almost always the same guy that pops up to diss AM too. I don't think he understands that a lot of us love that album. It's not like it's universally panned.


I think it's weak, but I hope I don't share that info in a way that makes people on here hate me.


I like talking to yall more than I dislike AM.

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Now, I don't happen to think anything any things you mentioned-- pills, Bennett, O'Rourke, etc-- had anything to do with this. Do I prefer Jay and Jim's work with the band to SBS? Yes. Do I think throwing them into the mix would have made SBS a better record? Probably not. Mellotrons and white noise would make me like Shake it Off anymore.


I think Jeff's overall approach to songwriting on SBS just wasn't as interesting to me as it's been in the past. Overall the lyrics aren't quite as interesting, some of the melodies veer dangerously close to old Wilco songs, and I lost interest in the album pretty quickly. I don't think he's lost it at all, he wrote great songs for the Loose Fur record two years ago, and there are songs on Sky Blue Sky that I do really like.



I hate when JOR's contributions are dismissed as just adding noise. My impression (and granted I have no inside info to back this up) is that Jim challenged Jeff to get more creative. I think your point about the great stuff on BAitUSA is evidence of that. I actually don't even really like the white noise. I think Jim -- and to some extent Jay -- pushed Jeff to think differently. For example, my favorite Wilco song is Poor Places, but I almost always skip to the next track when the noise takes over. It's not the noise I appreciate or that i think makes it different and interesting. It is the fact that the song takes some unexpected turns. It would have been easy to make that song a simple verse/chorus/verse song (see Punch Brothers' version), but if that choice would have been made, i think the song would have a LOT less impact. I think if JOR had been involved, you wouldn't simply have SBS with noise, you'd have completely different songs.

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I hate when JOR's contributions are dismissed as just adding noise. My impression (and granted I have no inside info to back this up) is that Jim challenged Jeff to get more creative. I think your point about the great stuff on BAitUSA is evidence of that. I actually don't even really like the white noise. I think Jim -- and to some extent Jay -- pushed Jeff to think differently. For example, my favorite Wilco song is Poor Places, but I almost always skip to the next track when the noise takes over. It's not the noise I appreciate or that i think makes it different and interesting. It is the fact that the song takes some unexpected turns. It would have been easy to make that song a simple verse/chorus/verse song (see Punch Brothers' version), but if that choice would have been made, i think the song would have a LOT less impact. I think if JOR had been involved, you wouldn't simply have SBS with noise, you'd have completely different songs.


Yeah, I apologize that I overly simplified things there, I was trying to poke a little fun at the common perception that all Jay did was add keyboards and all Jim does is add white noise, neither of which are true. However at 1 a.m., I couldn't quite figure out how to get that across. I'm of the opinion that O'Rourke might be the best thing that happened to Wilco, not only for his production work but since he was involved in introducing Jeff to Glenn, which lead to Glenn joining the band.


O'Rourke was involved with SBS and mixed it, but that version never saw the light of day. I am pretty sure if he had the same set of songs, there really isn't much he could have done with them to make me feel any differently about the album.




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I dont think the record would be different song wise or arrangments, I just think it would have sounded completely different mixwise-- something that actually might have made the record more interesting for other people. JOR mixes records crazy good...There might not be so much special about his records I think, but the mix is so different and good.

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Nels talks about the new album. I think we've already seen this, but I decided to post it anyway.



Expect the unexpected

By Saby Reyes-Kulkarni on December 3, 2008


Will alternative music darlings unveil material off the new album at the Auditorium Theatre show? You

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Question: Are the Wilco engineering demo's an indication of what the record sounded like before O'Rourke got a hold of it? I don't remember it being much more noisier, but the songs are definitely different than the release..

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