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Do People in Your Area know Wilco?

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I live in CT and only know a few folks who have heard of Wilco and even fewer who like them.


CT in the house! Hi! Yeah, as far as I can tell, Western CT is a Wilco wasteland. I am forever bemoaning the fact that I've never met anyone around here who has ever heard of them. I'm lucky to have my husband as a rock show partner and fellow Wilco fanatic. If I knocked "must love Wilco" off my friend criteria I would probably see a sharp spike in my social life...


Strangely though, when I go to concerts nearby, which I have been lucky enough to do...


Between the Pines, Calvin, Schubert and Tanglewood, we have had quite the wealth of Wilco shows in recent years, particularly for such a teeny state. Very lucky indeed! They must really like us!

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(Sidenote: The bass player knew an even lesser known dude from Chicago too, the great Robbie Fulks ;) I was COMPLETELY pumped!!!)
Robbie has a relatively large fan base although clearly not as large as Wilco I suppose.


Okay so I use some form of Wilco for my work passwords and I was having trouble with a program and gave the tech guy at work my passwords and he didn't say anything about Wilco or the fact that I use viachicago for a password too. He thought it should be "viva Chicago" and started singing Viva Las Vegas with Chicago....pretty funny.



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During the late pre-Nels era, we took a Wilco poster to an arts/crafts store to be framed. A young girl (mid teens probably) with a Strokes shirt on complimented our poster and said she likes Wilco.


Also, there's a person who parks their car in the same deck as me in downtown Atlanta that has two Wilco stickers on the back of their car.

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Robbie has a relatively large fan base although clearly not as large as Wilco I suppose.

Clearly as I have NEVER met a single person before this guy who knew Robbie.

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Most people I know are clueless about Wilco, except for my husband- who I converted! Though at the March show here in Tulsa at Cain's Ballroom, I saw my daughters Nurse Practitioner across the way....shocked me for some reason.


Oh, and last weekend, I was photographing a high school senior (I'm a photographer) who was very into music, very adept guitar player, etc...so I mentioned Wilco and Cain's, and he says, "Wilco...?" and rolls his eyes. So, I was shocked that he actually knew the band and flabbergasted by his reaction. No free wallets for him.

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I live in Sydney, Australia in a suburb called Enmore, which is where Wilco has played the last two times they've been here (at the Enmore Theatre).

It seems like everyone I know knows the band. I've been following since Uncle Tupelo days, and have done my best to turn folks onto them. I remember a couple of years ago, my mom and dad popped around and my mom says, "Oh, that band that you like, they were on television last night. It was a black and white documentary about them." I was gobsmacked. "Your father and I really enjoyed it. That Jeff seems like a funny man."

I've turned numerous g/fs onto them as well. At the last Enmore show, there were quite a few people there that I had turned on to Being There and Summerteeth some ten years ago through some radio shows I used to do. Around here where I live, it's the preferred inner city area code for the coolsies and they all love Wilco now.

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Actually, I'm always surprised at how many people know Wilco around here in upstate South Carolina. I'd say about 90% of the time when I ask someone, they have heard of them but haven't heard much of their music. Then about 70-80% of the time, they are very familiar their music.. YHF is a common favorite, most familiar record.

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recently gave my brother the down on wilco after a billy nragg show in ithaca some guy kept shoutlmg tweedy hope i got him interested enough to attend the rochester show I'n a little jealous cause I'm inboston A whole night of wilco in a theatre setting!!! My professiona Wife doesn't umderstand whynone of her friends never heard of a band m.e and my five year old love. But most all musicians/artists I know have heard of the greatest american band. Sympathies to left coast NY fans-Death Cab For Cutie the horror.

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recently gave my brother the down on wilco after a billy nragg show in ithaca some guy kept shoutlmg tweedy hope i got him interested enough to attend the rochester show I'n a little jealous cause I'm inboston A whole night of wilco in a theatre setting!!! My professiona Wife doesn't umderstand whynone of her friends never heard of a band m.e and my five year old love. But most all musicians/artists I know have heard of the greatest american band. Sympathies to left coast NY fans-Death Cab For Cutie the horror.

Did you have the same english teacher as Panther? the horror

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I have not met a soul who knows who Wilco are. Then again it might be because of my age. Although there are young people in my town (as there would be in any town, duh) and nobody has shown a glimmer of recognition when I have worn a Wilco t-shirt. My daughter who is 22 doesn't have any friends into the band either. Sometimes it makes me feel smug, like it's my little secret!

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recently gave my brother the down on wilco after a billy nragg show in ithaca some guy kept shoutlmg tweedy hope i got him interested enough to attend the rochester show I'n a little jealous cause I'm inboston A whole night of wilco in a theatre setting!!! My professiona Wife doesn't umderstand whynone of her friends never heard of a band m.e and my five year old love. But most all musicians/artists I know have heard of the greatest american band. Sympathies to left coast NY fans-Death Cab For Cutie the horror.





I mean...Wow.

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i dont know, i live in chicago and go to columbia college, and I asked one of my classes today who had heard of wilco and it was a good 75% (15 of 20), people even started rattling off album names

Agreed... they are very well known in Chicago. They sell out three consecutive nights at the Auditorium Theatre, are in the Tribune/press regularly. I'd have to say that most people between 20-40 have at least heard of them.

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Oiy...man oh man. My friends know so little about Wilco and moreso Jeff that they assume my pic of me and Jeff (found on my MySpace and Facebook) is me and my new boyfriend...lololololololololololol


God! IF they BOTHERED to read the captions they'd know better!!! :stunned

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Your BF is awfully cute... what's his name :P

Oh come on now....dude needs to find a razor, yes? :lol

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I live in Columbia, MO, so yes, I have met quite a few people that know/like Wilco and Uncle Tupelo. Oddly enough at the MU Health center, one of the doctors there used to work at a record store with Tony Margherita and a friend of mine from High School's mom went to High School in Belleville and knew Jeff and Jay.

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