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Do People in Your Area know Wilco?

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My wife, son, three brother-in-laws, one sister-in-law, four co-workers, and three teenagers at the high school where I teach and of course myself....To be exact......But the Schubert Theater sold out in minutes back in February, just minutes away......The right people know......Why spoil it?.......I can still get tickets whenever they play near where I live.....

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The only convert I have is my 14 year old son.....oh well.


It's actually a blessing- allowing for intimate venues , failry (cough cough) easy access to tickets.


I'd really hate for the "Touch of Grey" syndrome to hit these guys......selfish, I know, I know....

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(Too many replies to quote individually.)


Long story short, I know three other Wilco fans in Rochester, one in Elmira I converted (he'll be going to the show with me), and a couple on another board from Nashville and Houston respectively. That's it.


While I have to admit to listening to very little music radio in Rochester, I can't think of a single station that would conceivably play them. There is one local radio "personality" who used to do a somewhat eclectic Saturday music show who I suspect is into them, but that's only a presumption. And even if he is a fan, he's been off the air for a while, so there's no chance of him talking them up.


Basically, it's exactly what LouieB said, they aren't played to the masses so the masses don't know. IMO part of that is in the difficulty of classifying their music. Since it doesn't neatly fit into a slot, no one will take a chance on them - and forget "alternative" radio. That's become as predictable a genre onto itself as any other.


But as been said before, at least this means I can always get tickets.

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I will say this, of all the places I have been, I have ran into more Wilco fans in Rochester than any other place. But I did not move to Rochester till after Sky Blue Sky had been out for a while and wasnt sure if that album was making them a little more widely known and thats why I was meeting more people who knew them.

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I'm in NJ, and most Wilco fan I've met have been waiting online at Wilco concerts. Whenever I get that dull-eyed, vacat stare when I mention Wilco, I say, "They've been on Sat. Night Live, Leno, Letterman, Conan AND Colbert." I then go into, "Rememberr that Volkswagon commercial, when the guy steals the guy, puts the top down, and then drives around to a gorgeous song sung by an equally gorgeous voice?" And the dull-eyed, vacant stare continues. It's a sad, sad world that does not know Wilco.


I did meet on guy who was a big fan, but he ended up being a crack addict. I hope he's not reading this? Then there was some guy on match.com who blew me off. I guess being a Wilco fan does not necessarily mean your a good guy.

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I did meet on guy who was a big fan, but he ended up being a crack addict. I hope he's not reading this?

I prefer "aficianado" over addict. I can stop whenever I want.

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I had a guy run up to me in a parking lot when I had "Sky Blue Sky" cranked right after it came out. We chatted for awhile about Wilco, then he handed me a CD of "The Nationals" he thought I would like (which I did). They are out there but I don't meet many of them.

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Since '99 I've met three people in eastern NC who know about Wilco and know of three others (friends of friends). Tried to recruit a few people, but most have a hard time getting past the no real answer they get to their first question, "What kind of music do they play?" Got a few responses of: "Never heard of them. Must not be any good." Have actually converted a couple of people and have an old blues and rock fan on the fence (Shouldn't have started him out on "The Egg Album" ~ as he calls it.) I can, however, drive an hour-and-a-half west to Chapel Hill and find about 1000 Wilco fans!


Round here, though, Wilco is a gas station.

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I'll put it this way - when I tried explaining them to somebody I work with, they said, and I quote, "they sound like a bunch of fucking commies"; do I really need to say anything else?


Granted this was also the same person I once heard comparing Clinton to Hitler. :-O

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I'll put it this way - when I tried explaining them to somebody I work with, they said, and I quote, "they sound like a bunch of fucking commies"; do I really need to say anything else?


Granted this was also the same person I once heard comparing Clinton to Hitler. :-O

Sounds like it is time to move....



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I'll put it this way - when I tried explaining them to somebody I work with, they said, and I quote, "they sound like a bunch of fucking commies"

And, wtf is wrong with THAT, I ask you? ;)

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This thread hits home, big time. Nobody...and I mean virtually NOBODY I mention them to knows who Wilco are but yet when I go to their concerts here in the Detroit area, the place is always packed with the greatest people. And I always ask myself; "Self...who are these people?" "Where have they been?"


In retrospect I guess I kinda like that Wilco flys under the radar, makes it easy to get good tickets and I never have to worry about them playing some crappy arena. I like my theater shows, thank you very much.

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So after posting to this thread, what do you suppose happens to me the other night?!?



I go to see this local band I'm been following around and I'm wearing my Wilco 'attack with love" sweatshirt and some guy says to me "Wilco...cool shirt!". I stopped DEAD in my tracks. "You KNOW Wilco?!?" And the guy was like "Yea" and starts on about the Woody Guthrie stuff and other things like I was some fly by night fan. We talked for about 20 mins or so and it turned out he was the drummer sitting in with the band for the night.


Then LATER during one of their breaks I went to say hello to the lead singer and I started talking to the bass player too. He not only knows and likes Wilco. He told me about his most amazing musical experience ever which was seeing just Jeff & Jay Bennett at the Iron Horse in Northampton, MA. I almost fell over!



Sooooooooooooo weird but very, very cool!!!




(Sidenote: The bass player knew an even lesser known dude from Chicago too, the great Robbie Fulks ;) I was COMPLETELY pumped!!!)

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I had some peeps over at my house last night and they brought along a guy I haven't met before. He noticed my Wilco goodies and was admiring my autographs/stub. I loaned him "Learning How to Die." It was neato.

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I loaned him "Learning How to Die."

Just make sure the dude gets it back to you. I lent someone my copy of "Heavier Than Heaven" over a year ago and have yet to get it back. I sent many a polite email but no response. And it makes me even more sad because it was one of those nicely worn copies that I took notes on and stuff. THAT copy is what I want NOT a new one to replace it. It just wouldn't be the same. *HUGE sigh*




Back to the regularly scheduled programming...

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> And I always ask myself; "Self...who are these people?" "Where have they been?"


i though the same thing down here in 2007. they played a venue that holds about 3 or 4 thousand people. i was surprised that they chose that venue and though it'll be half empty - but it was packed out. i even bumped into a girl that i work with and never knew she was a fan after all these years!

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Hello everyone, my first post!!!!


I am from Toronto, i have never met a Wilco fan here. I have introduced friends & family to Wilco


but I still don't think they get it. My wife is lukewarm to them.


I had never heard of them until i went to Farm-aid in Chicago a few years back.


A guy i was sitting near was a huge fan of Wilco. ( his wife said he was obsessed). I understand now.


They reminded me a bit like a band called Blue Rodeo from the Toronto area. Kinda Alt country with a huge


Canadian following. Influenced by The Band(sound familiar) Worth checking out. (recommend the album 5 Days in July).


I am a huge Neil Young fan so i am thrilled to be seeing Neil & Wilco on the same bill together on Dec 4th.


Looking forward to them playing a full show at a smaller venur next time(Massey Hall) which i missed last time.


Anyways have a rockin Wilco Goodtime!!!!


Madmur (i am not really mad!!)

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Sheboyan Wisconsin:



I think I know everybody in this county that is into Wilco. I could be wrong, though.


If you are from Sheboygan County, and not know me, you should drop me a line.



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