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WILCO - 10/10/09 Memphis, TN

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Holy cow, what a show! I was able to get in the little press area and was right in front of Jeff the entire show...Literally the best spot in the entire Orpheum theatre...


But seriously, guys...It went down tonight. Jeff stopped after a couple songs to say "We let you do just about anything you want, but don't film us. You are ruining your memories by capturing them with an imperfect medium. Sure you can show the video to your friends, but thats your memory." So, he told everyone to stop filming them with cameras and phones. This girl right next to me waits a song or two, but then she starts filming him again (may have been Impossible Germany, so you can't blame her). He walks over to the edge of the stage, bends down and says "What is wrong with you?" and takes her cell phone from her. After a couple of songs he has a little talking break and says something to the effect of "I feel really horrible, but i asked nicely." She starts yelling that she is sorry and that she loves him and then takes a swig from a flask. He sees that and says "Now you're drinking out of a flask? You really have no respect for yourself....or anyone else." And she got upset and left. He finally gave the phone back during the first encore, but man, that was intense.


As far as setlist goes, i got Jeff's so i will post it tomorrow morning when i am a little more awake. Great great great show with a special guest and some appearances by Liam Finn and Eliza Jane.


did anyone tape this show? I would love to hear exactly what Jeff said to that girl again. It was a pretty scathing line.


also: Glenn sat in with Liam Finn and EJ and played one of their songs and also....CINNAMON GIRL! That was definitely one of the highlights of the night for me. It sounded SOOO good

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I was 2 rows back from you...man, he really let that chick have it...jeff was not happy


set list was very good... a few highlights--country disappeared, theologian, box full of letters...they covered a big star song with jody on drums...cool stuff...


Liam Finn (and EJ) rules!!

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They covered In The Street with Jody Stephens on drums, and John and Pat doing their best combined Chris Bell on lead vocals. I don't think I've ever been so surprised at a Wilco show. It was amazing!


Also, Country Disappeared! Major highlight for me. Cinnamon Girl, too, during Liam and EJ's set. What a crazy night.

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Yeah, quite a night in Memphis. The crowd up front was, um, interesting, to say the least. But the musical highlights were pretty amazing... :rock


I'm sure there will be plenty of discussion about this one, so for now I'll just post the setlists as played:



—"The Price Is Right" theme music intro—

Wilco (the song)

A Shot in the Arm

Bull Black Nova

You Are My Face


One Wing

At Least That's What You Said

Deeper Down

Impossible Germany

Country Disappeared :yes

Handshake Drugs

Sonny Feeling

Jesus, etc.

Can't Stand It

Hate It Here


I'm The Man Who Loves You




You Never Know (w/Liam Finn on acoustic guitar and vox)

Heavy Metal Drummer


California Stars (w/Liam Finn on acoustic guitar and vox, Eliza Jane Barnes on maracas and vox, Jody Stephens on maracas and shaker)

Box Full of Letters (w/Jody Stephens in place of Glenn Kotche on drums)

In The Street [big Star] (w/Jody Stephens on drums and Glenn Kotche on cowbell; John Stirratt and Pat Sansone on lead vox) :cheers


Hoodoo Voodoo


Liam Finn and Eliza Jane Barnes:

Plane Crash

Long Way To Go

Remember When

Red Wine Bottle (w/Glenn Kotche on drums)

Cinnamon Girl [Neil Young] (w/Glenn Kotche on drums)

I'll Be Lightning

new song (It's Freezing Cold)>

Second Chance

Lead Balloon

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They covered In The Street with Jody Stephens on drums, and John and Pat doing their best combined Chris Bell on lead vocals. I don't think I've ever been so surprised at a Wilco show. It was amazing!


It is great to see that the band can still surprise - even though it is few and far between.

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I was there!

Flew in from CT. for my 4th Wilco show of the year along with two amazing Jeff Shows before that.

Jeff -


Beacon NY

Wilco -



Portland ME

and now Memphis


I was in the second row and thought the people in the pit were the rudest fans I had ever seen.

I think Jeff was disappointed...but if that got him to play Country Disappeared, more power to him.

I have a picture of the stupid chick in the front that I will try to post as soon I i figure out how. (how do I do it?)


Great Set List! Band a little flat at parts but all in all a great show!

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I was in the second row and thought the people in the pit were the rudest fans I had ever seen.


hey! Not all of us were drunk burn outs....Only the girl next to me with the cell phone. And the guy beside me...and the girls behind me. and the guy that ran up and starting pushing the drunk guy beside me. And the guy behind me to the right. Ok, so 95% were drunk and stand off-ish...But my friend and I were sober.

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Yes, the pit at this show was an entity in and of itself. So much going on, most of it not good. But the aspects of the show that people on stage actually had control over were great.


I wasn't taking any pictures for most of the show (thereby not ruining too many of my memories with an imperfect medium) but I did break out the camera for some of the guest turns. I definitely saw a lot of pictures (and more) being taken up front, but I should have a few decent ones to share.


By the way, the gold lamé shirt made an appearance in Memphis during the opening set, sported first by EJ and then briefly by Liam.

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Great show. Jeff really laid in to the girl for filming. He finally said something to the effect of "go ahead and film, there's nothing I can do to stop you guys." Once they finished the next song he said he had two snot bubbles coming out of his nose and is so happy that will be posted on you tube. He then took a towel, blew his nose, and threw the snot rag at the girl whos phone he took away. Pretty dick, but also kind of funny.


Anyways, went on to apologize throughout the show and said he loved Memphis. "If it weren't for Memphis we wouldn't be here" paying some homeage to Easley Studios (where they recorded AM) that burned down a few years back.


"In the Street" was absolutely incredible- definitely the highlight. Jody Stephens is a machine on drums and a great guy.

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He then took a towel, blew his nose, and threw the snot rag at the girl whos phone he took away. Pretty dick, but also kind of funny.



nah, he didn't. He threw it down on stage right behind the speakers. I'm sure any Wilco fan would be pumped to have a rag of Jeff's snot, though. There were some people trying to grab for it :/

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i used to post regularly on via chicago, but i haven't posted in years, so i reactivated my old account for this. this was my second time seeing jeff & the boys.


i thought the show was amazing, but it was probably not as good as the time they played the orpheum in 2006 or so. i agree with the comments that wilco is just not as creative and spontaneous as they used to be. it was a fantastic show, nonetheless. i also felt bad for the band because the crowd was quite disrespectful towards him. i think it's a shame that people don't have the decency not to record a show that people are paying money for. like, can you be any more rude?


i was really happy to see jody stephens on stage. he's a real talent. it's funny because wilco played "monday" right after they played "in the street" and i caught myself thinking "you know, this could actually BE a big star song!" so, yeah - talk about influential. :) it was seriously amazing.


we hung around outside by the stage door and met a few of the band members. i got hugs from pat and nels. :) i wish i hadn't been so nervous because i was like stumbling over my words when i met them. tweedy had already gone to bed, but maybe that was a good thing. i probably would have said something ridiculous.


anyway, yes, wonderful show, happy to see jody ccme out, and liam finn is fantastic! i'm going to try to get his CD soon. maybe i'll become like some other VC-ers and like start following the band all across the country! $34 is really not that much money for so much fun, man, it was so awesome.




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They covered In The Street with Jody Stephens on drums, and John and Pat doing their best combined Chris Bell on lead vocals.


Children by the millions sing for Alex Chilton... (I'm in love. What's that song?)


Also, Country Disappeared! Major highlight for me.


Ahhhh...it has finally arrived. Woot! As beautiful as imagined? Yes. I'm certain it is. I'm glad you were able to see it.

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Just a comment about the crowd at this show...it was far from rude or disrespectful, just a couple of drunken idiots...


there isnt really a pit at the orpheum, just 2 short rows of folding chairs center stage...there were a handful of messed up and idiotic fools in that area, which was not ushered, and so as the set went on, various people made their way down to that small space, which caused disruption, but was often not out of rudeness. I witnessed a very thoughtful and crowd from the 3rd row center area which clearly full of fans who knew the songs, and responded to the treats we received.


Jeff was absolutely correct about the massive number of people recording video, but after his initial comment about it, everyone i could see put them up except 'flask girl' in the front row...Iove jeff as an artist, and love banter at shows, but he really got ugly a few times, and that was partly responsible for the mood of the audience. Its part of the band's job on this level not to make a bad situation worse...Ive been to 6 wilco show and treated my date to her first, and after this series of events, i was a little embarrassed and wondered whether her experience would be dominated by the distraction, and not the amazing music...

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nah, he didn't. He threw it down on stage right behind the speakers. I'm sure any Wilco fan would be pumped to have a rag of Jeff's snot, though. There were some people trying to grab for it :/

He blew his nose in KC also, faked a lob to the front row and then tossed it aside. It was pretty funny actually. "Toss your snot to ME, Jeff! I'll frame it with tonight's set list!"

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i thought the crowd was fine, but i sat in the balcony so perhaps i missed the worst offenders. jeff was not at all out of place in anything that he did or said at the show. if he tells you to quit filming, then quit filming. don't see what's so difficult about that.


some observations:

the opening act was awesome. i knew nothing at all about liam finn and i'm embarrassed to say that i expected a dude with an acoustic guitar and a microphone. if you were one of the few who caught his act, you'll know how amazingly wrong i was - pleasantly. my friend next to me summed it up nicely: "this is why you come to watch the openers." i will be seeking out liam finn music.


the transition from I am Trying to Break Your Heart into One Wing was awesome. it's hard to explain why, just take my word for it.


Country Disappeared - nice to see it crack the set list.


loved Misunderstood. had never heard that live and it was one of the highlights. doesn't get much better than bobbing your head up and down and screaming "NOTHING!" as loud as you can about 40 times.


jody stephens playing drums on Box Full of Letters. he did it last time at snowden grove, but this time when the song was over he stayed seated at the drums. i started thinking, "c'mon - big star song! c'mon - big star song!". then they did In the Street with John and Pat on vocals. the only thing that would have made it cooler is if alex chilton had walked on stage and performed O My Soul with the full band.


loved the closing songs Monday and Hoodoo Voodoo. great way to close the show with the pat & nels guitar duel.


pat's guitar hero poses crack me up (and last night i finally came to appreciate what he adds to the band)


jeff's guitar playing is WAY underrated. nels gets all the pub because he can thrash his wrist 800 mph (don't get me wrong - i love nels. everything he adds to the band is perfect.) but there were a few times where jeff would play a line or two, then stop, then come back in which allowed me to see how much he adds to the songs.


not one member of the band mailed it in. not that i would expect them to, but this band is so tight and so on top of every performance it's amazing to watch. big props to glenn and john for keeping everything together when nels is shredding the guitar and jeff is working over the foot pedals.


in summary, it was a wilco show. it rocked, it was intense, it was joyous, it was hilarious, it was fun, it was worth every penny.

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yet another amazing Wilco show! The crowd was kind of weird, at least around us, and Jeff's little temper tantrum was kind of intense. I totally get his point and yes, the apparent drunk with her pocket flask should have stopped when he asked but maybe he could have handled it a little differently...? I don't know. Overall though, awesome experience. Boxful of Letters was a nice surprise, as was Country Disappeared and Jeff's guitar playing these last few shows has just been jaw dropping!!

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I want everyone to know that the people that did not buy our 3 extra tickets really missed out. The Mezzanine level had to be the best level for this show. We could see the nerds on the floor and were at the perfect level to see the band. The fans on the Mezzanine level were awesome! I mean really, the people on the floor were a sight to see. Not just those two rows but the entire floor level was pitiful and entertaining all at once.The opening act was definitely on the "wow" list. Not something I would by to listen to in my car or on my iPod, but to see live, oh yes! After seeing several times, I got to see some "Jeff Banter." I have never been a big fan of Jeff's Banter and I have believed it to be rude at times. He may have gone a little over the top but he got his point across. Saturday night was great!

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Reading this thread, I am reminded of the Springfield show, where Tweedy picked that drunk off his neck like a tick. I was kinda glad that night that he is still a bit of a punk. That show unfolded very much like Memphis might have.


People on the floor are only aware of the activity in their immediate vicinity. Jen saw the dynamics from the mezzanine. The band sees the floor dynamics as a roiling sea at their feet. The entire floor scene sounds like a drunken clusterfuck. I've got no argument with a bandleader being an asshole if need be when he senses stuff getting out of control. Things can get ugly pretty fast.

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She starts yelling that she is sorry and that she loves him and then takes a swig from a flask. He sees that and says "Now you're drinking out of a flask? You really have no respect for yourself....or anyone else."


Sounds like the return of surly Tweedy! :dancing

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I'm sure I'll get a lot of flak for saying this, but after the number of shows that Wilco has played over the years and the number of both good and bad things that it has experienced, I'm still amazed that Jeff Tweedy still lets the small, petty things like people holding up their cell phones bother him so much to the point where he arguably crosses the line.

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