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Why the Yeah Yeah Yeah's suck.

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So I found this blog post about the YYY's. Not only is it dead on buts its hysterical.


Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Yeah? They Suck


You know, it's a rare occurence when you hear a band so bad that you want to blow your nuts off with a shotgun just to prevent some poor unborn child from being exposed to something so heinous. Well people, today I heard such a band. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I was reclining in my rather comfortable chair this morning, watching a bit of Rage on the telly when JTV popped on. First chord strummed I knew I was in for some ear rapage, but I had no idea just how badly one's ears could be violated.


Let's focus on the singing. I liken Ms. O's vocals to a druggie hopped up on the crack cocaine mixed with the combined effects of several hundred thousand cigarettes. Add this to the vocal chord killing action of gargling drano and razor blades and we have a singing style akin to this joker. A little hint Karen, learn to sing before singing. It helps, trust me. Karen you should also get your ears checked, singing out of key ain't cool baby. Know what I'm saying? I've heard cats being raped, while being stuck out in the rain that are more aurally appealing than this loser. I'm deadly serious people, Karen O doesn't sing, she sucks.


Want to check out the guitarist? Don't bother. He's just as bad as Karen. I reckon you could plug a guitar into an amp, turn the volume all the way up and slap on some distortion, then drop it from the top of a rather tall building and the resulting cacophony would be far more musical. IT'S THAT BAD. This guy jumps around the stage like a dude having an epileptic fit, strumming his guitar like a moron (so does Karen by the way). Are you serious? Get off the bong buddy, will reck your head. The bass player is just as bad. The concept of tuning seems to have evaded this guy. No joke, I was ramming my head into the wall trying to deal with the dissonance. Quite terrible. To be fair though, the whole band was out of tune. I wonder what the backstage conversation was like before the show? "Hey dudes, let's forget the whole tuning thang. We're pro." Actually you're not.


The drummer is just as bad as the rest of the band and I only have one thing to say to him. "Time ain't a magazine. Get a metronome."


All in all, I don't see how these jokers can take themselves seriously. Maybe someone should show them a video of one of their shows. Might knock some sense into them. Man, how did these guys get signed? I think I have the answer. Young, influential punks wanting to seem different and hip to the whole alternative scene buy this sort of crap. Keen to take advantage of this, record companies sign only the crappest bands out there. And voila, we have bands like the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

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i don't care for the yeah yeah yeahs, but nothing clever or humerous or remotely "hysterical" about that blog post


which is 2 1/2 years old -- http://jonnobrittain.blogspot.com/2007/04/yeah-yeah-yeahs-yeah-they-suck.html


what i find really funny is that in one of your two other posts on this message board, you wrote about how great jason mraz is


that's funnier than that blog entry

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i don't care for the yeah yeah yeahs, but nothing clever or humerous or remotely "hysterical" about that blog post


which is 2 1/2 years old -- http://jonnobrittain.blogspot.com/2007/04/yeah-yeah-yeahs-yeah-they-suck.html


what i find really funny is that in one of your two other posts on this message board, you wrote about how great jason mraz is


that's funnier than that blog entry



Well said, hardwood.......I'm not crazy about them either, but I like 'Maps'

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this might be the dumbest post i've ever read. Not just cause i'm a huge YYYs fan, and recently had the cool pleasure of catching them live. it's just fuckin dumb. i'm glad to have their records and art in my life, but if i didn't like the band, no way would i exert that much lame energy to express my reasoning. it's OK if you don't "get" the band, but just cause you don't, doesn't mean they suck.... Karen O, Nick, and Brian are cool kids. spread the word. not the hate.


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what a f'n dumbass post (the quoted one)


even if one doesn't like the YYYs (i do, even if their latest record kinda bores me compared to their other stuff for the most part), Nick Zinner is a VERY good guitarist and Brian Chase is an amazing drummer, and Karen O is an amazing front woman, whether you like her vocals or not is beside the point.


and this 321 guy/gal thought Jason Mraz was good:





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I always liked that song "Gold Lion".. Never heard "It's Blitz" until now and I like what I'm hearing.. Definitely different than their older stuff, I shall pick this up now..


Funny how a hateful post about them will lead to another album sale.

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Lester Bangs is still dead, it seems.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not the biggest Yeah Yeah Yeahs fan but I can definitely appreciate what they do and there's a few of their songs that I enjoy. I really like that track they did for the Spiderman 3 Soundtrack, "Sealings". I find that they're particularly good at building tension within their songs and this is a great example of that ability. I was really disappointed that they didn't use it in the movie. That said, I was really disappointed with Spiderman 3 in general.


Oh and Gobias Industries, I love the username.

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