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IS this the greatest guitar solo ever?

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I mean seriously, how sick is this?!?!


And yeah, that's George Harrison's kid standing behind Prince, with the acoustic; having his mind blown along with everyone else. I mean, his dad was a Beatle, and even he is in awe of the little man.

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I stumbled across this a couple of weeks ago and also was in awe.


Then I read some kinda snarky quote from Prince about how he had never heard the song prior to that performance. Don't believe him, and dislike his ego for having said that to build his own myth. Let your talent speak for you man. Less words, more playing.

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It shouldn't surprise people that Prince can play a guitar with the very best of them. Because frankly, he might be the very best of them.


Is he full of himself? Sure. But the man is easily among the very best musicians out there.

When you take in the whole picture: instrumental prowess, composition, stage presence, versatility, he is definitely one of the greatest.

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Bill Janovitz (from Buffalo Tom) had a pretty good write up of this song/video on his blog a couple of weeks ago.




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Bill Janovitz (from Buffalo Tom) had a pretty good write up of this song/video on his blog a couple of weeks ago.


Nice - kinda ripping on the other dudes a bit much, but I like it, especially the last parts. "Just ask yourself every once in a while, "what would Prince do here?"" :lol

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I stumbled across this a couple of weeks ago and also was in awe.


Then I read some kinda snarky quote from Prince about how he had never heard the song prior to that performance. Don't believe him, and dislike his ego for having said that to build his own myth. Let your talent speak for you man. Less words, more playing.

i thought Dhani Harrison basically confirmed that in an interview? i recall him saying that they had to teach him the song during soundcheck and they just told him to "go off" on the solo during the actual performance and do his thing.


it's not one of the Beatles best known tunes (granted you'd hope Prince has heard all of The White Album...), so if he was never that well versed in The Beatles, it's certainly plausible.

i'd say the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle... in that he'd heard the song before, maybe not in a long time, but just didn't know how it went on guitar exactly.


regardless, the dude is def the best guitarist i've ever seen live in person

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Not trying to be contrarian here, but my head tells me that's a mindblowing solo, and my heart says there's too many notes. Not denying his talent, not denying that there's probably no one that could pull off what he pulled off. Just that the greatest guitar solo of all time is a pretty high bar.


I dont know what is the G-O-A-T, but for me, this isn't it.

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Regarding Prince saying he'd never heard the song, I've read a few Prince biographies over the years and recall reading that most of his exposure to other peoples music came through his band mates. Wendy, Lisa and Eric Leeds turned him onto all kinds of Jazz and Rock records for instance. I think he's so busy creating his own music that he doesn't actively pursue others music all that much. So him not knowing that Harrison song is totally believable.

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