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Jeff to Rock for Rahm in Chicago Sun 1/30

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I guess these type of discussions further highlight why politics, for me at least, becomes a big waste of time and energy. People, for the most part, are not going to be swayed. This Rahm discussion is a good example. I genuniely feel he is sleazy (from a non political point of view), but I know if you lean from center to the right (which I probably do) you definetly won't see many positive aspects about this man and his politics. Just as if you lean center left you'd probably feel the same way about Dick Cheney. My point is, it seems pointless when people can't even get close to seeing the world the same way and are never going to change their mind. I can tell you right now that I'm no closer to believing Dick Cheney is the devil as I am to believing Rahm is a nice/sweet man.

I don't bring this up to have a political discussion, but more to highlight how we run with our biases and our own world views, which I guess is cool, but when it comes to how we see the world being run, it can be kind of frustrating. I mean how I can really think President Obama is going to far, and my neighbor feel he is not going far enough. Who knows, you can get sucked into to thinking about it, which I will now stop.

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Rahm now has support of over 40% of those polled. He has the benefit of a large campaign chest, which is only matched by Gery Chico's funds. Carol Mosely Braun is mainly cruising on her past political career. Miguel Del Valle is a fairly honest city official who is running well behind the pack and the rest...well who knows.


Actually Jeff supporting him is becoming a bit of a non-issue. Rahm digs Jeff/Wilco and has asked him to play a benefit. Jeff plays lots of benefits. Why would he not play this one?? I was negative about it at first, but really, what's the diff? After the election everyone is going to make nice and get in line with Rahm anyway. I am not going to shell out the bread for this because I would like to see someone else win, but it probably ain't gonna happen. (Besides for $85 bucks, I would bet you get stuck in the Park West Balcony.)


Who else is playing??



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I also think there is a reasonable chance that the Tweedys and Emmanuals know each other from the temple on the north side.

Didn't they name the place after him..it is Temple Emanuel. (And at least Rahm doesn't belong to Trinity UCC or pal around with that terrorist from Hyde Park....)



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Actually Jeff supporting him is becoming a bit of a non-issue. Rahm digs Jeff/Wilco and has asked him to play a benefit. Jeff plays lots of benefits. Why would he not play this one??


I can kinda sorta think of a reason. For all the benefits Jeff and Wilco played for Obama leading up his win in '08, it seemed odd that they were completely absent from any of the festivities Inauguration Weekend in Washington. You had a lot of asshats like Jon Bon Jovi and the like. But no Jeff and no Wilco. That bugged me, and I wonder if it bugged Jeff.


If I were him, I'd only agree to do a benefit like this if Rahm would work out some sort of accolade for Wilco in return (i.e. playing a White House concert or something shnazzy like that.)


I know, political benefits are selfless endeavors, blah blah blah. But all of these guys are wheelers and dealers. Emanuel especially. Surely there is something in this for Jeff.

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Surely there is something in this for Jeff.

Maybe a year long residency at every club and concert venue in Chicago.


Back to reality though....the Trib is reporitng to day that Rahm has more money than eny of his competators and is planning to spend $150,000 on an ad during the Bears/Packers game tomorrow. As mentioned above, Rahm is gaining in the polls and may wrap this up by February 22. Frankly I have no doubt about this.



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Maybe a year long residency at every club and concert venue in Chicago.


Back to reality though....the Trib is reporitng to day that Rahm has more money than eny of his competators and is planning to spend $150,000 on an ad during the Bears/Packers game tomorrow. As mentioned above, Rahm is gaining in the polls and may wrap this up by February 22. Frankly I have no doubt about this.



He has 5X the money of his closest competitor, Chico.

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He has 5X the money of his closest competitor, Chico.


And three times more than all the competitors combined. I am wondering if he can use any of the money raised on his legal fees, which have to be pretty high at this point.

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Yeah, this is definitely a political fundraiser, so if I didn't like the candidate I wouldn't go and support him/her regardless of how much I liked the music. And I have to admit, my feelings about favorite musicians would be negatively affected by knowing they supported causes I strongly disagreed with. Fortunately, that hasn't happened to me that I can recall--or that I know about.


Personally, I don't think politics is inherently douchey and that all politicians are douchbags. I most certainly don't feel that way about Obama and, given my general political inclinations, I suspect I would support Rahm Emmanual if I lived in Chicago. So I would feel no dissonance in going to this concert.


But yeah, if you don't support the cause, don't go to the fundraiser. You're bound to be at the very least disappointed and frustrated.


I still don't understand this. Unless it's something totally abhorrent, what difference does it make? I guess it depends on the magnitude of how "strongly" you disagree with something.

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If Rahm were a real sport he would just go ahead with this as a regular show and can the political stuff. I mean why ruin a perfectly good reason for a Wilco/Jeff show?


Or is it now a benefit for his lawyers....oy vey!!!



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If Rahm were a real sport he would just go ahead with this as a regular show and can the political stuff. I mean why ruin a perfectly good reason for a Wilco/Jeff show?


Or is it now a benefit for his lawyers....oy vey!!!




Jeff Tweedy two years ago strongly supported the current president Rahm Emanuel was part of that presidency for 2 years , and an integral part I might add. Whats the suprise? whats the outrage? whats the moral or character diffrence between Obama and Emanuel? Seems about right to me, seems to make sense.


Jeff Tweedy is proably living out one of his Dylan fantasies, this situation is very similar to Dylans christian period when he met and anounced he was freinds with Jimmy Carter, and like Carter Obama will be out of office soon to b replaced by a real amurican.

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I don't get why he misspells "American."


It's a Canadian thing.

They have to pretend like they don't like us, although, they secretly want to have our babies.

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