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Your top 10 lesser know bands

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Here's mine:


Gimp Saddle

The David Carradine Closet Project

Puck & Pedro

Wine Hole

Omaha! Omaha!

The Swing Meat Trio

Hansel and Grendel

Spandex Hats

Punch Gunnt

Catch Me If You Can


You made all those up, dint you?

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Brinsley Schwarz

Yeah, it's Nick Lowe's (and Ian Gomm's) band from the early to mid 70s. And they did record the original version of a couple of songs that would become famous later on. But most folks don't seem to know the band, itself. And that's too damn bad. They're amazing.


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I would be hard-pressed to come up with ten bands, but I caught this band playing in the street in New Orleans last weekend and really liked. Bought the CD and can't stop listening. Kinda gypsy folk with lots of banjo and accordion.



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I know 5 of these.

Gib Droll is still around?  Jump Little Children too?


I saw God Street Wine a few times in the 90s.  Their studio albums were horrible, but live, they were great.  That live album they put out in 93 with Drive West and Imogen is classic.

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Here are a few I have discovered over the years...no particular order.




Royal Trux

Circuit Riders


Catfish Jenkins

Augie March

3osity (jazz)

Hank Dogs

Kula Shaker

The Nields

The Bevis Frond

For Stars



Solo artists:


David Behrman

Patty Larkin

Jonatha Brooke

Kate Rusby

Kendra Smith

Tom Cochrane

Kate Wolf

Miranda Lee Richards

Cassandra Wilson



Love Miranda Lee Richards.  Her last album was so great.  Not much new music blows me away and hers did.  She's supposedly got a new one on the horizon.

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Peter Laughner

A founding member of Pere Ubu, The Dead Boys, and Rocket From the Tombs. He killed himself before any of those bands could achieve any type of notoriety. A troubled, troubled soul. But also an incredible songwriter and stunning guitar player.

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It's hard for me to come up with "lesser known" bands for this community because this is one of the places I use to learn about new bands and expand my horizons.  When I mention what I'm listening to to pretty much any person I know IRL, I get the "who the hell are they?" look 98% of the time. :lol


That said, I noticed that nearly all of Glossary's videos on YT have less than 1000 views (and I don't recall seeing them mentioned here), so I guess they count.


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This is Tom Anselimi, from © -- in his previous band.

Another one that is not very well-known that I dig with a VERY BIG shovel!

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Oh, and another one:
Blue Ruin

Australian band with Phil Calvert -- the drummer from The Birthday Party, in his post-TBP days.

To me, they sound like The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, if that band really MEANT it!


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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know if i can name ten.


Hospitality is a band I have liked very much since their first album came out two years ago.  It surprises me that none of my friends or acquaintances (who go to exponentially more shows than me, and spend exponentially more time and money on current music than I do) don't know about them. 

their new record is pretty great. i'm definitely gonna try to catch them when they come by.

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