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Jeff Tweedy/SNL cast members Chicago January show - tickets now available

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Monday, January 5th, join us for Our Living Room Show in the UP Comedy Club in Chicago. This all-star evening will feature sketch comedy and improv from SNL cast members and distinguished Second City alumni, including Aidy Bryant, Mike O'Brien and Tim Robinson, followed by an intimate “living room”-style musical performance from Jeff Tweedy. Proceeds directly benefit Chicago families in need.

There are 200 standard seating tickets available for Our Living Room Show at $300 each and 32 front row tickets at $500 each



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Well, JTs appearance on the Second City Never Sleeps bill was fun (as witnessed by me on the video link), so . . . bump

Was hoping he'd play something off Sukierae, especially with srmt there, but I didn't necessarily want to get into the bidding fracas (even though it's of course for a great cause).


Kind of funny that people at those shows who do bid on individual songs generally always request like the same 10 ones (Via Chicago, Pecan Pie, etc.)

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Was hoping he'd play something off Sukierae, especially with srmt there, but I didn't necessarily want to get into the bidding fracas (even though it's of course for a great cause).


Kind of funny that people at those shows who do bid on individual songs generally always request like the same 10 ones (Via Chicago, Pecan Pie, etc.)


I'd love to attend, but weeknight shows at this time of year aren't even an option.  :hmm Unless....someone wants to take my classes on Jan. 6? I promise I won't request A Hit. 

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Random thought...What do you guys make of those people who request New Madrid but pronounce it New MaDRID? I've heard it done several times. Have they ever even listened to the song? Are they just looking at a list of songs? It baffles me every time it happens.


Oh, and Susie was there? That's great!

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...bidding fracas...


What was the hoo-ha with the second bid. I couldn't make out what the woman had requested, and then Steve Albini (I think?) trumped the bid to play anything but that song. And then there was the filming request to go with the original bid so maybe he was trying to get JT out of a hole that was getting a little weird?

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What was the hoo-ha with the second bid. I couldn't make out what the woman had requested, and then Steve Albini (I think?) trumped the bid to play anything but that song. And then there was the filming request to go with the original bid so maybe he was trying to get JT out of a hole that was getting a little weird?

There was a kind of creep-o woman who was involved in the bidding for a song (and actually had won one). When they asked her what song she wanted to hear, she started telling some story about how she actually wanted the song for a friend she'd had a fight with or something the night previous.


I knew she was in trouble when she said she wanted to film Jeff playing it for her "friend." What song did she request? I'm not sure exactly, but it definitely wasn't one of Jeff's. She sort of mumbled something like "hello goodbye or whatever that song is." Not sure if she meant the Fabs' tune or something else, but there you go. This went on for a few awkward seconds until Steve finally chimed in. Not sure if she was drunk or something else, or just didn't have any idea of what the spirit of the event is, but there's always somebody kinda weird at these things. Luckily there's a roomful of comedians who are usually good at defusing the situation...

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Chicago Boy Wanted 'Safety' For Christmas And Obama Responded Before Santa Could


Most kids write to Santa Claus asking for toys, games or bikes.


Not 13-year-old Malik Bryant.


Instead, the boy, who calls Chicago’s high-poverty, high-crime Englewood neighborhood home, asked Santa for just one Christmas gift this year. In a letter collected through nonprofit group Direct Effect Charities’ annual Letters to Santa program, he asked for “safety. I just wanna be safe.”


According to the Chicago Sun-Times, which first reported Malik’s story on Monday, the boy’s letter struck a chord with Direct Effect CEO Michelle DiGiacomo, who reached out to her congressman, U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley, to bring the letter to his attention.


Though the letter didn’t make it to the North Pole, it did make it to the White House. NBC Chicago reports Quigley instructed his staff to contact President Barack Obama and make sure he saw the letter.


See it he did. On Sunday, Malik opened his letter from the president.


“Each day, I strive to ensure communities like yours are safe places to dream, discover, and grow,” Obama wrote. “Please know your security is a priority for me in everything I do as President. If you dare to be bold and creative, work hard every day, and care for others, I’m confident you can achieve anything you imagine.”

Malik told NBC's "Today" he was surprised the president wrote to him.


“I didn't expect my letter to go to the White House, but I think it sent a message to everybody that it's not safe out here in Chicago,” Malik said. “It's dangerous."

The letter also caught the eye of Spencer Tweedy, the son of Wilco musician Jeff Tweedy, after he saw it in Direct Effect’s December newsletter. A photo of the letter posted by Spencer went viral on Twitter and Tumblr.


Founded in 2001, Direct Effect responds to about 9,000 Santa letters written by low-income Chicago Public Schools students each year.

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I actually made a donation to Michelle DiGiacomo (Direct Effect) yesterday. It seems like she does very good work on a shoestring budget. If anyone has a spare few bucks to throw her way, I think they would be put to good use.


Just made a donation too. 

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