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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. I can't believe no one started this thread already. obit OK, so music was his main career, but to me he'll always be the good ol' boy from Smokey and the Bandit.
  2. As someone who never was a Pumpkins fan, this doesn't surprise me in the least.
  3. In a world without Don LaFontaine... RIP, sir.
  4. For the record, Bush was at John McCain's birthday party when Katrina hit.
  5. bobbob has become the Jay Mariotti of VC.
  6. I'm probably going to steal that line, just so you know.
  7. There have been denials from the Palin camp, for what that's worth. Palin is younger than Obama and has only been governor for a year and a half. Choosing her would essentially blunt one of McCain's most effective weapons: the claim that Obama lacks the experience to be president.
  8. Northward. There will be a very large bridge involved.
  9. Dang, there goes my million-dollar idea. I think of all kinds of cool shit once it's already out in the marketplace.
  10. ESPN will probably hire him. Maybe they can lock him and Jim Rome in a room together and see who survives. Better yet, lock them in a room together and then just forget about them.
  11. I figured by now they'd make Tivos that are hooked up to teh Internets and can be accessed from your work computer so you can program them to record all the shit you forgot to set up when you were home. Or maybe they do. If not, though, they totally should.
  12. Those kids obviously violated the first and second rules of Fight Club.
  13. My parents have a diesel VW Jetta that gets 50+ MPG and they love it. They pay more per gallon for their fuel, but they've had few (if any) complaints.
  14. "is loaded" = "doesn't want any of your coddamned junk"
  15. Does your town require permits for yard sales? If so, don't get one, because nobody else does, and you don't want to look like a weenie.
  16. I second the comments re: commuting. We put an offer in on a fantastic house and were all excited about it, but soon began to realize that we weren't too crazy about the neighborhood and that both of our commutes would suck. We were pretty relieved, then, when the sellers refused to budge on their (bullshit) price, because we were able to walk away pretty easily. We were still newbies at that point, and it taught us another important lesson: don't let the "perfect house" blind you to other equally important factors, such as the neighborhood and the commute.
  17. I pay that in Ann Arbor, and let me tell you, our house is definitely in the "modest" category. Ann Arbor city taxes are notoriously high, but we do get decent services in return, and the school system is pretty damn good (not that I have kids or anything).
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