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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. On first listen I wasn't that impressed. I'm not sure I like all that high-range crooning that Neil's doing.
  2. Schilling is a douchebag, but on this, I agree with him.
  3. Is he spiking one of the other guys?
  4. "Never enter the elevator without a bag of Tostitos
  5. Probably my favorite song on Sky Blue Sky. I really don't understand how anyone could not like it.
  6. Can we make Steve Vai leap somewhere? Off a bridge, perhaps?
  7. Thanks for all of these links. We'll be looking into this.
  8. This is why I still haven't given out an invite. I'm saving them for people I actually know. I figure if I can come over to your house and kick your ass personally, that might provide some incentive to keep your ratio up.
  9. You hadn't gotten to it yet, I was just saving you the trouble.
  10. Not necessarily. "Formal" as opposed to "informal," or rather, setting out to learn theory intentionally in some kind of instructional setting versus soaking it up on your own.
  11. I think the debate here comes from an implication in the initial post that formal training is somehow better. (Emphasis mine)
  12. So clearly, the LSD didn't enhance his performance that much. I doubt the "doping" of the late '60s / early '70s was done with the intent to improve athletic performance.
  13. Wasn't it a no-hitter, not a perfect game?
  14. Took this one off the shelf for the first time in many years... Truly one of the best albums of the '90s. I think it'll stay off the shelf for a while.
  15. I don't imagine there was much of a doping problem in sports until the salaries and prize money began to skyrocket. It wasn't that long ago that Major League Baseball players got second jobs in the off season to help make ends meet, and the worst thing anyone heard about were a few drunks, who usually washed out of the game pretty quickly anyway. Money changed everything.
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