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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. Eddie looks much better. Dave needs to learn to close his mouth once in a while.
  2. yes, you should do all of those things. but also, check out the HBO website and look at the episodes, community, etc. it has been quite helpful. I totally missed the Dr. Smith thing until I read it on the boards. I'm going to watch the last show again. as crazy as the whole thing was, I really liked it. but I like weird stuff. you just aren't......
  3. remember when RS used to be a good magazine? they actually had in depth articles and interviews about actual stuff. ahhh, the good old days...
  4. apparently, the dr went to "Cincinnati" and came back 20 years younger.
  5. this is an interesting article on last night's episode.
  6. as a child, my dad once took my brother backstage at the Grand Old Opry. I met Roy Acuff and Little Jimmy Dickens.
  7. my husband was George Thorogood's assistant on one of his tours a few Summers ago. I was backstage at one of the shows and George comes walking in wearing some shorts that looked like the kind my husband wears (George always wore long pants). my husband probably gave them to him. I said to George, "I recognize those shorts!" he said, "I'll steal the pants off any man!"
  8. when I was 16 I worked in a record store. Joe Perry and Steven Tyler came in for an autograph signing. Joe Perry had a cane. I shook their hands. those dudes are short!
  9. I've met Wayne Coyne twice; once in Nashville when my husband was stage managing their show. the second was in Brooklyn at a show they did in Prospect Park. he just happened to be outside behind the state and we walked up to him and said hi. he actually remembered us. very nice guy. I once saw Kevin Bacon walking down 8th Ave during my lunch hour. he was wearing a shirt that had a pink tv on it that said 'Idiot Box.' I saw Jim Jarmusch coming out of Port Authority. I passed Sissy Spacek just outside of Grand Central. she was walking around with her son. I once saw the guy that played
  10. I had another Lean Cousin. not sitting too well.
  11. what if he was gay? what's wrong with that?
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