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Everything posted by markosis

  1. Man, I can't wait to get my hands on some of that. I'm a Sam Prekop/Sea And Cake devotee to a fault. Just got The Biz on Friday and I'm currently addicted.
  2. FUCKERS. Couldn't play it in Philly, huh?. Oh well, glad someone got to hear it. Nice setlist.
  3. Yeah, I was talking about "Cant Buy A Thrill/Countdown To Ecstacy/Pretzel Logic" aka "The Skunk Baxter trilogy" era. I don't really listen to any Steely Dan post-Pretzel Logic.
  4. I hear a bit of Steely Dan in that one (as in SD when they were still rocking), and that aint a bad thing.
  5. I've been thinking about changing my handle to "licensed to illco."
  6. Mine needs no explanation either, I hope.
  7. Well, my birth name is Marko. Hence Markosis. Its become a bit of a nickname.
  8. I don't know what this "Let Me Come Home" is all about, but its freaking awesome! Thanks for all this stuff.
  9. Yes, Wilco does absolutely fall into their own category. But why don't those albums sound like rock? Is it because of the use of dollar store keyboards on ST, or experimental noise/atmospherics on YHF? What about those elements makes the music not "rock and roll"? My point is, why does it need a special category because they think and write and play outside the box? Just because Pink Floyd did "weird" stuff, were they not just a rock and roll band? I'm sure if Floyd came around today they'd be called something ridiculous like "psych-art-prog-pop-rock." (I'm trying to call you out
  10. Exactly. I think it is a statement on our culture, where we have to dissect and divide everything into neat little groups so no one can have the chance to accidentally stumble on to something that might expand their minds a little. Is "rock and roll" not good enough to describe the music?
  11. remember to remember me standing still in your pants
  12. /\ "the pants were being pulled down on the dew"
  13. i pulled into nazareth i was feeling bout half past dead i just need a place where i can lay my pants
  14. punches a hole in my pants so you can see for yourself if you don't believe me Ok, NOW its getting ridiculous. (as if it wasn't ridiculous to begin with)
  15. some strange pants stuffed nervous with gold
  16. my pants have been pulled and I really wanna see you tonight my pants are filled with silver stuff honey kisses, clouds of fluff
  17. deep in my pants oh, I know its right
  18. you think you might just crawl back in bed with the fortune inside your pants You know, I'm supposed to be revising poetry for my creative writing class for a folder due tomorrow. Oh well, this is more enriching.
  19. ok, lets get crazy Pantsful Thinking Too Far Apants Pantsologians The Pantsy One
  20. Blue Eyed Pants? Man, this is getting hairy.
  21. Pants Are My Face that one is better
  22. So, have we covered all the songs yet? Pants Gone Done It Again
  23. Pants is Chrome (so bad, I know) maybe Hell is Pants? nah. bad idea from the start.
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