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Everything posted by a.miller

  1. Awesome! I'm glad you found something. Hollywood is a pretty happening place. I lived there for a while when I first moved here. Got to be a little too Hollywood after a while, but none the less, a cool place. I'm really stoked you found something.
  2. I'm stoked for this. I played in a cover band (with much older dudes) for a while and I was really the only computer literate one in the band, so I made up all the chord sheets for everyone. Once we decide on some songs and stuff, I would be totally cool with doing this if it would help out. Figure it might save a couple bucks on buying the books. Also...guess there is the lyrics and tabs forum here at VC.
  3. You echo my thoughts.... I work a demanding job and my bed's not helping me get the rest I need. I toss and turn a lot and I get back pain. What's the average life cycle of a bed?
  4. Hello, helpful VCers. I'm in the market for a new bed. I've had the same one for the last 15 years and I've started getting back pain after sleeping the last couple years. So....I think it might be time for a new mattress. A few questions -- Can I just buy a new mattress and keep the same box springs? This would be awesome, cause it would save me some money. Anyone have any suggestions on brands, styles, etc.? I think I'd like to get a pillow top. I'm not sure what a fair price is for a good bed. A friend said around $1000 ( ). EDIT: I'm looking at either a queen size or a full, if th
  5. For that much money, you could probably find a blackface Fender Princeton if you look carefully. Those are great sounding amps.
  6. I recently became a home owner (June 08) and I'll share my anecdotes: If you get a warranty on the home, make sure you know exactly what it covers. I'll give two examples that have gotten me since I moved in: 1 -- 2nd week in the house I flush the toilette and start smelling something really nasty -- sewage coming up in the shower. Great. Turns out that roots have grown through our sewer main. So, I figured this would be covered on our warranty -- NO. Because roots aren't something called "natural use", they weren't covered. Only paper towels, ladies' pads, etc. So, be sure to really caref
  7. I lived in Utah for 15 years and got to see Wilco once. I move away and 5 months later they play a great venue with a super opening act. Damn.
  8. She'll be just fine. I'm 6 years older than my younger sister. It was crazy to be recently graduated from college and coming home at the same time she was going out. I was right in the middle of recapping my whole college experience. All the good and bad -- a lot of both. It was odd to see someone -- especially a loved one -- going right into what I had just come out of. Kind of like, "wow, I guess I survived it..." Seriously, your daughter will be great. She'll listen to music, see places and learn things that will make her an even more awesome person for the rest of her life.
  9. See....I knew I wasn't alone. I can't stop singing "Dirty Work". I literally went to sleep and woke up without missing a beat. "I foresee terrible trouble and I stay here just the same" is an awesome line.
  10. my latest guilty obsession... Seriously....I've never been into this band before. Now I can't get enough.
  11. It's worth it. It is a ghostly album. It is a soulful album. It is a real album. Few things I have heard have touched me and felt as true as this album has. Put your headphones on and give it a listen in a dark room.
  12. The scenes where you see Gotham city are absolutely awesome in Imax. Do yourself a favor an buy some tickets for two weeks from now!!
  13. WOW -- just saw this and I was totally blown away. This was also my first Imax movie experience, which is really cool.
  14. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago Hands down, the best album of the year IMO. Others that could get my vote: My Morning Jacket Fleet Foxes
  15. Call me crazy, but I don't think working with Rick Rubin ensures any kind of positive outcome. Once, it did. But now, I don't think so. I mean really -- how much direction is a producer going to give a "super group" that's been around forever. I'll be very, very surprised if it isn't crap. BTW, Note to record labels: Find some new talent that doesn't suck.
  16. The side closest to the higher strings (G, B, E). JM pickups are a little odd though, with the screws on the front and the back, as opposed to the ends (like a strat). I would just screw in the screws, on the front and back of the pickup, that are closest to the higher strings on the guitar.
  17. Good idea on the guitar tech -- JMs have some funky wiring with the separate rhythm circuit. You might be able to remove some of the brightness by lowering the treble side of the pickup(s), thus making them pickup the treble tones less.
  18. You mean replace the pot? Like from 250K to 500K or something? One thing you can try is raising and lowering your pickups also....to augment your sound.
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