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Everything posted by m_thomp

  1. Just put your feather boa on and roll with it.
  2. Once you get past the slightly ghey vocals, this is a lot better than it has any right to be.
  3. I hear that the actor who plays Mr. Eko got arrested in Hawaii. Can we expect him to die within the first couple of episodes?
  4. Personally, I think Kid A is their best, but a flawless 10.0?? Nah. There are too many noodly passages and, of course, Treefingers which outstays its welcome by a good couple of minutes. On another point I always took How To Dissapear Completely on its literal meaning. Apparently, it details Thom Yorke's kind of surreal out of body experience he experienced when on stage in Dublin - a wish to escape big gigs, fame and all its trappings. "Strobe lights and blown speakers Fireworks and hurricanes I'm not here This isn't happening" "I float down the Liffey" etc.
  5. And you're very correct. You will never see me listening to Rush. It's ok to admit to it in the safe confines of an anonymous message board, but in public? Never. Given Muse's popularity, I thought it would be best to turn back to the days when I was bullied-by-prog-rock from my older brother and re-listen to the masters of indulgent, over-blown rock.
  6. For better, or worse I have been listening to these over the last couple of weeks:
  7. I wouldn't mind if they sounded, live, anything like Beta Band, I remember watching them in concert at Glastonbury on tv and thought they were amazing. However, watching the Aliens at the weekend I stuck around for about 3 tracks and thought 'hmmm they have all the stage presence of a bowl of goldfish and the music sounds very similar to Kasabian'. Dull. I'll still have a listen to what the recorded incarnation sounds like though.
  8. Caught them live at the weekend and they were, well, boring.
  9. The Thrills - So Much for the City is pretty much a California concept album... Santa Cruz (You're Not That Far), Big Sur, Hollywood Kids, etc. If you like a meat and potatoes rock crossed with a Byrds-style jangle, then it may suit. I never said it was any good though
  10. I've seen Infernal Affairs 2 - which is actually a prequel - and that was as good as the first Infernal Affairs. I believe part 3 is ropier but haven't seen it myself.
  11. About to get a re-release, Department of Eagles - The Cold Nose, this is fan-fooking-tastic. Covers so many bases (and skillfully with it) it's untrue!
  12. thom Yorke's the other person who he sounds like. Particularly on In This Camp, but definitely Rufus - check out Poses, when he has a less extravagant backing. Dead ringer.... in the sonic sense.
  13. Me likes this album. I like the lyrics - all the harking back and yearning tto the times of the pioneers, the hunters and the pioneers. And the music ain't half bad either. Singer sounds a bit like Rufus Wainwright which is never a good thing in large doses.
  14. Late to the party, as per usual, but..... Happy Birthday Rich. Was round your way earlier today.
  15. I've got the album - and it is good. In fact I've been NP'ing it whilst driving to and from Cambridge. A lot more 'song' based - I think there's only 2 instrumentals. And 'Backstage Girl' has one of the best pay-off lines of any song I've heard this year.
  16. Watched a film called Junebug last night. A bittersweet comedy of manners and choices, about a boy from the sticks taking his enormo-cultured wife home to meet his family for the first time. Cultures clash with much merriment asking the charaters to make choices like in Doc Hollywood, or Cars for that matter - stay or go? However, it never descends into farce like Meet The Parents, as its injected with a bit more of a homespun charm like Napoleon Dynamite - but again the comedy isn't played for laughs quite as brashly, and the dramatic moments are quite emotional and touching too. Music b
  17. The Outsider This is good. Completely all over the place - hyphy jams, garage rock, funky soul, electro and a large sprinkling of self-indulgance. Basically everything he's been endorsing through his DJ'ing over the past few years.
  18. I actually think the Uncut revamp was long overdue and well executed in every respect bar one - the films section. That used to get equal coverage as the music but now you'll get about 5 reviews at best. This may have something to do with the release of their new DVD sister mag. But, seriously, it needed a kick up the rollocks, how many more Led Zep, Beatles, Dylan covers could they run? At least they've started giving covers out to people who are still a going concern (Morrissey, Ian Brown, etc) and using writers of considerable quality too (Barney Hoskyns, Paul Morley, Jon Wilde). So
  19. Yes, I believe it is Mark Ronson with the guy out of Phantom Planet providing the vocals.
  20. Oh, that'll teach to spend more time round here and to pay more attention in class. Delete away.
  21. Taken from Comingsoon.net: I'm not overly keen on the idea of Heath Ledger, he strikes me as a bit limited in range as in he can only do brooding*. * - for 'brooding' read 'mumbles a lot'
  22. What??? At all?? So he used to cover White Light / White Heat out of boredom? Yes he was influenced by early Floyd, but that's the point with Bowie, he's influenced by everyone... Dylan, Neil Young, Sinatra, music hall comedy, Iggy, and on, and on, and on....
  23. Yes, because you bought the wrong album. The Complete Stone Roses and The Stone Roses are two very different albums. The former a compilation with inferior radio edits, remixes and songs takne out of context - the other one of the greatest debut albums of all time.
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