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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. a few years older than tugger. maybe I'll get it for my sister.
  2. On the bright side . . . Study: As gas prices go up, auto deaths decline By JOAN LOWY, Associated Press 1 hour, 57 minutes ago WASHINGTON - Today's high gas prices could reduce auto deaths by nearly a third as driving decreases, with the effect particularly dramatic among price-sensitive teenage drivers, the authors of a new study said. Professors Michael Morrisey of the University of Alabama-Birmingham and David Grabowski of Harvard Medical School found that for every 10 percent increase in gas prices there was a 2.3 percent decline in auto deaths. For drivers ages 15 to 17, the decline
  3. This part is changing rapidly. When the vast middle class wakes up to the fact that it's being left behind, look out!
  4. I just read Jack Newfield's "RFK: A Memoir," written in 1969. For me, the most telling line of how different times were - just as Kennedy entered the race in March 68, the approval rating for the war in Vietnam was "down to only 54 percent," down 20 percent since Tet. A steep drop, yes, but try to imagine a time when 54 percent approval would be cause for alarm. As innocent as the public had been in its faith in the govt, it was even more innocent in its belief that it could change the govt. In certain ways I see the same pattern emerging.
  5. It was a quip, a zinger! I know that's not the way democracy works!
  6. I just saw this - very well done. Most amazing was that LOOK never used the pictures.
  7. Just like the 2000 popular vote!
  8. my thir(mumblemumble)th is next year, but I probably won't go. No need to revive that unfortunate towel-snapping incident.
  9. I am closing this topic, as it is getting far too few responses.
  10. This would be pretty cool, although it might invite comparisons with Triumph Of The Will. Mile-high Obama? Invesco Field may be venue By: Chuck Plunkett 7/3/2008 Barack Obama’s campaign is considering moving his nomination acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention from the Pepsi Center to Invesco Field at Mile High to allow tens of thousands to witness the historic moment, sources say. The move would mark a major departure from tradition, but would be in keeping with the candidate’s desire to build a large grass-roots campaign focused on “change.” Should the Illinois Sena
  11. A man of his time and place. You always knew where he stood, which is very rare in DC. RIP.
  12. Farewell to one of my first heroes. Larry Harmon, longtime Bozo the Clown, dead at 83 By JOHN ROGERS, Associated Press Writer 2 hours, 3 minutes ago LOS ANGELES - Larry Harmon, who turned the character Bozo the Clown into a show business staple that delighted children for more than a half-century, died Thursday of congestive heart failure. He was 83. His publicist, Jerry Digney, told The Associated Press he died at his home. Although not the original Bozo, Harmon portrayed the popular clown in countless appearances and, as an entrepreneur, he licensed the character to others, par
  13. Bad news for the Big Suicide Bomber On Campus: July 3 (Bloomberg) -- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she's ``proud'' of the U.S. decision to wage the Iraq war and insisted that the world is not more dangerous than it was when George W. Bush took office. ``We're now beginning to see that perhaps it's not so popular to be a suicide bomber."
  14. Yeah, I know it was a "bit", but since I recently got jumped on for wanting to "de-emphasis" a catcher's jock strap showing through his pants, I'm a little sensitive.
  15. So how's MLB gonna work it to get the Rays, Bosox and Yankees into the playoffs? Surely they can't let Yankee Stadium die without one more October. Maybe the Yanks can buy their way in.
  16. This just in . . . Liberal Bloggers Accuse Obama of Trying to Win Election
  17. And where was congress, the media, the public when this was being decided? Oh, right, busy making sure they didn't get caught on the wrong side of the war ("Your call, W!") I'm no fan of W, but there's plenty of blame to go around for our problems.
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