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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. Try using this shot of the pre-rehab Jeff:
  2. Well, you're getting to where the 80s were 25 years back, an unless you're gonna induct the Replacements and their ilk, what else was there? Phil Collins?
  3. tugmoose


    Glad you got tickets, but that's just BS the way they screw around like that. I mean, when they say "Best Available" I assume they mean it. Frankly, I'm happiest when it's just GA.
  4. I'm running this through my Official Steve Allen Arbiter of Funny
  5. I'd like to be among Scarlett Johansson and Maria Sharapova, but I'd rather be between them.
  6. Tower Theater's cool, saw E.costello there in 1979 and 2003. My dad went to movies there in the '30s.
  7. I'd do it if I weren't already booked for SXSW in March. And if it wasn't Chicago in the dead of winter. Anyone suspect special guests?
  8. Didn't we have this thread, like, a year ago?
  9. Can't get enough of that. I'll grab this right after I get Jeff's poetry book.
  10. Just keep a lid on those ORU hooligans.
  11. Maybe John and Jeff's secret love child. What, you didn't know? How else do you think John's stayed in the band?
  12. Is that a robotic cleaning lady, or a lady who cleans robots? Or a robot who cleans ladies?
  13. I thought we decided Jeff was Martin Freeman from The Office.
  14. That was you? I enjoyed that movie . . . a lot.
  15. Well, would you mind taking my shift on the 25th?
  16. Actually, that looks more like a real tree than most Christmas trees. I guess if you had to do "damage control" over the Linus speech, you'd have to do the same about the whole holiday.
  17. Elizabeth: Mary Ellen called us piss ants. Olivia: Well you know better than that don't you, Elizabeth? Elizabeth: I don't feel like a piss ant. Olivia: There, you see?
  18. Great one. I watched it the first time it was on. Patricia Neal: "But John, what are we gonna live on?" Plus Edgar Bergen and Cleavon Little! Olivia: What were you doing up there? John-Boy: Nothing, Mama. Olivia: Then what's the door locked for? John-Boy: I reckon it just got locked. Olivia: A door don't get locked all by itself. Now what were you doing up there behind locked doors? John-Boy: Sometimes I like a little privacy, Mama. Elizabeth: Good night, John Boy. John-Boy: Good night, Elizabeth. Good night, Daddy. John: Good night, Son. Good night, Mary Ellen. Mary Ellen:
  19. I'm very, very excited about this. The only thing that would make it better would be to play the Beachland Ballroom.
  20. More commonly known as THE ALMIGHTY D-B-T WWWWWHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. If I'd seen this shot before becoming a fan, I would not have become a fan. Is Ken wearing a diaper?
  22. So Nels and Pat are out?
  23. Mine's Dfender, in honor of Django.
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