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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. just appeared with a laptop at the back of the stage during an Austin show in 2002.
  2. Because they fell and skinned their knee. Bad earth! Bad, bad earth!
  3. I want I want I want gimme gimme gimme. Sounds great!
  4. . . . the day after his son got picked up with a pharmacy of pills in his car. Al, I know you're trying to save the planet. Perhaps you should start with your family. Or is the timing inconvenient? I know - it's not for me to scold. That's your job.
  5. Hey, this is America. We can out-bankrupt anybody in the world! Basically it looked like the French govt is scared shitless of their people and will handout anything they ask for. So, naturally, the people keep asking for more.
  6. . . . made me slightly more human (in a good way).
  7. The part that lost me (and I'm guessing a few others) was the French guy who felt that 3 months paid recovery time wasn't enough, so he got another 3 months paid to "recover" in the south of France. Just how long would it take Americans to bankrupt a system like that? Heartbreaking, yes, and a defining issue of our time, but trivialized by typical MM mock surprise and stunts.
  8. . . . I've played a hell of a lot more than A Ghost Is Born.
  9. "Maybe it's true that we are all descended from the restless, the nervous, the criminals, the arguers and brawlers, but also the brave and independent and generous. If our ancestors had not been that, they would have stayed in their home plots in the other world and starved over the squeezed-out soil... "We all have that heritage, no matter what old land our fathers left. All colors and blends of Americans have somewhat the same tendencies. It's a breed - selected out by accident. And so we're overbrave and overfearful - we're kind and cruel as children. We're overfriendly and at the sa
  10. Buddy Holly replacing Waylon Jennings on American Pie.
  11. DBT dumping Jason Isbell. Eric Clapton replacing George Harrison in the Beatles - almost. That was John's suggestion after GH quit during Let It Be sessions).
  12. Prayers and vibes to my fellow Scots (I'm clan MacDonald) and all in the UK. On a related note, what effect might these incidents have on travel plans? My niece is slated to visit the UK next month, and a certain band is supposed to play Glasgow in two weeks.
  13. If the Democrats can't deal with a bunch of blowholes on AM radio, how are they going to deal with hostile foreign gov'ts? John Kerry couldn't defend his Nam record while running against the combat-averse W. How was he gonna defend the Constitution as President? To quote Jon Stewart: "When the disembodied voice on C-SPAN calls you pussies, you're probably pussies." The Dems' MO in the face of adversity would appear to be running off and crying "They're not playing nice, Mommy. Make them stop."
  14. What I think the Democrats should do is pass a very, very sternly worded non-binding resolution. That'll show 'em. I mean, are they trying to look like a bunch of impotent, ineffectual, whining wussies? Because they're doing a pretty good job of it. Do we really want one of these guys or gals to be president?
  15. Damn it! I was all fired up for a brawl! Oh well, score one for peace, love and understanding.
  16. OK everybody, let's place nice. This is a thread for love and happiness. (i was gonna put this on the VW thread, but it just closed.)
  17. Now, if they'd just put The Last Town Chorus behind this rolling orgasm:
  18. Ouch. Actually, it was more his apparently unhealthful lifestyle that I was commenting upon, not "fat people." But if you wanna come protest in front of my house, be my guest. Just read the thing about him losing 30 - apparently he was thinking the same thing I was. Good for him. My apologies.
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