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Everything posted by tugmoose

  1. Did you know he was GAY? It's OK, though. He's dead. What, did I say something?
  2. Well, the Beatles had no problem with folks knowing they recorded at Abbey Road Studios. Does Wilco think it's bigger than the Beatles? How about Jesus?
  3. Hey, hey LBJ 2 more wins, then the Spurs will pay! Or something like that. THINK FINALS!!!
  4. Personality. Once they added lights, Wrigley's only claim to fame is its ivy (plus the Cubs' history of futility). Look at the architecture and the field itself: Symetrical, clean, even, boring. Fenway has the monster, the deep well in right that juts in severely to Pesky's Pole. A dump? That's just part of Fenway's charm. Among the new stadiums, I just love love love love PNC Park in Pittsburgh. Now if only it housed a team worth a crap.
  5. And can that crap! This town is hopping! Remember "Think LeBron"? Git yer game face on and THINK FINALS!!!
  6. So is Wrigley. Fenway totally kicks its loser ass.
  7. One thing I hope Washington is realizing is that people are getting very angry. First the 06 elections, then George Tenet, now this. There is a foul mood rising out there that's not gonna accept the same old shit. Safe ain't safe anymore, for either side. Read this by Andrew Sullivan today: The president's press conference last week left me at a loss for words. Spluttering is not a real response. But how else to respond to a man who has spawned a catastrophe in the Middle East and then behaves as if it's his critics who are out of touch with reality? Then we get this latest news about pr
  8. . . . , you're probably pussies." - Jon Stewart, the Daily Show, on congressional Democrats abandoning timelines in Iraq War funding bill. Some think the Dems will come back from holiday break with newly attached balls and get the impeachment ball rolling. I'm not seeing it, but maybe they'll surprise me.
  9. So the MSM is still trotting out Jeff as the poor, poor victim of of the big, bad music industry. The inspiring story about how Wilco was viciously dumped by a soulless media behemoth, only to rise up and rejoin the same media behemoth.
  10. Manny Ramirez just knocked the ever-livin' SHIT outta a fat fastball from Cliff Lee. Watch for it on SportsCenter and tell me I'm wrong.
  11. Hey, you think Nels Cline comes cheap? He ain't no Bob Egan or Leroy Bach, ya know.
  12. Best moment in the whole thing: On the bonus disc, Jeff is recognized by a fan on an NYC sidewalk. Fan says what a thrill it is to meet him and asks for an autograph. Fan hands Jeff a snippet of paper and Jeff starts writing away. Fan tells Jeff "I saw you at the Trocadara and Irving Plaza." Jeff keeps writing, head down, cigarette dangling, for a about 15 or 20 seconds before responding "Oh yeah?" Friggin' hilarious.
  13. They were playing the crap outta that commercial during the Cavs game Sunday night, I think, and it was very distracting at work to hear it again and again - cool, but distracting. If yer a young punk railing against the system, it's one thing. If yer a middle-age guy with a family and a mortgage, that's another.
  14. Someone got into the Puppy Uppers!
  15. $22.07 at Deep Discount DVD for two-disc version. And grab the 2-disc Fearless Freaks for $15.07 while yer at it. And Neko Case at ACL (featuring me!) for $14.14.
  16. Whenever the time seems right for an upbeat suicide song. DBT's got about 15 of 'em.
  17. I'm guessing she's a loyal "Bushie." (Way, way hotter than that last Monica, IMHO.)
  18. Sort of a tasty poison, like fast food. "Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down."
  19. Christ. Is it possible to put out the fuckin' record without throwing on downloads, secret tracks, decoder rings? How about this: save the extra tracks and maybe put out an album every 1.5 years as opposed to the current 3-year wait? And, yeah, I used to shop at My Generation, paid the higher price and endured the rudeness. I guess is made me feel somehow superior to the big box shoppers. Then it closed, and I got the Johnny Cash Unearthed set for 70% off. Now that's a happy ending.
  20. Beats the crap outta that Freebird song.
  21. It means they had a bunch of whhhhhooooos, and ahhhhhhhhaaaas sitting around and needed a song to hang 'em on.
  22. So can we return all the extra copies we ordered from amazon.com now?
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