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Everything posted by Atticus

  1. I've listened to all the "vocals" yoko ono put on lennon's albums with a totally open mind hope I never have to do it again
  2. where is the god damn youtube video of this?
  3. I would so DO you if I hadn't had my cavity filled this morning.
  4. as a Wilco fan, I don't care much for the blacks. But this is a great album.
  5. Atticus


    see how that works in with your screen name? see it?
  6. Atticus


    it seems to me that the diversity comment may refer to the general smugdickness of the wilco fan rather than skin color
  7. for the sake of completeness you should add the Kicking Television movie, even though unreleased (the one that was passed around here like crazy around christmas '05?)
  8. I guess I'm just really lost on the appeal of this. I tried to get excited, but found this performance a real yawn. I'm sure it's a fine thing to watch live, but I would never be jumping to this song on the ipod... maybe I just need to give it more listens.
  9. I don't trust a god damn thing that dude says.
  10. if you people don't stop talking about Radiohead Jeff probably won't make another album. ever.
  11. both SBS and the parenthetical really muffled Glen's drums in my opinion. I much prefer the live outtakes to the SBS studio cuts. I hope they bring back some clarity in the mix as far as Glen.
  12. i love bull black nova. is that on the next album?
  13. I have watched a friend slowly die from AIDS and my grandfather die from alzheimer's and other complications over years. I've also watched addicts and alcoholics die. it's not a contest. they are all diseases, and each is brutal in the way it takes its victims. the jury is out on exactly what causes alzheimer's, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest that lifestyle and behavioral choices significantly increase risk of AIDS and cancers. should we beat up on all the victims, or just the addicts? this statement reveals your ignorance on the nature of addiction insanity (taking
  14. I hope this is some kind of sarcasm or plain misunderstanding on my part
  15. it's comforting to feel better-than
  16. I don't use a wah anymore but I think I went through 3 or 4 crybabies before throwing in the towel. no durability at all.
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