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uncle wilco

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Everything posted by uncle wilco

  1. jon corabi was/is better than vince neil. crue fans just couldn't accept that.
  2. ummm...that was one crappy-assed cartoon. i can't believe they put that steaming pile of animation on the air. I gave it 30 minutes and laughed...no, more like chuckled just once. it need's more laughs per minute than that to even qualify as comedy. really pretty sad. bush may be one of the worst presidents EVER and deserving of 24/7 bashing, but you've got to try harder than that. i sure hope jeff's not a regular character...that's just f*cking embarassing.
  3. that's pretty much my take on it as well. to me it's a more real and authentic form of music. especially at my age. in less than a year, my 30's will be gone. i have a totally different perspective on life in general now than i did even a couple of years ago.
  4. deportees don't seem to exist anymore.
  5. well..i'd start with securing our border. then i'd pour myself a drink and figure the rest of the shit out on monday. of course, i'd be open to suggestions.
  6. quit reminding me of reality. i mean come on...it's friday!!!
  7. if you are gonna call alt-country, country music played by and for democrats, then what the hell have i been listening to for the last 18-20 years?
  8. you don't think that an inept government in the country they are trying to flee might bear some of the blame? yes, they are being taken advantage of economically, but THEY are also letting it happen. It's all about who's paying off who (drug cartels, other governments). i don't subscribe to the idea that everything we do as a country is evil...well...until the current administration took office maybe with all their corporate ass-kissing and willfull disregard of the middle class...but...ok...2008 needs to be a clean slate. it's all gonna be better starting in '08. i want to be able to look in
  9. random 5: red guitar radney foster jason falkner silversun pickups glen phillips i'm not that indie "hip" and i don't care to be.
  10. i'm gone from posting for 3 weeks and come back to THIS??? wtf??? is this board going to hell over a non-album song used in a freakin' commercial? seriously? wow at least it's used in a vw ad and not for kia or hyundai. with all the industry slights to the band over the years and being ignored by commercial radio on a regular basis, i don't fault them at all for using a song (not on the album) in a commercial. seriously, if they were all over the radio and tv already i might question the need. but that is not the case now..is it? NO...NO it's NOT. i hear they may throw in a couple other
  11. thanks, i always loved that song...but i never thought it would come in handy on a wilco board.
  12. Hey, this is radio station W-S-K-E-E We're takin' calls off the wish line Making all your wacky wishes come true Hello 1-I wish I was little bit taller, I wish I was a baller I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a '64 Impala I wish I was like six-foot-nine So I could get with Leoshi Cause she don't know me but yo she's really fine You know I see her all the time Everywhere I go, and even in my dreams I can scheme of ways to make her mine Cause I know she's livin phat Her boyfriend's tall and he plays ball So how am I gonna com
  13. when one's first post is a complaint, that's a red flag. it would be totally cool to take the delorean back a decade to re-live the being there era, i personally loved that period of the band...but it's not gonna happen. or you could just put on your favorite wilco record and dream of the time you were sporting a mullet and wondering what you would look like with jay's dreads. people change. jeff is reportedly the happiest he's been in quite some time. i wouldn't hold your breath for jay's return. a ut reunion would be more likely at this point and that's not gonna happen either.
  14. i wouldn't disagree. it was kind of the same thing with agib for me. they finally sold me on that album by their live performances. i'm already a fan of sbs, but seeing them perform the songs on the dvd made me an even bigger fan of this material.
  15. what dvd were you watching? there was more pat than i'd ever seen before. he even talked for a minute or two...and his hair was perfect.
  16. i thought exactly as you did about 5-6 listens into the album. but then i figured that for as long as i'd been a fan, they earned a few more spins at least for my sake. i didn't really want to cut the cord and put them in the "hasbeen" stack just yet. i was rewarded after i went another week or so before passing judgement. it took about 12-15 listens for me mostly just to let go of the expectations i had built up. i'm glad i gave it a chance. probably won't hit you the same way, but you never know. of course, if i wasn't as old as i am, maybe i'd have picked up linkin park today instead...no..
  17. billy graham is the only famous preacher i've ever respected. billy made a point of preaching to everyone regardless of their status. in fact billy had issues with mr. falwell publicly over his politicizing the pulpit. jerry was human, like the rest of us. i can think of bigger a-holes in the world than him, but cloaking himself under the guise of a man of God made him a bigger target than most. i never saw him as a humble man or one to care much for those who were really seeking answers. if you didn't fit his profile, he'd rather point a finger at you than give you a hand up. that's just m
  18. great dvd. the live performances are great and hint at what to expect on the tour. it's gonna be good...real good. and it was cool to hear from each member of the band. well worth the extra cash for the cd/dvd version.
  19. sbs at best buy is $22.99 today before tax for the cd/dvd combo. it will eventually revert to the regular price of $24.99. i'm a point of purchase person, i hate waiting on online orders if i don't have to.
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