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Everything posted by OOO

  1. "Morrison shot Keyes in the head as she tried to escape when SWAT teams burst into the Platte Canyon High School classroom where he were holding her and one other student." he were?
  2. the sass-o-meter is registering off the chart sass today.
  3. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot Revolver London Calling Tommy Z If You're Feeling Sinister White Album Kid A OK Computer Joshua Tree
  4. Seriously dude, chill out. Maybe you should watch Anger Management starring Adam Sandler.
  5. very VERY tempting as well, but can we really justify being away 2 night on thanksgiving weekend?
  6. I'm totally pretending to come home that weekend to visit my family. Suckers.
  7. iTunes 7.0.1 was just released so updating to that my solve issues anyone is having with it.
  8. speaking of sporting bans in Australia, my friend who is studying abroad there claimed he was at an Australian Football game, and tried to start the wave (or the "Mexican wave" as they call it there). Long story short, he was kicked out and given a police citation, because the wave is not allowed as it causes people to knock stuff over or something...
  9. I think kidsmoke should get 11 out of 10 status as well. I'm just sayin'.
  10. Forget Enron, A teddy bear has been implicated in 2,500 deaths Time for all you parents to burn your children's stuffed animals in front of them, I think.
  11. Not if you admit your addiction and are happy about it. But in this case, I don't think its a big deal. I check VC during class on my laptop, so what do I know. At least I don't SLEEP through class. (Though, like many others have stated, my freshman fall GPA was....not stellar)
  12. I know much more about macs, but deleting the iTunes preference files could fix things.
  13. I'm almost positive they march through campus every home game, but I'm going to check further with my more knowledgable campus-mates (EDIT: they say yes). The middle of USC does get very, very, very crowded before home games and its mostly people drinking/tailgaiting/yelling about how we're going to destroy whatever team we're going to be playing. Plenty of people bring kids, but depending on how old they are it might be a bit much if you're interested in a relaxing picnic. Either way, hope you come around and have some fun.
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