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Everything posted by OOO

  1. The fact that Oregon is absolutely abysmal now (they have 0 points right now in the 4th quarter against UCLA), without Dennis Dixon understate how important he was for their team - he was their entire offense. Dennis Dixon would get my vote, but McFadden is amazing too and he finished the season, so he should win. Speaking of Oregon losing, guess who's back at the top of the Pac 10?
  2. I wish I had more room for rubios but its 10 spots per question! And yes, there are still togos around
  3. And the season just gets crazier and crazier. Big win, Pig Sooie! Who knew this McFadden guy could play?
  4. I forgot about freebirds (It's mostly in texas, though it started in Santa Barbera long before chipotle and Q'doba if I recall correctly), but I added that. Chipotle still wins for me though, so no harm done. Boston Market was also a bad oversight I also added Chick-fil-A (speaking of Texas things I forgot, there is no room for whattaburger )
  5. In-n-out, Chipotle, Panda, Quizno's, KFC for me Also, Steak n Shake, Johnny Rocket, etc don't count because they are sit down, have waiters, etc.
  6. Both of mine are mediocre, but I did this Michael McDonald impression and this "weird al" parody
  7. They sent me an autographed CD for my entry. (also, the contest ended about a month ago. The one that won is really good)
  8. Well, yeah, if steak and shake counts then I'd have to reorder my list, but since you sit down and they have waiters/waitresses, i think it counts as more of a diner.
  9. Here's the link This is what amazon thinks the future of reading is. While I think $400 is kind of steep, it does have some pretty nifty features: 1. Electronic Paper. High contrast, no glare. Great for reading and much different than a computer screen. 2. Always on internet. You don't need to hook it up to a computer to get books onto it, you just grab them from Amazon and they're on your book in a minute. This doesn't mean Wi-Fi, it uses cell phone networks, so if you can connect with your phone, you can buy a new book. (and no subscription fee for wireless) 3. Not just books, but m
  10. I see so many sonic commercials, but I have only seen/been to one. They are so scarce, but their advertising is so plentiful. Also, I like culver's a lot.
  11. Chipotle is obviously the best national fast food chain by far, if it counts. However, if we are going burgers, In-n-out gets my vote. Then Carl's Jr., then Jack in the box, then wendy's. (I wasn't even that impressed by whataburger, to be honest) White castle is easily the most disgusting of the fast food chains ive eaten at....but I still love it.
  12. As we expected, they are too chicken to kill off popular characters when they kill them. Fun episode though. At this point in time they have 2 easy ways of bringing back ANY character that dies. 1. Claire/Adam's blood. 2. Peter/Hiro Timetravelling How am I supposed to fear for the main characters lives when anyone can and does rise from the dead?!
  13. Yeah, I loved that as well, but technically, if the 5th doctor remembers how to save the tardis in this short, he should also remember that the Master is still alive once he becomes the 10th doctor, and shouldn't have been surprised earlier in the season!
  14. OOO


    I like Obama, but I like Kucinich more and more everytime i hear from him.
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