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Everything posted by OOO

  1. I think it was linked to in a couple of posts, but it has not had its own thread, which it deserves.
  2. Guess it was a suicide attempt. Hopefully he gets the help he needs.
  3. Mr. ... goes into threads and states his (usually) unpopular opinions in a very condescending manner while simultaneously subtly insulting a certain number of people in the thread (i.e. you). He'll throw in some non sequiturs and a bunch of quotes from people you've never heard of (but who he'll imply are THE expert on the subject) and you'll be arguing with him for a week. So don't take it personally. The band (Wilco) actually put out a statement once to say he was being silly and misinformed.
  4. Because of the church's deep pockets, he's able to post bail for almost any amount, so I imagine they are trying to get on his good side.
  5. a few more games and im sure Rex will get rid of his jitters...
  6. I agree with that, but if Tweedling's wife gets stuck with paying extra for stuff because of them being insuranceless....it seems like she is then shooting herself in the foot a little..
  7. well, if the lady who is covering for them has insurance, wouldn't lying be better off for all parties involved? I was a passenger in a fender bender once, and my friend's parents hadn't gotten car insurance yet for him, so his parents arrived on the scene, asked the other guy if he'd say that my pal's dad was driving, and everything was sorted out that way. But you ARE sort of trusting a random person which could be trouble.
  8. Those two sentences do not jive. you are being condescending when you call his religion a fairytale.
  9. Happy Birthday Jeff, I hope your skies stay blue!
  10. I think that bolded part is absolutely false... But in general, I can agree with the sentiment of the article.
  11. I think Peter Stormare could pull off a good leroy bach, and he's already unpimped ze auto for VW, so its a perfect fit.
  12. I was once on the way to a homecoming dance when I was 16. I had gotten my license and so I decided I'd drive. It was raining pretty bad. On the way to the dance, some street was flooded, and I decided it looked like it would be fun to go through it. The water was too deep and the engine stopped (I think water filled the exhaust pipe? no idea). Anyhow, I had to roll my pants all the way up to my thighs, get out, and pushed the car out of the water while my buddy steered. Somehow it worked. I also backed up into a car once and sped away right after I got my license. I didn't get out,
  13. but its all GA so if you get there early, its easy to get close standing room. Last time, (in the days of Thax Douglas opening), i was about 3 people away from the front of the stage. I had fun.
  14. Quite stormy up here in the northern suburbs as well. My sister said the scaffolding in a building next to hers blew over!
  15. How did Dave get a hottie like that to a party like this????? Nice one, Dave!
  16. it seems to be a tie in with the new movie "Shoot Em Up" with clive owen.
  17. I think the more often the song gets shouted out by drunk people, the less often it will be played.
  18. I accidentilly had my program recording all computer sounds instead of just the webcast, so there are 2 or 3 moments where you here something thats not the webcast (particularly 2 seconds during Outtasite), but if you want a quick and dirty mp3 version of the show: http://www.sendspace.com/file/peya9p
  19. both were amazing, but the quality of the stream itself was REALLY outstanding. It was so good it may have....stayed on my computer?
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