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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I disagree about the time traveling thing, cause what about Rousseau who was ship wrecked on the island in the 80s? Or how about Desmond, who was also shipwrecked on the island a few years (?) before the plane crash. And how did they transport Juliet to the island in a submarine? Was the submarine a time traveling submarine? Did it have a flux capacitor? Interesting theory none the less though. My theory: it's like that movie "The Game" with Michael Douglas, where the whole thing is one big practical prank. I bet any day now the Others will come over to the beach and be like "gotcha!!" and eve
  2. Well played my friend, well played!
  3. AC Newman - Better Than Most The Beatles - I Should Have Known Better The Beatles - Getting Better Elliott Smith - I Better Be Quiet Now The Postal Service - Nothing Better Apple
  4. Well of course there's demos, but the only ones that have been released to us are on The Wilco Book CD and there's some slightly different versions of songs on early leaks of the album.
  5. there's no such thing as an Amsus4. A chord can be either diminished, minor, major, augmented, or suspended. It can't be minor and have a suspended fourth, that makes no sense!! Sorry, I'm kind of anal about these things.
  6. I've seen the 20 minute documentary or however long it was but I thought it was just a preview of a full length movie.. am I mistaken? Or is the full length movie what came with JCN?
  7. How about It's Just That Simple? It hasn't been played by Wilco since November 22nd, 1995.
  8. I'm a big Jacksonville City Nights has always been a favorite of mine. Is this video with The Cardinals? And while we're on the topic of Ryan Adams, anyone know if that September documentary is going to be released?
  9. That was pretty good, reminded me of his Cold Roses album.
  10. I wonder if both will be available in Canada?
  11. That, those mp3s of A Ghost Is Born, that I've had for ages and ages, are very different then the CD version. For instance, the 7 minute mp3 of Handshake Drugs opposed to the 6:07 album version (or even more so, the 11:59 mp3 and 15:04 CD version of Less Then You Think). Also I think I heard some differences in Spiders. I'm guessing that the mp3s I got are of the first leak of the album, from way back yonder, and are in fact, early mixes? Has anyone else heard this?
  12. TCP


    Yeah I've noticed it on TV a bunch of times, good exposure for the band, fo sho.
  13. That explains the Canadian flags in the background.
  14. I loved both those movies. Most fun I've ever had at the movie theatre. Hobo With A Shot Gun was my favorite trailer. Machete was pretty stellar too.
  15. TCP


    Really? I still get the "who?" when I talk about Wilco. But if I bring up Modest Mouse or The Arcade Fire, everyone knows what I'm talking about. grr.
  16. Well, for starters, Sam would film the entire band, not just Jeff, Nels (or Jay, as it was back then), and Glenn.
  17. Blue Mountain is back together?!?! I am speechless. I've always loved "Dog Days".
  18. Am I the only one that, when listening to Chickamauga, at like 2:59, right before the song starts "rocking" again, wishes there was like, two kick drum or snare hits right before it stars rocking again? It always bugs the hell out of me.
  19. It really sounds like you're looking for reasons to hate the guy.
  20. I really like Chickamauga, that solo reminds me a lot of Neil Young.
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