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Everything posted by TCP

  1. And record releasing and what not.
  2. The DVD was recorded after SBS, as a rehearsal for a show. These are definitely two of the 18 songs recorded for the album but not included probably due to reasons you just said.
  3. Yeah I heard about that... though I think it was on this forum... maybe way earlier in the topic?
  4. Jools Holland? Isn't he the guy that did that song with George Harrison, "Horse To The Water"?
  5. It cost me 100 dollars to put just over 3/4th of a tank in my pick up last week.
  6. I Am Trying To Break Your Heart
  7. Oh, I guess you're right! Good call.
  8. Or the show will switch to the "future" (aka our present) and flashbacks of the island!
  9. Ehh doesn't look like a promo. Usually labels have a hard time getting songs for compilations if they're from another label (California Stars)
  10. woo!! Any day you get to hear a new studio Wilco track is a good day.
  11. Yeah, that last part was an edit, I found that out after. So, did anyone notice the neighborhood with the funeral home was specifically black?
  12. Powertabs.net has some really really good ES tabs by "rockandrollpart3", I think he did some of the songs that eventually ended up on New Moon.
  13. I reckon that instrumental bit that gets repeated is the chorus, just no vocals.
  14. It sounds like a geetar solo to me with something like a Lexicon Harmonizer on it, but maybe I'm wrong, I didn't listen too closely.
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong but in one of the early episodes Jack went looking for his fathers casket but when he found it there was no body in it... correct? Maybe the island made his father alive? Is Charlie really dead? I hope not! Notice how Walt, who should have been 10 looked strangely... 13!! How bout Danielle and her daughter being reunited? Maybe it was Juliet who died? That's why Kate didn't want to go, and why Jack was bummed out? According to Analogue Man's handy screen shot site, you can tell that the article says "Man found .... ____antham of New York"
  16. Yeah I really like Halloween Head, it's fun and that guitar tone kills me.
  17. I can't see how this movie could be worse then Bruce Almighty. Plus, Steve Carell, man... Steve Carell!
  18. I wish boxes with mandolins and ghost Natalie Portmans came to me in the mail.
  19. I was so pumped, what a let down! Hey while we're discussing The Beatles, does anyone know if Glyn Johns' version of Get Back is available via the internet?
  20. Find the birth places of the members of Sloan!!!
  21. Damn, no Tony. What does everyone think? I was kind of expecting some big surprise at the end and there wasn't any, which was kind of a surprise itself.
  22. This is like asking classic rock fans if they've ever heard Clapton!
  23. That song wasn't as bad as I was expecting. For a second there I felt 16 again... only a second though!
  24. You only like those because that's what Glenn was wearing in IATTBYH!! I actually have a pair of those, and I don't recommend them. They're great if you're in the studio cause not much sound leaks out of it (which is exactly why you see Glenn and various other Wilco members wearing them) but overall, they sound pretty bad, IMHO.
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