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Everything posted by TCP

  1. TCP

    John on violin?

    Really? That fiddle is rippin', I don't know if John could play like that. I always assumed it was Max. I mean, if he could play like that I'm sure he would have played violin on some other Wilco stuff at some point.
  2. I thought the Asian dude who taught Sun how to speak was the babies father? I'm still wondering what was up with that bird that called Hurley's name.
  3. TCP

    John on violin?

    Oh and that explains why Ken gets a guitar credit. And Jay a drum.
  4. TCP

    John on violin?

    On Being There, what song(s) does John play violin on? Further more, what track(s) does Jeff play bass?? I assume Jeff plays bass on the track that John plays violin on.
  5. The less there is on each side, the more room there is, the better it sounds.
  6. OR! Jeff is too busy still making good records to worry about Jay's stupid bullshit.
  7. Pfft, did Jeff ever even comment on those allegations by Farrar? Jay just seemed like a bitter old man, making up or exaggerating stories.
  8. Do people who listen to Linkin Park buy music? I don't think so. It is because of these people like this that, The Arcade Fire and The Shins debuted at 2 and Modest Mouse at 1. It's not that those bands are selling TONS of records, it's just that their fan bases are the only people that buy music. We are the only people still buying music.
  9. I WAS going to make fun of you, cause I figured it was going to be a webcam video and those things annoy the hell out of me. But it's an actual performance, stage and all. Good job, mon frere.
  10. Is it just me, and feel free to disagree with me, but does Adam Sandler look like Bob Dylan in this film or what??
  11. Kind of a filler episode eh? What the hell was the point of bringing Paulo and Nikki into the series?
  12. Didn't Wilcoweb say that there was 18 songs recorded, and 12 of them ended up on the album? Hmm!
  13. Beck - Sea Change Wilco - YHF Radiohead - Kid A The Beatles - Abbey Road ...or Revolver ...or The White Album Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde
  14. This is heartbreaking. Soon though... soon!
  15. Really? You're lucky. Everyone on oink seems to be stuck at 31.4%. Apparently the seeder had to leave to write a test.
  16. 1 seeder(s), 615 leecher(s) = 616 peer(s) total hahaha fun!
  17. Ah someone just put it on oink, let's hope this is legit.
  18. I read the Harvest book. It was okay but I would have liked more detail about the recording.
  19. Most of the EP feels like throwaways but the title song is really good.
  20. To be fair, I never really liked either of those songs from Harvest. But probably disliked 'Maid' more cause it interrupts the "Out on the Weekend" - "Harvest" - "Heart of Gold" country vibe. But you're right, there is a good song underneath it, as I realized today.
  21. Ummm I guess I just always preferred "There's a World"?
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