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Everything posted by TCP

  1. They're the kind of band that, you hear their song on the radio, and you think it's good but when you hear the entire record, you realize it was the only good song on it. I don't understand what people hear in this garbage. They're also the type of band that smashes their guitars on stage, just cause. But, hey! Whatever floats your boat! Who knows, maybe 10 years from now I'll look back and hear what I was missing in those records, but for now, I'll take my Wilco and Beck records.
  2. The Arcade Fire has the odd good song, but there's no way on earth they are anywhere near as good as Wilco.
  3. I have never agreed with anything more in my life.
  4. I hear stuff that's similar to Being There, I also hear stuff that's similar to A Ghost Is Born. But that's only slightly.
  5. A few thoughts; I usually think Bright Eyes sucks (hard), but I liked this song. That drummer, is a mega babe. That video, was very distracting song. Unless you're Cake, you should never have music video audio playing over your song.
  6. TCP

    What Light now

    And it's on pitchfork!
  7. THERE'S A LIGHT?! WHAT LIGHT?!?!?!?! I love it! Nels, bro, you make that lap steel sparkle!
  8. I think this is going to be one of my favorite Wilco albums.
  9. Is anyone else getting some clicks and pops?
  10. Impossible Germany sounds fantastic. Definitely dig the three guitars.
  11. I don't understand the GBMS hate. I think it's probably one of their best.
  12. Wilco record with a mixing board, protools (or whatever they record with, probably protools) rig, engineer, outboard gear, etc etc. I know they like to record live but I'm pretty sure some parts are often re-done in overdubs and new parts are added. The songs will be mastered when you buy the record, it's just that these promos were made before the masters (pre-mastering is what it's ACTUALLY called) were finished. Mastering is the last step before a record is pressed.
  13. I normally try to ignore the people on the internet that seem to be initially disappointed with every new release, by an established band, ever. But I think Walken is a really great, FUN, song, and it pains me to see it get so much shit. Nels lap steel kills me every time. It is by far my favorite of the three (though I think they're all great and am very excited for this).
  14. Haha, well, it was extra flat. Yeah, AGIB had really good use of reverbs, these recordings feel more "live", less production.
  15. These are not demos. The thing is these aren't mastered yet. Early promos usually aren't. Anyone download Beck's Guero when it first leaked? It was flat like this is as well.
  16. I hope it's more like Jacksonville City Nights, a true country record.
  17. None of these cities are Vancouver... they're not even on the same side of the world... weak!
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