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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Yeah Ovie looked tired out there.
  2. Holy crap Vancouver's Swedes are looking really good. Edler has been unreal. Quick has also been pretty good... This won't be as fast of a series as I had hoped! EDIT: Yes!! What did I tell you guys about them Swedish Canucks And Luongo looked like his old self! That save in OT... wow...
  3. Never heard that band before... pretty good.
  4. I like I'm Always In Love when it's played like it is in the film "I Am Trying To Break Your Heart".
  5. Wow... Detroit, Pittsburgh, San Jose all lost last night.
  6. No love for an Anodyne reissue on vinyl?
  7. Hey Locke watch out for that car!!!! ...oh shit!
  8. I don't know, I'd rather have a playoff spot decided by something more than a shootout.
  9. Henrik Sedin won the Art Ross Trophy.
  10. Why were you pumped? The Canucks started Andrew Raycroft. They're playing for nothing. I didn't even bother to watch that game. They sat Sami Salo, let Matt Pettinger play center and let Nolan Baumgartner in the lineup. What's concerning is that O'Brien and Rome both left the game (apparently!). Which means the Canucks blue line is getting dangerously thin with Ehrhoff and Mitchell already out (and a bunch of the better depth/farm guys like Lukowich, Nycholat, Funk, injured) and Sami Salo obviously a bit sore. Not the best time to get bitten by the injury bug. I fully expected the Canuck
  11. Desmond?! Yes! Charlie!? Yes! Faraday?! Yes! According to CTV next episode appears to be a Hurley episode featuring... Michael! I hope he yells "WALLLTTTT!!!".
  12. Yeah!!!! Everyone expected them to finish last, it'd be great to see them make the playoffs. Calgary doesn't deserve to be there, in my opinion.
  13. Yeah, probably the worst game of the season. To be fair let's look at the injury list for that game: Alex Burrows (puck to the throat in the first) Daniel Sedin (back spasms) Steve Bernier Mikael Samuelsson Willie Mitchell Shane O'Brien has been "suspended" by the team and Pavol Demitra took an emergency flight that day in and played his first game in weeks. I'm not surprised they lost. Though I would have pulled Luo after the 4th goal and started him tonight. He seems to be on and off lately, but that's ok I'd rather have him cold now and not in two weeks. Canuck fans are the worst, li
  14. No way! There is no way Detroit doesn't get by Nashville. Also a big LOL at Calgary.
  15. Well Jacob was at their wedding!
  16. Yeah, they should finish fifth, which is funny to think they were battling with Calgary for 8th not so long ago!
  17. http://www.weebls-stuff.com/songs/Lost+Titles/ this goes with the theme songs posted earlier. Apologies if I shared it before.... Desmond! I knew it would be him.
  18. That episode was pretty good. So maybe Jacob's job is to not only guard The Island but to ensure that whatever "evil" it is holding back does not get released. This must be why Jacob will not let Flocke go "home", because doing so will unleash said evil. Anyone else find it weird that MiB and Jacob both have modern accents in the 1800s?
  19. This movie looks incredibly bad. It also, somehow, looks incredibly good.
  20. Happy birthday to my fellow west coast canuckle.
  21. MA2 wasn't as solid as the first (mostly because Bragg's material was weak), I don't know how good the stuff that wasn't good enough to make that record would be...
  22. I'll add in The Wilco Book (or as it should be retroactively refereed to, Wilco [The Book]) because there's some really solid stuff in there that problem gets forgotten about. AM: Dash 7, Too Far Apart Being There: Misunderstood, Hotel Arizona Mermaid Ave: At My Window Sad and Lonely, Hesitating Beauty Summerteeth: Via Chicago, Summerteeth Mermaid Ave 2: Airline To Heaven, Remember the Mountain Bed The Foxtrot: I Am Trying To Break Your Heart, Poor Places A Ghost: At Least That's What You Said, Wishful Thinking The Book: This Is New, Hummingbird (Soma) Sky Blue Sky: You Are My Face, What Lig
  23. My thoughts: I don't believe that Aaron = MiB. When we saw the Man in Black as he originally was, he had dark hair. Jacob, however, has light hair. I'm still really subscribing to the theory that Flocke is Jack's son in the alternate universe. Either that or he is SOMEONE in the alternate universe, that is his "home"... and all the things that has resulted in the alternate universe (smoke monster killing the freight crew so some could leave the Island, others to travel back in time, John Locke needing to be dead to return to the Island with Jack and crew, who happen to wind up in the same time
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