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Everything posted by TCP

  1. One time, I was watching a film titled "Funny People". They talk about Wilco a few times and you hear a live rendition of "Jesus Etc" performed with Andrew Bird. Also, Seth Rogen wears an Uncle Tupelo shirt, I believe.
  2. Dearest Fender, Please Make a 12-string Telecaster! Sincerely, The Cowboy Poet Who's with me?!?!
  3. Ooops! Yes!!! Remember The Mountain Bed should have been on there! I also forgot When The Roses Bloom Again!
  4. How many NHL and NBC executives would start taking cyanide tablets if the finals turned out to be Vancouver vs Montreal???
  5. That was a poorly officiated game, from what I saw! Still... the Wings really need to get their act together.
  6. This video is classic. The original Wilco line up with three guitars
  7. A few thoughts... I never knew they performed together for MA2. Pretty cool stuff. The performance might have been a little better if they were standing. I'm all for sitting and playing an acoustic guitar but when the song is that up-tempo, it might be best to move around. Yeah not much of a point of Billy being there, at least give him a mic and let him sing back up too! Or give him an electric and let him do the slide stuff and Jay can do the baritone guitar... It's been a few years since I read Learning How To Die but didn't Wilco record their new MA2 songs without Billy Bragg?? As for the
  8. Nice team effort from the Canucks. Each line scored, Luongo looked really solid.
  9. Halak looks a lot slower in this game. He must be burning out.
  10. There was a few songs that Jay took when he left Wilco... that was one of them. Screen Door If That's Alright Wait Up Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down Black Eye Fatal Wound Acuff Rose New Madrid Box Full of Letters Dash 7 Pecan Pie Radio King Far Far Away Forget The Flowers Sunken Treasure Please Tell My Brother California Stars At My Window Sad and Lonely One By One Hesitating Beauty Airline To Heaven Chinese Apple The Ruling Class The Late Greats A Long Time Ago Basically, I think the folkier songs work best in the solo shows. Am I wrong?
  11. Ten minutes into the first.... I've never seen Detroit play so poorly. Come on, Wings! Get your act together! The Canucks want home ice in the third round!! Course as soon as I post this they score and make me look like a straight up fool!!
  12. You jinxed them!! That's exactly why I don't like Ovechkin, he's incredibly arrogant for someone who has never won anything. Until he proves otherwise, he's another Joe Thornton. That non-goal was BS, yes, but the Caps should have never even been anywhere close to being in that position. Congrats to the Habs, it's good to see another Canadian team still in the playoffs!
  13. Glad Phoenix got eliminated. I like the players, Shane Doan is one of the best guys in the league... but damn, that would have been awkward if they won the cup and then moved in the offseason!
  14. The mullet, the mouth guard, the 20 cents, everything!
  15. Damn Halak was good tonight, best performance I've seen since................ Craig Anderson! Ha! I love seeing cocky teams like Washington getting taken down a peg. Though Habs fans piss me off... there's 15 minutes left in the third and they're singing "ole, ole, ole", if there's any team in the league that can get three quick goals, it's Washington. Glad to see Boston trump Buffalo. There's something about Ryan Miller that I just don't like. I'm always wrong, so I shouldn't make predictions HOWEVER, I don't see any team in the west being able to trump Chicago or Vancouver, nor the east,
  16. I'm going to be unpopular and say that the only Pavement album worth listening to was Crooked Rain.
  17. I guess we'll have to wait for Uncle Tupelo's reunion in 2012.
  18. I've heard good things about this......
  19. I have Four Winds and thought it was kind of boring.... even the M. Ward song, which is weird, cause I love M. Ward.
  20. Luongo has been pretty good. Too bad the rest of the Canucks don't know how to kill a penalty. 3-2 in the third... come on........ Edit.... Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
  21. The first period had a half dozen of absolutely brutal hits. LA is damn good on the PP. The Sharks need to do a major overhaul. They need to get rid of either Thornton or Marleau. Nabokov is a large part of the problem, I think. It's kind of hard to pinpoint exactly what it is. They need a true playoff warrior, someone who can come in and lead by example... but I just can't see someone like Joe Thornton to be a follower. EDIT: HEY CANUCKS... IF YOU CAN'T KILL A PENALTY THEN HOW ABOUT YOU STOP GETTING STUPID FUCKING PENALTIES!!! :realmad More Edits: Ok, I am not one to blam
  22. Anyone see that Sharks vs Avs game? All sorts of awesome. Poor, poor, Sharks! I really, really, like the Avs. Matt Duchene and Ryan O'Reilly (when was the last time a player drafted outside of the first round made the team the year he was drafted and did so well?) are the real deal... You can't help but like a guy like Peter Anderson after seeing him smile like that after they won.
  23. 3-1 Coyotes in the third.... how long till we see our old friend Osgood?
  24. This is exciting stuff, all the series are tied! (Except for Nashville and Chicago, who have only played one game). I'd love to see some real upsets happen... like Colorado beating San Jose.
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