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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I don't think she time traveled. The guy she captured seemed to refer to the fact that they've been dealing with her in the past three years and she refereed to Jin as "leaving".
  2. Good! I was rooting for USA today too. Let's keep this a North American only final! I only said that because Winston was walking around, being all cocky. It will take more than one goaltender to get all the way through the big three. All four (CA, USA, SWE, RUS) have elite goaltenders.
  3. Phil Kessel is being pushed into stardom due to being the best player on the Maple Leafs.
  4. Nice! Now they can defeated by either Russia, Canada, or Sweden!!!!!
  5. The opening shot of the episode, is of a picture of Jack and his dad. There is a girl with Jack.. do we know who it is?
  6. Agreed, she looks like she needs some jungle lovin' GASP!: The sheet music in David Shepard's room, that he was also playing in his audition, was for Chopin's "Fantaisie-Impromptu" which was the piece young Daniel Faraday was playing in a fifth season flashback.
  7. Canada VS Russia... tonight! The epic battle of good VS evil. Needless to say, I am very excited. The USA is having trouble against the Swiss. Perhaps an upset is upon us?
  8. Yeah Jack is a drama queen sometimes. "O noez! my house!!! I better smash these mirrors!!!". Come on, buddy!! I really like u2roolz's theory. It seems fairly likely.
  9. Where are the episode titles?
  10. That episode was all sorts of good. I still like Claire, even if she's gone cRaAaZy! Who is Jack's son's mom? I really liked Hurley pondering if those skeletons were them... because I've always wondered that myself.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNMUYlkozL4
  12. Don't worry, the medal games will be better. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss my Canucks!
  13. Jacob was there when Locke was thrown out of the window! So that must not have happened either... especially since Locke appears to be on good relations with his father.
  14. I hope it's less like The Boxer and more like their selection from Dark Was The Night. That's a really, really, good song.
  15. Rewatched the first two episodes. A few things stuck out. 1) Jin and Sun aren't married.... Jacob visited them on their wedding day. COINCIDENCE?! 2) Jack was nervous on the plane. Jacob visited him during one of his lowest moments in his life. Perhaps there's some sort of correlation there. 3) Alt-Locke saying to alt-Jack "well how could they know where he is? They didn't lose your father, they just lost his body".
  16. Pretty good opening ceremonies... at least there was no talking dinosaur robots! I did get chills seeing Rick Hansen come in with the torch. Glad they chose multiple people too, it was the right decision. The technical problems were a tad disappointing but at least the cauldron came up and got lit, which is good considering it was possible that none of it could have worked, instead of just one arm. I don't know if Wayne was the right one to go through Vancouver and down to the Water Front to light the outdoor cauldron. Seeing the flame move through the city of Vancouver, all the recognizable
  17. Doubt it. There are a LOT of free events going on.
  18. I rewatched the season 5 finale the other night. At one point, as Jack is going to throw the bomb into the hole, Miles says something interesting, along the lines of "what if Jack doing this is 'The Incident'?". So if Jack threw the bomb down there and sunk the Island then that was clearly not "The Incident" we first heard Desmond talk about. So we still don't know what The Incident is... What sent them forward in time was either A) the drill, drilling into this "pocket" that unleashed some sort of energy and put them back in their proper time or B] the bomb unleashing whatever sort of energ
  19. No, different Hansen but equally (if not more) awesome. I'd recommend reading up on him. I actually had the pleasure of meeting him once, great man. I really like how this has become a "who is your favourite Canadian" thread Maybe I should change the title to "Canada Thread" and the poll to "Greatest Canadian".
  20. The "sista" ending of that actually made me laugh out loud.
  21. Dammit, you got me! I added Neil Young. I will add more if you guys suggest more! Horay!
  22. Neil Young is the greatest Canadian of all time..... hmmm....
  23. Anyone notice Mac from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia as the guard?! I LOLed everytime he was on screen... secretly hoping Charlie and Dennis would appear. Enjoyed the episode, good to see Claire back, interesting to see her so much like Rousseau though. Obviously that first trap they found was Claires. Was Rousseau claimed like Claire?
  24. With the Olympics only TWO days away, VANOC still hasn't announced who will light the cauldron. I wanted to get a global perspective on this, who do you guys think should light the cauldron? I think it will be Gretzky but in my opinion, it should be Trevor Linden.
  25. Apologies if I posted this before but I know you will all love this... http://www.weebls-stuff.com/songs/Lost+Titles/
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