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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I've barely been west of the Rockies, and hardly over the 49th but damn, even I know New Jersey stinks.
  2. Get off the high horse, man! If I wanted to read, I'd go get a book.
  3. I love A Ghost is Born but I've always felt the one thing that stops it from being one of the all time greatests is the line up.... Wilco nowadays seems to be better at being the band that AGIB-Wilco was trying to be. If that makes sense?!
  4. I'm envious!! I was rooting for the Flyers, but seeing the Hawks get the cup, I was really happy for them, especially given all the BC players on that team. Just realized why Ladd wears #16 Loved seeing Toews pass the cup to Hossa. This all went on way too long. Maybe because of the Olympics but I'm feeling some hockey overload right now. The final should be done in May. I don't know what it's like where you guys are, but in Northern BC right now, the grass is green, the leaves are out, and the air is warm. Come September I'll be ready for some regular season, unfortunately.
  5. I don't think I've ever heard God Bless America, and I guess I know why haha Go Flyers Go!
  6. They already did, they called it The Wiz! MJ is in it!!!
  7. Even back in the day, most of the films were from plays and books.
  8. Don't mean to be rude but what the hell happened to the Star Spangled Banner?
  9. It's amazing. It's one of those games that's hard to put down. I beat it in just over a week... my girlfriends little brother, somehow, beat it in three days (don't ask me how that's possible). And once you beat it, there's still more to do in the single player campaign, not to mention the impressive online play. Plus, it has one of the all time greatest endings to a game that I've ever played. Once you get it, feel free to add my PSN ID (and anyone else here is welcome to as well), it's The_Cowboy_Poet.
  10. What!!! How is that even possible?! I've had the same iPod since 2006, and it's finally now just getting to the point that it needs to be replaced... the battery doesn't last long a all. I'm not too mad though, I use it everyday.
  11. Made the switch to a PS3 recently (though I still have my 360, it just hasn't been touched lately). It's worlds better. Honestly, the free online play is great, and to be honest with titles like LittleBigPlanet, Heavy Rain, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Uncharted, God of War, etc etc, the exclusive titles are so much better. Maybe I'll get a copy of Alan Wake soon and dust off the old Xbox... maybe. I'm thinking about picking up a copy of ModNation Racers this afternoon, who's game?!
  12. I picked I Am Trying To Break Your Heart. It gets me every time it ends up then that last little bit of noise comes in for a split second.
  13. Dave Grohl is a great rhythm guitarist. Kurt Cobain should be on that list instead. Jack White and Neil Young are two of my favorite guitarist, for what it's worth.
  14. How about... Built to Spill - Car
  15. Now that I have had 48-hours to let the finale sink in, I have a few more thoughts. The final episode was the producers saying that the most important part of Lost was the characters. I disagree. Why did we all tune in every week? To watch Sawyer develop as a character? No. We watched in the hopes of some mysteries being revealed. At the end of the day, that's what Lost was about. They had a terrific way of having their answers only lead to more questions. That's not to say the characters weren't interesting or important. It just seems wrong to leave so many questions unanswered... I knew ev
  16. So Ottawa's cup counts because they were in the NHL but Vancouver's doesn't because they were in another league that was at the time on par (if not better) than the NHL (not to mention the beat an NHL team)? You do realize that the Ottawa Senators who won the cup are not recognized as the same franchise that today calls themselves the Ottawa Senators, yes? Not that any of this matters but I will defend my team, my city, and my province till the bitter end!
  17. Victoria too! That's two BC teams.
  18. If you count Ottawa on there then you have to count Vancouver. Americans...
  19. I guess things like that don't really matter.... but maybe the events from this last season could have been broken into two seasons. I did like the pacing but there was a lot of things that could have been fleshed out more. I'd have liked to seen more backstory on Jacob and MiB. Maybe even on the Island itself, how did it come to be? This season did give a lot of answers... Michael obviously wasn't in the church or in the other universe at all because he was stuck on the Island, doing the whisper thing. If they were all dead, who was Jack's son? Was he not real?
  20. When will San Jose learn they need a major shake up??? It's obviously chemistry!
  21. SO!!! What was The Man in Black's name? I give it a thumbs up, I don't understand the cynicism. That could have been a lot worse. A lot worse!!!! I just wanted some more loose ends tied up.... like Blackie's name, how Ben brought Anthony Cooper to the island, etc. But yes, why weren't Vincent and Richard in the church?!
  22. Good to know that "San Jose" won't appear on the Stanley Cup... it's bad enough "Tampa Bay", "Carolina", and "Anaheim" are on there.
  23. Good episode! Glad to see Zoe get her throat sliced. The way she just waltzed onto the Island like she owned the place... pointing guns at people and what not! A little bit disappointed the ending wasn't something a little bigger, being the last time an episode of Lost will end with a follow up to come.
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