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Everything posted by TCP

  1. 5 minutes is BULLSHIT. Horton needs to learn to keep his head up. I feel bad for the guy, but that was his fault.
  2. Haha, come on now, the NHL made the right call, we all know it. Time to grow up, and let it go. You put your finger in lions mouth, you're going to get bit. Class act by Burrows to come back with that sort of game, and the tribute to Luc at the end made me smile. Two more wins, boys!!!! EDIT: Anyways, I don't want to argue about Burrows anymore, after tonight's performance you all should be eating crow. Anything he may of done is not anywhere near as classless and Peverley's slash on Bieksa.
  3. Go take your trolling someplace else then.
  4. If you want to call that a bite, then go ahead, I'm pretty sure if anyone was being pushed and shoved, and then had a finger put in their mouth, the normal reaction would be to bite down. What else are you suppose to do? Calling him a "bitiing hair pulling fairy" just reeks of being a sore loser. The sad part is, you would all LOVE Burrows on your team. A 30+ goal scorer, one of the top PKer in the league, who's a total team player. He's a total complete player. Quit trying to turn the Canucks into villains. The Canuck fans aren't doing that to the Bruins. Face it, you couldn't pick two bette
  5. Uh, Bergeron put his hand in Burrows mouth and he never bit, which is why he was cleared. Honestly, all that's happened is Bergeron made himself look like a fool. Can't wait to watch that 'hair pulling fairy' lift the cup.
  6. Wooo!!!! I thought that was going to go to a few OTs at least. Glad Van won though, they were the better team. I stand by my Canucks in 5 prediction. Hopefully both goalies cool down a bit and we can get some higher scoring games. Fun fact: Winner of game 1 has gone on to win the Stanley Cup 77.5% of the time. Another fun fact: A home team that wins game 1, wins Stanley Cup 86.4% of the time. Why you gotta hate, bro?
  7. This wait for the playoffs to start is unbearable.
  8. Zzzzzzzz.... Oh... Sorry I fell asleep listening to those first four songs. Talk about a let down, sounds like a bad Kid A. Hopefully it's a grower....
  9. The High Heat is from The Wilco Book, which was sort of an A Ghost Is Born outtakes album.
  10. Yes. I've always been hoping for some sort of an Archives/Bootleg Series. I bet Wilco has some real gems that we don't even have any idea about.
  11. I'm enjoying hearing John, Pat, and Jeff during the encore. Wouldn't it be lovely to hear these three record an album with just them, guitars, a piano, and lots of harmony?
  12. I've always believed that's what Sam's music was strongest at. You can put it on, and all of a sudden, you're in a cabin, the leaves are changing, and Sam beam is playing guitar near the kitchen table. This new record (granted I'm on my first listen) is good, in fact, it's very interesting. But this isn't Sam's strengths. I'm glad he's branching out but there's nothing wrong with returning to your roots at one point. The Creek has always been my favorite Sam record. I liked the In the Reins and Woman King EPs as well. Even those songs, with all their extra instrumentation, are still very organ
  13. I completed all the missions. I've never been much of a completionist unless we're talking Ocarina of Time on the N64.
  14. I give a no-suck guarantee. I foresee Wilco really stepping it up and creating a very challenging record ....or a country record à la Anodyne. Either way, it'll be awesome. What's with the hate-on for AGIB? I really love that record. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot will always be #1 for me, but Being There, Summerteeth, and A Ghost Is Born are in a delicious 3-way tie for second.
  15. Ha! I use to be a big Jimmy Eat World fan when I was about 14/15. I heard their new single on the radio the other day and thought it was Linkin Park... anyways.. I don't understand the point of covering a song like that and not doing anything different with it. Just seems a little lazy, don't it? But hey, sometimes all it takes is a cover like this to introduce younger fans to a bands like Wilco. I recall something similar when I first heard Weezer's Velouria.
  16. Mac? Try iMovie. I've never used it but I imagine it is to Final Cut what Garage Band is to Logic.
  17. I second PopTodd. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwbRfuuhmaI
  18. What! How is it November and I haven't posted in here about how awesome the Canucks are?! Well, they are.
  19. I'd probably have Say It Ain't So as my #1. Seems a little odd though, I mean, Nirvana shaped the 90s and yet they aren't in the top-10? But Aaliyah is?
  20. I've been listening to the EP a lot lately. Easily my favorite of 2010 so far. Kind of weird to call 8 songs and 60 minutes an EP. Anything over 40 is an album to me. What does everyone else think?
  21. I don't think I made a list!! Thank goodness for Wilco Me resurrecting this thread. 1. Wilco – Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (duh) 2. Beck – Sea Change 3. Iron & Wine – The Creek Drank The Cradle 4. Ryan Adams & The Cardinals – Cold Roses 5. Songs: Ohia – The Magnolia Electric Co. 6. Magnolia Electric Co. – Nashville Moon 7. Wilco – A Ghost Is Born 8. Bright Eyes – I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning 9. Sufjan Stevens – Illinois 10. Radiohead – Kid A Honorable mentions: Ryan Adams & The Cardinals – Jacksonville City Nights Andrew Bird – Armchair Apocrypha Frank Black & The Catholics – Show
  22. I'd take anything off of Nashville Skyline... especially "Tonight, I'll Be Staying Here With You".
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