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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I was being sarcastic! Hence the monkey.
  2. Basically, Glenn's drumming has become really sloppy. There's been rumours for months.
  3. I think the Habs winning, is obviously partly because of the team stepping it up but it undoubtatly speaks to how weak the Eastern conference is. It'll be interesting to see how whoever comes out of the east does against SJ or Chi.
  4. As a Canadian I can say Crosby is the most popular player. I think earlier on in his career he got labeled a "cry-baby" by some fans but that was only a small backlash by serious hockey fans. He's silenced a lot of the critics by winning the cup and of course the gold medal winning goal. He could have run for Prime Minister after that goal. Disappointed in Boston... how do you blow a 3-0 series lead AND a 3-0 lead in game 7. That's fucking crazy. It was almost like they didn't want to win. A Habs vs Bruins eastern final would have been epic... maybe next year.
  5. This might just be the craziest fucking thing I've ever seen.
  6. Agreed... Bieksa had a good season three years ago... and a few good games every now and then but he needs to go. Honestly, he looks like a third line winger to me... which is disappointing because there was a time when he looked like he could have been a top-pairing d-man. Canucks need a new captain... either Henrik or Kesler, Luongo is a great player, a great team guy, but that series made it obvious that a goalie can't be a captain. Some new fourth liners would help too. And a big mix up on defense. Acquiring Ehrhoff was a great step, now we just need to do that a few more times. I hope th
  7. You guys have said that a few times but I really think you should go back and re-watch some of the season 3 master pieces like "How Did Jack Get His Tattoos?" and "The Ballad of Paolo and Nikki", the compare it to Across The Sea.
  8. Shaving off almost a months worth of playoff beard is hard, even if the beard wasn't that impressive.
  9. I thought it was a good episode... those characters deserved an episode just for themselves. The kid that played Jacob looked eerily like him, almost creepy. Glad the skeletons are revealed... though did we really need that flashback from season 1? Wait, I'm confused... is Jacob's brother nameless? Like Led Zeppelin IV? Or have we just not been told his name, still??
  10. I don't live in Vancouver. I also don't smoke pot. So maybe I'm just crazy!
  11. See, I think you guys are proving my point. Bandwagon or not, the fanbase is new, and even though the team has stunk for years, the fans haven't been suffering with the team. The fans haven't payed their due yet. But that's ok! They might not even get out of the second round, never mind to the cup final, so it's a moot point for now!
  12. Well, I will not be taking any road trips with you then, sir! Regardless of your fondness of Wilco and hockey. Anyways... Roberto is back!!! You'd have to imagine they can win Tuesday at home.... hmm....
  13. Doesn't Pat have a 12-string Tele? I thought I saw a picture at one point......
  14. Once I got stuck in an all day car ride with my sister and she played both discs of the Tragically Hip best-of-comp. It is top-5 in the worst days of my life.
  15. TCP

    I'll Fight

    It's a good one!
  16. I demand a second option! Not that I'd ever listen to them but they're one of the few bands, Canadian or not, to actually acknowledge that there's other places to play in Canada then Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto, and Montreal. For that, I will always have a little bit of respect for them......... even though Chad Krueger is a total d-bag and the band makes horrible music.
  17. I want to know who the skeletons are, in the caves. Also: was MiB ever Vincent?
  18. I'm not saying fire the owner, if that was possible. I'm saying that finishing dead last for so long wouldn't be acceptable in a market where hockey is king. That's what makes it unfair. Some markets can tank it and get by, others can't. You can't say hockey is king in Chicago, there's four other teams in that city that are ahead of the Hawks. Look at Toronto and how desperate they were to rebuild that team quickly, though it did backfire. They've been a middle of the pack team for years now. Unfortunately the one time they did finish at the bottom, they traded away their picks.... regardless!
  19. I know the owner for the Blackhawks was terrible but that'd never fly in Vancouver. Maybe in the 70s but not today. The way I see it, in Chicago the Hawks are the fifth most important team. You guys have TWO baseball teams, NFL, and NBA teams. In BC, we have the Canucks. They tried giving us an NBA team but no one cared (well, and the NBA royally fucked up that situation...). We'll watch the Lions in the summer but even then, if you listen to sports talk radio, it's still 75% Canucks, even in August. I know the Canucks did suck for a long time, but the fan base hadn't been grown yet (in 1970,
  20. That's a pretty good theory. I guess they can't really go back to the "real world" after crashing on the island once, lying about it, becoming the Oceanic Six, and then all of them going missing again. Especially if they return with someone like Sawyer who is suppose to be dead.
  21. I have to vent. The Blackhawks represent everything that is wrong in the NHL these days. Teams like Vancouver, Calgary, Detroit, New York Rangers, etc have fan bases that demand accountability. They're expected to be competitive every single year. These teams can't take a few seasons of being lame-duck franchises at the bottom of the standings, the fans would riot, the media would be up in arms. However, teams with markets that either... A] don't care about hockey B] care about hockey a little bit but also have baseball, football, and basketball teams ...are able to tank for multiple year
  22. I just wish Fender and Gibson would start making some interesting instruments (that aren't "digital"... I'm looking at you, Dusk Tiger). Steel guitar seems to be fairly popular but neither of them wants to step up to the bat, except for Fender for about 3 months a few years ago. Just give me something interesting!
  23. You guys know that I'm a huge Canucks homer. But... Fuck you, Luongo. :realmad :realmad :realmad :realmad :realmad :realmad :realmad Well at least I can look forward to shaving this beard.
  24. What about Lapidus?!
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