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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I've been on this message board for years... and I've never spammed anything of mine, not once! But tomorrow (Thursday) is my final radio show. I've been doing a radio show at the University of Northern BC for the past year or so... But they're kicking me off cause I can't do it enough (working two jobs is tough). So if you would like to listen tomorrow at 1 pm and again at 9 pm, you may! I play some Wilco, Elliott Smith, Bob Dylan, The Band, Beck, etc... also I talk hockey and "David Lee Roth" guest hosts! Plus you can all find out my REAL name !! It's called "Still Feel Gone" after this albu
  2. Who knows with all this time traveling! Maybe some characters will come back... like Charlie and Eko!
  3. Wow that's almost the entire population of the city I live in
  4. Oops I brain fart meant Lapidus! I think Walt is in New York?
  5. What about Faraday.. does he have to go back? What about Walt? Now that we're in the future (or umm... present? well.. I guess it's 2008 so its the past.. again) Walt should be able to make a full time return, yes?
  6. Thank you sir, thank you.
  7. Besides municipal politics, no one I have ever voted for has been elected
  8. There's a little scrolling bar at the bottom of my screen with messages people have written in and they're all "this is the best thing to ever happen in history". I want to write in and be like "come on now, this is a special moment, yes, but he's hasn't done anything yet!". Yellow can mellow! Brown can stick around. The red man can get ahead man.
  9. Holy expectations! I hope he can live up to what the Americans are expecting from him.
  11. They're a pretty good band. From Canada so you know they know how to folk.
  12. If I was that pilot, when the plane started going down my first thought would have been "oh man, if I live, I hope I get to go on Letterman".
  13. The opening track was very good, it was all down hill from there.
  14. I was kidding before. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, Revolver, and Blonde on Blonde for the win. The Creek Drank the Cradle was up there for me too.
  15. For me it was: Bob Dylan - Down in the Groove Radiohead - Pablo Honey Neil Young - Broken Arrow
  16. Watching Mats Sundin play with the Vancouver Canucks is a really cool/weird sight.
  17. Yeah, in Canada most hockey games are on Rogers Sportsnet which has an East, West, Pacific, and Ontario stations, but if I want to watch an Oiler game on Rogers Sportsnet West, being in BC, I get blacked out. I don't know why I can watch Hawk games, maybe because Chicago is so far away..? Maybe I'm not suppose to get them, in which case, I will stop mentioning it on the internet!
  18. It's called WGN, I never really watch it unless there's a Blackhawks game on and I have nothing to do.
  19. That's fucking stupid, I live in Prince George, British Columbia, and I get a local Chicago station and can watch Blackhawk games. The buzz is that they're working out a deal with ESPN... we'll see I guess. Do your guys local teams do pay per views? http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/2009/01/07/ruutu_nhl/ Laugh Out Loud! I was totally joking, just so you know!
  20. I'm jealous! But Canada winning gold for 5 straight years fixes all. NBC's coverage of the NHL has always been pathetic at best. The NHL needs to get back on ESPN.
  21. How about My Humps, My Lovely Lady Lumps, Check It Out.
  22. I suppose.... EDIT: Oh wait no I totally hear it now!
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