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Dr. Steve Brule

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Everything posted by Dr. Steve Brule

  1. i'm not sad, it's not really something that's going to translate to the "Nakamichi CM700/CP701's > Sound Devices MP-2 > blah blah ADC-20(@48kHz) > D8; Sony DTC-60ES > (coax) M-Audio FireWire410 > SoundForge 8.0 (Normalized, fades, resampled 48>44.1kHz) > CDwav 1.71 (tracked) > FLAC (Level 8)" crowd anyways.
  2. she still has the hairdo! I wonder if Fred still has the power glove.
  3. Yeah, I think he's usually better live than on record.
  4. yeah, we all don't even have to fly or anything to see each other!
  5. Bobby Conn is one Chicago artist that really doesn't get a fair shake (though I think the Europeans love him). Some of the Detholz! guys are his backing band, so they're opening for him on this tour. If you love glam rock, dancing, guys in makeup, and just general awesomeness please try to check out one of these shows: Wed. 2/21 B Sides at Messiah College One College Avenue Grantham, PA 17027 *DH! head East and begin by performing trust falls on the beautiful campus of Messiah College, a school that definitely puts the "ahh" in "Messiah!" Thurs. 2/22 Trash Bar w/BOBBY CONN 256 Grand Street
  6. yes, I will post the video on youtube when we return from hotdougs.
  7. Lou, I think you were wearing overalls at the Two Cow show a few weeks ago? Thanks for the bump. Yes, the party is Friday, 10 pm is just a guideline, the Zaireeka dinner eating will start early.
  8. + works pretty good for me. I also recommend immediately discarding the cheapo paper sleeves with the hole in the center and getting either the ones lined with plastic or the fancy static free ones.
  9. I dunno. I know a few long time fans who are not real thrilled with it, myself included.
  10. I'm actually waiting for the release date. Though maybe longer since word is the vinyl is delayed. By the time I get it though, nobody will be talking about it, so I'll go ahead and say "yeah, it's pretty awesome, especially the third song!!"
  11. The new album sounds nothing like this. I seem to be in the minority of not liking it though.
  12. Yep! A full size acoustic would hardly fit inside a blazer!
  13. That's it, he leaves and the girl plays a song on her hammered dulcimer.
  14. Phone Went West O is the One That Is Real One Big Holiday
  15. Thanks for the review and setlist! Looking forward to the show here tomorrow!
  16. 3399 6206 0960 9445 is my code. I'll add everyone who posts here... or pm me yrs if yr worried about scary people. I have Trauma Center, Monkey Ball, Zelda, Excite Truck, Wario, Elebits... I try to play a nice balance of everything, though I am stuck in one place on Trauma Center and really annoyed. Wario Ware is awesome. I had the GBA version which was similar, you had to turn the whole GBA around and stuff. Everyone who loves there Wii's should also consider a DS. The online play is pretty cool for it, even with those annoying friend codes. We could organize a game nite for that.
  17. I will be there tomorrow night. I'm not worried about it selling out, though buying in advance is $8 as opposed to $10 at the door, but factor in the service charge and I bet you will break even.
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