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Dr. Steve Brule

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Everything posted by Dr. Steve Brule

  1. that headline is the section divider for our YLT section. oddly enough, none of our staff are fans.
  2. Wow, that was something. I was talking with my friend and out of the corner of my eye i see this skinny man in black walking to the stage with a soft guitar case. The house music was still on but as soon as people saw him they stopped chatting. I have never been in the Empty Bottle in such silence. People started clapping as he took his guitar out of the case. He was accompanied by John McEntire on drums and a guy on bass that I didn't recognize. At first McEntire's drumming was annoying me, I thought it took away from Jandek's playing, but over the course of the nearly 90 minute set I was
  3. He is first, according to the bottle playing 2 hours, but Rhys Chatham is a guitar genius not to be missed! I love TGGTM, it's like avant animation.
  4. It ruined "Say You Miss Me" for me though, I get really sad whenever I hear it now. On a lighter note, listen for the scream in "Pieholden Suite" right before the last change.
  5. Jason Molina writes songs about wolves, moons, the darkness and they are awesome. That is what I know. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=24351
  6. Anyone else going? The Empty Bottle's Website promises a TWO HOUR SET.
  7. The sound is NEVER what is should be when you're standing front and center. I moved around a little bit and even a few rows back it was much better. Go stand back by Stan and you'll hear it right.
  8. Yeah, that was the best moment for me tonight, with Can't Keep From Talking a close second.
  9. They don't usually reair the same episode the same nite, it's like a few weeks later. I'd bet it'll be on you tube though, and can't you buy Conan episodes from iTunes? Back to the album, I freakin' love it, and think Dawn's vocals are beautiful.
  10. that's not what I heard from the people at the show here at Metro a couple weeks ago. I think Kristina nearly got in a fist fight with some chatters. It's one of the reasons I didn't go, a HORRIBLE room for him to play.
  11. ...aaaaand I may be going to Charlotte. It means missing Jandek and Rhys Chatham here though.
  12. No, but they will have Adam Fitz playing guitar with them on this tour!!!!!!
  13. I guess since they did it all in house, on their label, it was easier to keep under wraps. I think a promo or 2 are out there though...
  14. I just picked up Harvest Moon DS and asked if they were reserving Wiis yet. They didn't have a SKU for the console but talked me in to reserving a game (I did Zelda) and assured me they would call me when I could reserve the console. As for ROMs I've never really had much luck with them. I do however still have an NES that works pretty good. I will be happy to get the virtual console games on the Wii. They have Opera for DS available in Japan already, and it's supposed to come out in US. I may get it because it would be pretty handy to get online with a DS and WiFi.
  15. sadly though, this is yet another release where they are going to shoot themselves in the foot with releasing it in Canada before the US. All the hardcore fans will order it from Canada, and when it is FINALLY released in the US it won't sell. I thought with Koch they were finally gonna get this worked out, but it doesn't look like it.
  16. it's not officially out yet, I've been listening to the promo.
  17. Yeah, add to that the albums never quite matching up to the live shows or coming close to what you think they are going to be... I guess that's why we love them!
  18. that's always been the norm with them. When songs: ohia played in Chicago a few months after the MECo record came out (one of the only shows with Jenny Benford) they played NOTHING from that album. They played mostly WCATB stuff. They were going in the studio that week to record it. I was a little annoyed at the time, but now listening to that show I realize how great it was. It's not mentioned on here, but Howe Gelb played guitar on "I Saw the Light".
  19. Two of my favorite local bands who just put out new albums on Secretly Canadian are touring together. Both put on wonderful live shows, and I really wish I could see them together. I guess I can try to convince other people to check them out though. Don't miss them if you like to ROCK!!! If you do go, please let me (or this thread) know how it was. 9/19 - Washington, DC - Black Cat 9/20 - Richmond, VA - Gallery Five 9/21 - Charlotte, NC - Tremont Music Hall, Casbah Room 9/22 - Atlanta, GA - The Earl 9/23 - Athens, GA - 40 Watt Club 9/24 - Chattanooga, TN - Rhythm & Brews 9/25 - Nashville
  20. Wow, if I go to this show I will have seen them at Schubas, Metro, The Vic, Petrillo and the Riv. Just need to sneak the Hideout in there.
  21. yeah, his stuff really doesn't leak. I'd recommend Fingerlings 1 & 2 though, and 3 which is on the way. There are a lot of live shows on archive.org and it's interesting to hear earlier versions of songs.
  22. You must not miss it. The new BBJ album is FUCKING AWESOME too. His first two were growers, but on first listen to the new one I was like "DAMN!!"
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