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pillowy star

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Everything posted by pillowy star

  1. My parents chose a gravestone today, which was the last of many hard & almost unbearable things for them, and they asked me to scan the latest picture of Boris to print it out for them and put it into a frame, so I take this opportunity to post the picture, as I think I said somewhere I would. This picture apparently was taken just a few days before he died; apparently he wanted to use it to try and get back into a proper job, i.e. for his applications.
  2. My Grandparents died on December 17th and 18th, 1994. My Grandmother outlived her husband of 56 years only for about 30 hours. We had a double funeral 3 days before Christmas. As much as it hurt, I still think it was the best thing to happen for both of them, as they weren't able to cope without one another. I can honestly say that it was mostly them who brought me up, and taught me what is right and what is wrong. I am still trying to follow their example. RIP Gertrud and Vinzenz Hoffstaette.
  3. My Dad was able to talk about Boris' death today for the first time totally reasonably. I take that as a good sign. Thanks everyone, you have an amazing ability to make difficult times a bit easier
  4. What Donna said. I am sure you were the best thing that happened to Brad in his life, Kate
  5. Sorry I missed this yesterday, Lou. Happy Belated Birthday to one of the nicest people I have ever met, hope to see you again someday some morning, sometime.
  6. I'm going to my parents in a minute and might find a picture too which I can post. Jay, thanks for your messages, and also for this thread.
  7. Thanks everyone, you have no idea how much reading your messages helps. When the time is there, I am gonna print this thread and give it to my parents to read. Life just feels strange at the moment. As if nothing is happening for real, like being in some strange movie.
  8. God Kate, I am so very sorry for Emily's loss. Seems our two daughters are in a similar situation, i.e. my Ex has also always been struggling with alcohol (which made me leave him in the end, although I loved him dearly, and he is just like your Ex a nice person otherwise), and my fears of Tara losing her Dad to this addiction didn't quite get better with my brother's dead and now Em's Dad's I know that you 3 will make it through, because you are amongst the most loving & caring people I ever had the luck to meet. Stay strong, and be there for Emily. I know you will.
  9. He died on April 11th with 38 years, and basically his heart failed due to him being an alcoholic for the past 20 years. The most painful and unbelievable thing - apart from seeing my parents suffer so much that I will never get those pictures out of my head, no matter how long it takes - is that Boris could have had a happy fulfilled life, being a highly intelligent, talented human being who had a master degree in physics and programmed industrial robots until a few years ago. Life sucks so bad, I really don't know why I still bother. Please, if you can spare a few prayers for my family
  10. Thank God I never ever EVER!! listen to any radio station. Probably because all German radio stations are total crap to begin with, but even more because I kinda like to choose the music I listen to myself I hope for all people in the States/Canada that James are indeed gonna tour - but seeing as they don't even have real European dates other than some strange festivals in Portugal, I doubt it My husband and I decided last night though that we are gonna skip one of the two REM gigs we had planned to go to this summer, and will go to the UK in December to see James instead We can have a dr
  11. A mixture of cherry juice & fizzy water just came out of my nose after reading your post.
  12. I'm waiting for it to arrive from Amazon.uk the minute as we speak. I don't think I have been more excited about any other record. Ever. I mean this is the new JAMES we're talking about. I only got into them at the beginning of this century when they had just split up, and one of my favorite sentences always used to be "I could die happy if I ever got the chance to see James". I guess that is really quite likely to happen now (that I will die happy one day, not that I am going to die right now )
  13. Happy Birthday 30 is probably the best age to reach
  14. Happy Birthday, life just really starts now
  15. Going to Egypt & Jordan next week Coming back and hopefully seeing this f*cking snow being gone for good Packing up stuff for moving to Bavaria Moving to Bavaria this summer Spending the rest of 2008 & my life with the only person who ever showed me what love is Hosting the very first European living room show someday *hint hint*
  16. Missus is home since Friday late morning, spent the weekend at her boyfriend's and will be recovering at home this week. However, she already insists she "needs to go to school on Friday no matter what", as that is her bf's last school day ever : Thank you everyone, you've managed to keep my spirits up no end.
  17. Thanks again everyone, it was such a help to read through all your nice messages! They're gonna do another xray this morning to make sure the facial bones are still in place and healing, and if that is the case, then she can come home this weekend
  18. Thanks all for the kind wishes, they're much appreciated. My life right now is an endless unsuccessful attempt to do the splits between hospital, office #1 at home, office #2 at parents, household #1 in Brilon, household #2 in Bavaria & even trying to have some spare hours with my husband........but I am counting myself lucky for still being able to at least try, because that means I still got my daughter Here is a picture of the car, it was all over the newspapers, and nobody who saw it could believe that anyone could've made it outta there alive, especially not without airbag You can
  19. On a side note: The worst idea ever about this board was that users can change their names to their heart's content. I don't even know who is who anymore, how the hell am I supposed to know who Jeff Tweedy is and under which alias he posts ?
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