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pillowy star

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Everything posted by pillowy star

  1. Have a great day and a fantastic year
  2. If there was any chance of getting tickets, Rob & I would very seriously book flights to Chicago.
  3. Don't worry too much. I had the same thing going on, was on Partusisten for 4 weeks solid until I decided it's enough, and that the baby should come if it really wanted to. It waited another 3 weeks without problems just with loads of contractions, and she's now the healthiest 5'9 young lady you can imagine. Never had any problems during childhood either. Good luck
  4. Kevin, whenever I talk with my husband about the kind people from VC who I was lucky enough to meet in 2004, and who I want him to meet so badly as well, you're one of the first ones I mention. We all have worries, mishaps, failures, stress and things in our offline lives that sometimes consume an awful lot of time and energy, and don't leave us enough time for online as well as offline friends & acquaintances. Or we waste the little limited time on the wrong people (which I have repeatedly done in the past). I am sure everyone here like me appreciates you for everything you have been he
  5. I hope they didn't open it at the customs, and I'm getting jailed for poisoning the US with German coffee
  6. I'm getting a bit worried if my parcel has actually reached its recipient
  7. Egypt & coming back was shattered & totally ruined by my brother's death & funeral and the time afterwards (which will go on for the rest of our lifetime), so still no recreation/relaxation here at all. Still, I'm looking forward to the same things that will be finished in exactly 11 days, aka packing up & moving to Bavaria for good. About the European living room show, I still didn't get a date yet , but for now I'll gladly take Mallorca and mix it with a week of - hopefully - real holidays.
  8. AWWWWWW!!!! I want him!!! OMG sometimes the luck really comes to people who deserve it!!
  9. First time I heard/saw Wilco was at the REM gig in Munich in July 1999 where they were supporting. I thought they were dreadful
  10. Next time I come to Chicago, it will of course be with my husband, and it will be a first for him. Can we hire you again as a tourguide, Lou ? I still have the PM you sent me 4 years ago before my first trip, it's a treasure to hold forever
  11. Damn. Even when I'm really busy, I should take more time to make sure I don't miss an important birthday Happy Belated Birthday, Eric. Wishing you all the happiness in the world
  12. I totally agree with your assumptions, although I am hoping for Turkey because they were the only team that really made an effort to win so far. About Romania-Holland - it's all about money meanwhile. Romania is a poor country with basically no merchandise market because the people simply haven't got the money to buy trikots, flags, balls etc, whilst Italy & France are two of the biggest merchandise markets. For Italy (as well as for France in case they had won it) probably means hundreds of millions in the long run if they stay in the tournament - and it was so obvious that the Romanian
  13. Sorry but I fear that's not gonna happen Seeing as Holland is already through, they would be silly not to send their B-Team out tonight & not risk their A-team being insured in an obsolete match, and give Romania the chance to win . Like Portugal did too, and Switzerland won 2:0. Hup Holland Hup!!
  14. Seriously - how much boring and bland tunes can you write during one single year?!
  15. Bloody Hell. Major vibes to everyone who's dealing with the flood and other challenges these days
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