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pillowy star

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Everything posted by pillowy star

  1. Hmmmm.......Mallorca......sun, summer, sangria, my birthday week, cheap flights 120 x per day............
  2. We're indeed hoping that the guys are not coming to the UK/Ireland only for that festival, and trying to keep the first week of September free. I just hope they announce something SOON, because air fares will be unpayable in a minute.
  3. Congratulations from another oldie (both in board membership & in age - oh and also in Motherhood !)!
  4. I throw out all meat products latest on the expiration date, whilst I still use all milk products at least one week after they've expired. Food poisoning is non-existent in our household so far.
  5. Wow. I definitely live in the wrong part of the world I'll be there in spirit no doubt, Martin
  6. You both looked absolutely stunning! Congratulations again, and have a great honeymoon
  7. I'm fine with whatever is being decided, as long as I can participate
  8. Awesome Hubby and I are planning to move into a bigger place next spring/early summer, and we are definitely going for something with at least a tiny gardening opportunity. He is quite experienced in growing veggies from his childhood, I am so NOT, but I am really eager to learn and do this.
  9. All the best, Craig. Getting married to my beautiful husband was the best decision of my life - apart from becoming a mum - and fills it with joyous wonder every single day.
  10. Is this a bad joke ? If it is true - please come back soon, Peter. You're one of the really irreplaceable pillars on here.
  11. I just thought the person I will be partner-ed to might mind the higher postage ? I'll PM you my details anyway , would love to participate!
  12. I hesitated to start this book, as I usually have my problems with books that voluminous - but I am glad I listened to everyone who recommended it to me. It is awesome. Thrilling, innovative, frightening.
  13. I guess there is no way that I can apply, being from Germany, right ?
  14. Have the happiest of birthdays, Mart. We still can't thank you enough for what you did for our wedding; it's still on regular play in our house
  15. Have a fantastic day, Kevin. You'll always be one of my very favorite people on VC
  16. I've had two of those. One in 1990 for the cesarian section (spinal anesthesia), and it was the most painful event in my whole life. I scratched the anesthetist's assistant's - who was holding my hand - hand bloody out of sheer pain, not even being in labour for almost 18 hours was anything compared to this. Never ever ever would I do this again. A few years later I had the first of many bad lumbagos, and got an epidural injection to ease the pain, and this was actually ok and helped a lot. They did it underneath an xray monitor, so they were probably able to observe the needle a bit better.
  17. Yep, we're gonna see them in Berlin, mainly because of The Editors supporting.
  18. If the question is only about songwriters, well then they are probably about the same level (although I personally prefer Jeff by a lightyear). But if you ask about the whole package (voice, stage performance, music), then it's Jeff by 100000000000000000000......lightyears. The German Rollingstone magazine wrote in an article from 2002 "Jeff Tweedy writes songs at least as good as Bob Dylan's, he reminds of Bob Dylan on stage in his old wollen jumper, not talking a lot to the audience [some other stuff which I can't remember] so it's fair to say that he's Dylan's legal successor - just tha
  19. The flea market Brianne mentioned stretches all the way along the "Strasse des 17. Juni", passing the "Gold-Else" (victory column), and is indeed a MUST. I still have stuff from there, and I found about a suitcase full of REM vinyl when I visited in 2002 for a few Euro.
  20. I lived in Berlin from 1988 to 1990 and was actually at the Brandenburg Gate the night the wall fell. There is a song that goes "I still have a suitcase in Berlin", which means no matter how far & long time away you are, you always come back. Definitely go and see the "musts" like Checkpoint Charlie with the attached GDR Museum, the Holocaust Monument is pretty impressive too. I agree with Brianne about the Reichstag and the whole government quarter including the "Kanzleramt" which looks like a washmashine and therefore is called just that Of course the Brandenburg Gate, walk slowly
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