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pillowy star

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Everything posted by pillowy star

  1. He rests his head on me. Does that make me even more suspicious ?
  2. This has to be the best statement I have ever read. It sums up in short, eloquent, poignant words what I experienced at the end of last/beginning of this year. I think the most important thing about this is that, once you've realized the a.m. automatism, you can get out of it a lot easier. Thank you Jeff, for putting into very few words what Psychologists need hours of sessions for, and most of all for not hesitating to share those words with us.
  3. It never stops hurting. Absolutely never. On Tuesday, my parents & I were in my hometown to visit my auntie. We drove along a main road (I hadn't been there in ages, probably 10 or more years, so I didn't really notice until we were close), and I suddenly said to my Dad "Turn left!", tears streaming down my face, before I realized that that was the road my grandparents had lived in before they died short before Christmas 1994. That makes it almost 14 years, and it still affects me like that.
  4. Wow. That is awesome, A. Miller. How people can be so gifted that they just sit down and write a song within a few hours will forever be beyond me. Thanks for sharing your gift with us
  5. Hope to see you this year and have some good drinks with you, dear Marijn
  6. I can't believe this. She was on here like.......maybe 2 weeks ago?! Nat was one of the first people to make me feel welcome here, as a European who hadn't even see a proper Wilco show when I came on here, and we always kind of laughed about the same things, and I can't count the occasions when I read a post of hers and thought "yes, that is exactly how it is". She was so warm, funny, friendly, welcoming and kind-hearted.......this world is gonna be a much colder place without her. Via Chicago at any rate. What can I say. I can't believe it. HUGS to everyone who is personally struck by
  7. Wow. That is exactly what I feel about the album too, but couldn't put precisely into words. I love Everybody Hurts, Nightswimming is my favorite song ever, and Find The River is amazing lyrically - but the rest is kinda mediocre on its own. IMHO.
  8. Seems I am the only one here who is getting too old for understanding the whole half-birthday stuff
  9. I've seen one of the Dublin shows live, but was a bit underwhelmed by the new stuff to be honest. The only song that stood out for me back then was "Mr. Richards". But I am still holding my judgement until I can hear the entire new record. I am not listening to any of the pre-pre-pre-releases, as they still only give a somewhat disturbed picture, whilst I want the whole picture to be able to judge properly and fair. I'd wish for a new "UP", as that IMHO is their most underrated record ever, but then I would also be glad about something like NAIHF. I think all of their records had their un
  10. I knew that there was something like a "shared half-birthday" spinning in my head, but Donna keeps confusing me with all those "either bows or ribbons" type of statements Hope you had a good one, Brennan, Tara's just got her first car too, but before she'll be able to drive it, she will have to pass the year at school. No High-School Exams, no driving license.
  11. So you'll finally be allowed to have some serious booze in the US, right (Donna, you didn't read this! !) Have a great day, sweetie, hope to see you soon again!
  12. I second everything Marijn said. Hugs to you Edie from someone who thinks that Grandparents are often much more important than parents.
  13. A very Merry Christmas to Donnakins and the Wilcos and everyone else
  14. I've lost both my grandparents within 30 hours 3 days before xmas 94, so I know your grief >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>all spare vibes go over to EDIE & family
  15. Really, don't worry about getting old. It's gonna happen anyway Thanks for being the head behind this crazy machine
  16. Especially since I live about 15 mins away from Warstein, and 5 mins to Krombach from our 2nd residency, and Bitburg isn't too far either I'll go in the corner. Now this looks what I would call a great brew
  17. No. Mine (check my screen name )
  18. I'm from Germany, so I am free to blaspheme (is that even a word?!) There we go
  19. Wow. This is so cool. It doesn't make sense for me/us to fly in just for one night (we would've wanted to go to all shows), but it makes me smile that there are still people out there so generous and kind. Merry Christmas to you
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