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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. Yeah, I'm expecting a Phil Niekro/Hank Aaron announcement on Thursday.
  2. Apparently, Griffey & Glavine to Braves is done. Official announcements will be tomorrow because of A-Rod's press conference today. Don't want to share the limelight.
  3. A-Man, what are your hours for live tech support?
  4. This looks similar. It is a 1926 00-18. I saw it on sale online for $6450. I wish I could afford that right now.
  5. Some of that is creepy, like the Peter Pan golf cart.
  6. Robtots, now Chimps? Fucking PANTHER was right.
  7. Loose Fur - Loose Fur It's call Laminated Cat
  8. I noticed on the Classic Center's website that The Etiquette & Leadership Institute is having a seminar during the day there. I might show up early so that I can learn how to shake hands.
  9. Do you have Sonic Youth's Rather Ripped? It's not on your least but I'm so glad I've been revisiting this. Other than that, I only have 2 & 6 on your list. Blood Bank is only a few songs, so get #6 or both!
  10. Are they FLAC's? Maybe you were able to play them with WinAmp or something similar. You will need to convert them to wav's (and maybe mp3's; I don't use iTunes) using FLAC Frontend. Google it, it will come right up. Free download.
  11. David O'Brien has some Braves live blogging this week. Today he had Kelly Johnson and Matt Diaz. Thought this was a pretty funny answer from Matt Diaz about Derek Lowe's number:
  12. This is way better than the CD version I had before. Great with headphones. This will be at the top of my playlist for a while.
  13. Is this the same one from the Newport DVD? That is a good version.
  14. Definitely. It doesn't make sense when someone receives disability checks and is unable to work but is somehow able to have 14 kids and needs hospital bills and i'm sure future expenses paid for by the state. At the very least disability checks should not be able to be used for fertility treatments just like I think food stamps should not be used for candy. (Sidenote: I once saw a guy pay for his groceries with cash and then used food stamps to pay for the largest amount of Pepsi and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups I've seen in once place. Disgusting.)
  15. http://www.theartistsden.com/episodes/holdsteady.shtml
  16. The album isn't done yet so...
  17. I'm okay with her site. If you donate, that's your choice. What I have a problem with is taxpayer money going to her and that this children are essentially abused from birth. What about the children?
  18. Braves and Marlins below the Nationals? Is Dunn that good? Florida is a really good team and the Braves are vastly improved from last year (they actually have pitchers that can stay on the active roster) and arguably better than the Mets. Hard division to pick. I would say any team in the NL East beside the Nats has a chance to at least get the wild card.
  19. Mark Ibold, Matador, and a song for Gregory Corso? I'm in.
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