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Everything posted by mfwahl

  1. I'll bet Nats. I'm waiting for closure on this Furcal thing, but that will be over a lot sooner than any Tex deal.
  2. Congrats! I agree. While this sounds exciting, I don't know if I could deal with that anymore. Plus last time I went to Bonnaroo tickets were a little over a hundred. This year they're in the $250 range. Hopefully one of their tour stops will be close enough for me (and I'll be able to get tickets).
  3. mfwahl


    I wish the emoticons were still in there. Axl uses emoticons....
  4. I don't remember many good bands playing Valentines when I lived in Albany (Delta Spirit is playing Valentine's). Come to Florida!!!!
  5. Rolling Stone is reporting Phish and possibly the Boss as headliners of Bonnaroo 2009. http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/inde...009-sources-say
  6. I agree with this, but the writing is still great. What I'm guessing is when they wrote the first two seasons they didn't know if they would be back so the finales were pretty mindblowing. And this season ended like it was just a set up for the next.
  7. Rolling Stone has Dylan's as No. 2. It'll be on my official list somewhere when I get it together this week. Reissue or not, it's one of the best of the year.
  8. This is worth rewatching. Dave Letterman is awesome in this: "What d'you got goin' on there. How 'bout that." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRnoh86FD2A
  9. I didn't read the article but this is not what I thought you meant. It is certainly lame if he is letting himself get torn down by critics. But a certain degree of dismissal and loathing of your previous work seems pretty natural and healthy if you want to create new work. Things like that have been said by Miles, Dylan, Lennon, and probably the majority of true artists.
  10. mfwahl


    I admit I like this part here.
  11. That is an amazing scene with an amazing version of an amazing song.
  12. She is seriously hard. And if you need a temporary/permanent replacement, I've been working on my finger tapping and hair gel skills. PM me. Thanks!
  13. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/22/arts/mus...amp;oref=slogin
  14. Me too. They were on Conan that around that time, too. Then I went and bought every record I could find of theirs
  15. I just want to say that I'm OK with Jackson leaving the Rays.
  16. These days, if a show isn't on a Friday or Saturday, I usually take the next day off. That way I can be excited when the band comes out for their 2nd encore instead of looking at my watch.
  17. that sounds like a low outcome situation
  18. Thanks! I knew that was around here somewhere.
  19. This article is about his favorite live albums: http://www.harpmagazine.com/articles/detai...article_id=3717
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